1.2 - i cant believe i let you take my virginity

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chapter twelve

"What do you want? I could've bet my next paycheck that you hated my guts because of what's going on with Niall and I." Hunter said to Zayn as he followed him into the supply closet where he was restocking on pamphlets.

"What exactly is that ?"

"We're dating, he's pretty much my boyfriend without the actual title." Hunter clarified.

"So you think I'm mad at you because you're dating Niall?" Zayn asked and Hunter nodded with a look on his face that said,'of course you are.'

"I'm not, I don't care about him or who he dates..it's just--." Zayn said cutting himself off with a sigh.

"It's just what?"

"Since the first day camp started I've always thought you were so gorgeous and I liked you you know? sometimes I don't know how to show it so I just freak out and say the first thing that comes to mind which is most likely something rude." Zayn said and Hunter laughed.

"I knew you'd laugh.." Zayn began to walk out the room and Hunter grabbed his wrist making him face him again which caused Zayn to smirk because his plan was going perfect so far.

"No, it's just I didn't think you'd have a crush on me when all we do is argue over Niall."

"Yeah..you thought I liked Niall but all I really wanted was you. I was just so jealous of you two." Zayn fibbed.

"Well you are pretty cute." Hunter declared.

"So does that mean.." Zayn trailed off and Hunter pulled him closer before placing a kiss which left a loud smack on his lips.

"If you really like me, then get show me." Hunter told him as he unbuckled the belt on his shorts and Zayn just laughed pulling his phone out his pocket.

"That's all I need.." he said stopping the recording.

"What the fućk, what are you doing?" Hunter exclaimed fastening his pants back up.

"Showing Niall that you're not the one for him and you don't give one fućk about his feelings."

"But you--and I--we didn't do anything and you tricked me."

"You would've though, that's the thing. I don't have to explain anything to you, I'm showing this to Niall." Zayn said walking out of the supply closet and opening the call application on his phone.

He tapped on Niall's contact and put the phone up to his ear.

"Hello ?"

"Babe, where are you?" Zayn asked him and Niall sighed.

"Stop calling me that, and I'm in our cabin organizing my class schedule for this September."

"I'll be there soon I have something to show you."


Zayn hung up and started his walk to Niall and his cabin. Many people attempted on having a conversation with him but he only had one thing on his mind and that was proving to Niall, Hunter isn't right for him.

"Zayn !" He heard Harry call from behind him as he was running and he sighed and slowed down his pace so that his boyfriend could catch up.

"You didn't text me goodmorning today, I was worried." Harry said .

"I'm sorry about that, I was busy and needed to leave my cabin." Zayn explained to him.


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