1.1- when im older and i have 1 million cats

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chapter eleven

Liam's POV

"Harry, you have to listen to me.. I can't go to sleep knowing that I've creeped you out or something, it'll crush me I just really need to know how you feel about me." I told him, I feel like crying but I won't because Harry's already crying and I know this is really overwhelming for him.

"What do you want from me Liam? You can't just basically tell me you love me infront of all those people..you know how I get, I get nervous and I don't like all the attention on me. I can't handle it like you can." He told me.

"I know, I just wanted to tell you in a way that would make you smile.. I thought it'd make you happy."

"Why would it make me happy? I have a boyfriend.. I can't love you back because that's wrong." He said, Zayn doesn't deserve Harrys heart I do because I'd take care of it and I actually know how to love someone as much as they love me if not more.

"Harry I know you feel the same way I do.. You just don't want to admit it." I grabbed onto his hand.

"No.." Was all he said, I know he's just trying to convince myself.

"Let me try something." I told him and he just stared at me blankly not really giving me a response at all.

I moved closed to him and I gripped his chin before pressing my lips to his. It's been a really long time..and the sparks still there, I know he feels it too.

"Liam I'm with Zayn." Was what he said to me when I pulled away.

"You have been so blind, I've been in love with you since we were younger..you don't understand how it made me feel the day we had sex I felt like it was finally a breakthrough, that you'd love me but the only thing you did was talk about Zayn afterwards. It hurts me so much knowing you'll probably never love me, but I had to say something so that when I'm older and I have 1 million cats I can still say I tried." I ranted and there went the waterworks.

"I'm sorry okay? Liam you're an amazing person and the best bestfriend ever, but I cannot feel the same way. Zayn is my boyfriend and he really cares about me."

"You're saying you can't feel the same way, but you're not saying you don't because you know you do Haz. You can't tell me that you haven't thought about us being together not once."

I really do sound obsessive but I don't care, I'll say or do whatever I have to in order to get Harry. Plus I was way past obsessive when I wrote down the day we had sex on my calendar.

"How would you feel if you were in this position? You expect me in one night to just dump my boyfriend and be with you?" He asked me, I know he's right..I'm coming at him too hard but it's just for my own headspace.

"I'm sorry; I just really--."

"Can you just be my bestfriend tonight? We can go to the cabin and watch movies like we always do, pretend this never happened."

"I can't do that, we won't even really watch the movie.. I'll be looking at you while you're texting Zayn as usual. I can't keep doing this to myself, so you're going to choose okay? it's me or Zayn." I told him.

"Liam you can't do that!" He shouted at me.


"Fine, I choose Zayn because he would never make me choose between you and him. Even when you two fought he still never told me to stop being friends with you, he's a good person..unlike you." He said and then he just walked away from me.

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