Chapter 22

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Author's note: Hey guys. This will be the last chapter :(. But thanks guys for everything. Thanks for coming along and reading it.Thanks for taking my first journey with me. You guys are AWESOME. And I know I'm still an amateur, but I'll work on that for the next story. Anyways her you go, the final chapter. REVIEW :)


Kat :D



     Days, months, and years passed, ignoring letters, texts, emails, and phone calls. Cathleen still didn't feel comfortable or ready to talk to him yet. For the first few days, all she had been receiving were letters, texts and emails. Then the next month, nothing. Even if she was upset with him, she was still happy that he still cared. As years went on, it's like Caleb was just a thing to her, but deep down inside she still loved him. 

     Cathleen started fresh. A new life, a new school, and new friends. She studied at a university, pursuing her dream job, becoming an architect. After 3 years, she graduated and was ready to look for a job. It was difficult looking for a place to work, but then she remembered her uncle. Cathleen's uncle offered her a job at his company. She was ready and felt like she was home. The people in the office made her feel so welcome.

"Hey! Cath, you ready for your presentation tomorrow?" Eric, her co-worker asked.

"Oh man, don't remind me. It took me forever to work on that project," Cathleen replied.

"Well how about this, Jess and I will take you out for coffee, our treat?" Eric asked.

"Hmm, that sounds nice. It'll be nice catching up with her," Cathleen said.

"Okay then." Eric smiled.


     The tall, more muscular male, walked through the airport, pulling around luggage. It was nice to be back. It had been so long for him, and he had missed his family. He couldn't wait to see them again.

"Caleb!" he could hear his mother yelling from afar.

     Caleb looked around, and when he saw her with a little girl, he smiled and ran towards them. He  embraced his mom tightly. He let her go and looked at her. She had a big smile and tears of joy. He hadn't noticed how tall he got, because now he was looking down at her.

"Oh my goodness! You've changed so much. But I'm glad you're back," his mom said.

"Me too," Caleb replied.

     He looked down at the little girl standing beside his mother and a huge grin appeared. He bent down and picked up the little girl.

"Hey Soph. You've gotten so big now, holy cow! You probably don't really know me, because the last time you saw me was when you were a baby. I'm your big brother," he said.

     Sophie smile and wrapped her arms around his neck. When Caleb put her down all she could do was talk about what he missed and school. Caleb's smile slowly disappeared. Out of everything she had said, the thing or someone he missed the most was Cathleen. It upset him not hearing from her, but he knew all faults were on him. His mom noticed and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's get going, and on the way home we'll stop and get some cocoa," his mom said.

     Sophie jumped for joy and grabbed Caleb's hand, trying to pull hum towards the exit. He laughed and followed her.


     In the small cafe, sat three friends enjoying some coffee, laughing and talking about their future and other things. Cathleen looked at the couple sitting right in front of her, smiling, remembering how good it felt to be with someone who cared so much about her. She looked down at her cup and slowly sipped the hot, sweet liquid.

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