Chapter 15

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Author's note:

Hey guys. Here's a new chapter for you. To let you know the story is soon coming to an end :( . But I might decide to add another chapter when I'm done posting the whole story. And dont worry there possibly might be a sequel to this. And yeah... hope you guys are enjoying the story.


Kat :D



     Cathleen tossed and turned in her bed. She couldn't get any shut eye that night. After seeing Caleb's face when she said no, made her feel horrible. It hurt her to say no, but what hurt her most is that she loved him. She turned and looked on the floor. There Caleb laid, peacefully sleeping. Cathleen sighed and got up from her bed.

"I wish you were here. I really miss you," Cathleen whispered, looking at a picture of her mother.

"I just have so much on my mind I need to let out. Mom, why does love have to be so complicated. I love him, I really do. But we promised. I broke his promise once, I can't break it again. What of something  bad happens, our friendship wouldn't be the same anymore, and that's what I fear. It was my fault that he hated me. I'm scared I'll do something that will hurt him and I'll loose him again. I don't think I'd be able to cope if I lost him. He's to important to me and you know that," Cathleen said softly while she walked back to her bed and leaned against the head board.

     Cathleen leaned to the side and took out a box from her nightstand. She set the picture of her mother down on the bed, and rummaged through the box. Looking through everything in the box made a smile grow on her face. The smile disappeared when she looked at Caleb again. She was surprised that he still decided to sleepover.


     Caleb stirred awake, from a dim light shining towards his eyes. He quietly and carefully looked up making sure he didn't wake up Cathleen. In surprise, she was awake. Caleb looked at the time, 3:25am, and wondered why she was awake this early. He slowly  sat up and looked up, squinting his eyes since he was still adjusting to the light.

"Hey, why are you up?" Caleb mumbled.

Cathleen looked at him and sighed."Why are you up?"

"You didn't answer my question," Caleb said.

"Fine. I couldn't sleep," Cathleen replied softly.

"Why, what's wrong?" Caleb asked, getting up from the floor to sit next to her.

     A box in Cathleen's lap caught his attention. He looked inside the box carefully and realized what it was. Inside, were all the letters they sent to each other when the other was gone, and old pictures of them. He smiled, thinking about all the memories, until he saw Cathleen's face. She was unhappy. Again. He wanted to know why she was so upset, even from last night.

"Nothing," she finally answered.

"You're lying. We both know that you are. Now please tell me, what's wrong?" Caleb begged.

     Cathleen stared at him dead in the eyes."Me. I'm what's wrong." Caleb didn't quite understand what she was trying to say. He looked at her with confusion in his eyes.

"I don't get it," Caleb said.

"It's my fault I didn't listen to you when I dated Mark. It's my fault that we pinky promised not to be with each other. It was my fault our friendship got ruined last year. And it's my fault that I hurt you last night. That's the reason why I can't sleep. I can't sleep knowing that I hurt you. I can't break another promise. And if I did break the promise and something bad happens in the future when we're dating, I can't blame you because I'm going to be responsible for breaking it. And... " Cathleen said, as tears slowly started to form in her eyes.

"Whoa. Calm down. Stop being so hard on yourself. All of that is in the past, and we have to forget about all of it. What really matters is right now and the future. What you decided last night was your decision, and I respect it. Even if it did hurt me, it doesn't really matter. And it's going to be as much as my responsibility as it is yours, because we both promised each other," Caleb said.

"It hurts me too. I want to be with you, and after everything you just said makes me want to be with you even more. I love you," Cathleen said softly.

Caleb sighed. "I love you too, but what you decided, is what you decided. Now please stop, I hate seeing you hurt." Caleb brought his hand to her face to wipe away the lone tear on her cheek with his thumb.

     She put her hand over his and leaned into his touch, feeling warmth and comfort. They couldn't take their eyes off each other. That moment was something important to them. Since all their feelings were out, a lot changed them. Their relationship became closer. They kept their eyes locked on each others, not wanting to miss anything in that moment. Slowly their eyes started to drift towards their lips. Soon, their faces were millimeters away from each other. They both glanced up before closing their eyes and their lips met in a short sweet kiss. Cathleen looked into Caleb's eyes and smiled when their lips parted.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," he whispered back.

"Can I ask you something?" Cathleen asked.

"Anything," Caleb replied.

"Are you willing to break the promise If I do?" she said looking into his brown eyes.

"That's only if you want me to." Caleb grinned.

     Cathleen wrapped her arms around him, not wanting to let go of him.

"So where does this leave us?" Caleb whispered in her ear.

"In a new life." 

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