Chapter 2

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Author's note:

I'm back lol i know that was quick but just a heads up iunno how often im going to be able to post other chapters, since i have a lot of cummulating performance tasks going on and with exams coming up. Chapter 3 and 4 are gunna be up possibly tomorrow. so yeah. just keep updated on the next chapters. tell me how the first chapter was. :) i'd really appriciate it thanks.

Kat :D



     Sweat streamed down the boy's face, as he ran down the black pavement going up for a perfect lay-up. He let the orange ball bounce on the rough surface, while he got his things off the grass and headed inside. Basketball is something he usually would do if he had too much things on his mind. He's been playing ever since he picked up a basketball. He walked up the stairs and stepped inside the dark house. Caleb walked down the hallway, and into his bedroom. Being lazy, he jumped onto his bed and turned off his lamp, falling fast asleep.

     The next day, he awoke from strange gurgling noises. He opened his eyes and wiped away the sleep in his eyes. He looked to the right of him and a smile stretched across his face to see his favorite girl.

"Morning Sophie" he cooed.

     The only response he got was a small giggle and gurgling noises. He reached out and picked up the little, delicate girl, kissing her forehead. He looked at the clock and it read, 5:30am, and got up and headed to the kitchen. Caleb placed Sophie in her high chair, and started rubbishing through the cupboards for some breakfast. He pulled out a box of cereal and a bowl, pouring a few pieces on Sophie's high chair tray. After finishing his breakfast, he walked down the same hallway and into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for school.


     A loud irritating noise filled the dark room. The girl let out a grunt and rolled over to slap the alarm clock. She sat up and stretched her tense body, letting out little squeaks coming from her mouth. Opening her eyes, she let a little smile take over her face, and looked out the window into the bright blue sky.

"Good morning mom. Today is a new day. Another day without you." A sigh escaped her lips.

"I know you're watching over us. I miss you so much ma. I hope everything is going great in heaven. I love you, mom." she whispered

     The young teen was so out of trance, she didn't hear the door to her room creek open. The tall man, stood there, staring at his daughter talking to her mother. A small smile tugged at his lips and took a step forward. The smile on his face dropped immediately, when he heard quiet sobs erupt from her little mouth. He walked towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She flinched in surprise, but relaxed when she turned around to see her father. The still crying girl, embraced her dad in a tight hug.

"You miss her, don't you?" he mumbled against her hair.

     She simply nodded, needing as much comfort as she could get. Her father kissed the top of her head, as a silent tear slid down his own cheek. He pulled away and gave her a watery smile which she returned.

"I do too, but she's always with us in our hearts. God is there with her to protect her," he said.

"I know," she quietly said.

"C'mon, let's get something to eat before you're late for school." her dad suggested.

     Cathleen shut her eyes. School was the last place she wanted to go, she just wanted to crawl into bed and stay there. Her eyelids opened once again, turning her head to read the clock. 6:30am. The long legs dragged her down the stairs and into the kitchen, where the smell of pancakes came from. The sight of two young boys, scarfing down pancakes came to her. A giggle slipped through her lips, as she walked over and sat at the table.

"Slow down EJ! You're going to choke!" she exclaimed.

     The thirteen year old boy looked at his big sister and poked his tongue at her. The other thirteen year old stopped scarfing down pancakes, and stared at his plate. Cathleen's two twin brothers were so different from each other. EJ was the confident one, the sporty one, and not to mention loud. Daniel on the other hand, was the artsy one, smart one, and shy, just like his sister.

"What's wrong, Daniel?" Cathleen questioned, cutting up her pancake.

     Daniel stared at a spot at the table where their mother used to sit.

"I miss mom." he said.

"Me too," she whispered.

     Silence filled the air. Their mother was basically the only topic they could talk about. A name floated into her ears and whipped her head around to see her dad.

"Hurry up, you're going to be late!" he exclaimed.

     Cathleen stared at the clock and it was already 7:00. She shoved the rest of her pancakes in her mouth, and rushed upstairs to get ready for school.

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