Chapter 1

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Author's note:

ok so yeah I'm actually new to this. I've been thinking back and forth if i should put it on wattpad or not. so yeah, i've only written two stories so far, the first one was kinda rough, and so is this one. It's actually one I'm proud of and it's my first time, it's kinda rough. anyways tell me how it is and yeah. :)


Kat :D



     The tall, muscular teen walked through the white hallway that he knew like the back of his hand. It was the first day of senior year, just one more year until he is out of this hell hole. The two toned legs moved forward left, right, left, right. His brown eyes staring at his feet, feeling holes burning at the back of his head from the dirty looks he knew were coming from his peers. A ringing sound echoed through his ears. As he looked up, everyone's eyes teared away. He headed to homeroom before he was late. Once he reached the lit room, a sigh escaped his parted lips before he walked in. He kept his head low as he walked to the back of the room.

     He tapped his pencil impatiently on the table while waiting for Ms. Fernandez. He stared at the door like she was going to walk in any second. Instead of Ms. Fernandez, it was the girl he hated with a burning passion. His eyes narrowed at the petite girl that had her head low, hugging her books tightly to her chest. Her head slowly popped up and looked around the room for an empty seat, but froze when she realized the only seat available was right in front of him. Her head looked down again and made her way to the empty seat. Venom seeped out of his pores with every step she took. He stared right at her, but something seemed to be different.

     Her eyes were different. Instead of the sparkle in her brown eyes, they were dull, red, and puffy. Tear stains were noticeable on her cheeks and she looked miserable. She sunk low in her seat, hearing a sad sigh come from her plump lips. His face softened and stared at her confusingly as he could feel a tug at his heart. Something was wrong, but why should he care? A voice entered his ears as he snapped back into reality. All attention was paid up front, as the tall, slim figured woman, probably in her mid twenties, stood proudly at the front of the room.

"'Morning class, I'm Ms. Fernandez, as all of you may know, if not I'm your music pro teacher for the semester. I'm sure all of you guys will have a blast in this class, well that's what I'm hoping. So what's up guys, how was your summer? Anything interesting happen over the break?" she said enthusiastically.

     No one replied; silence filled the air.

"Wow, tough crowd" she joked with a chuckle.

     The woman's voice disappeared from his ears, as his eyes turned to slits just staring at the girl in front of him. Everything about her, he hated. He couldn't believe that she would stab him in the back and break his promise. The teen snapped out of the daze he was in, when he heard a fimiliar name.

"Caleb?" Ms. Fernandez called out.

"What...oh, uh, here" he stuttered, scratching the back of his neck.


     The petite girl kept her head low and couldn't take the woman's words out of her head. "I'm always here with you, even if you don't see me. I'll watch over you, just remember, I will always love you my baby girl, don't forget that." Just thinking of her made her tear up. She tried fighting the tears that were forming in her eyes, but found herself unsuccessful, as a lone tear slid down her smooth cheek. A small sob erupted her pale lips, placing a hand over her heart, feeling pain and hurt. Her eyes closed painfully to the memory that was swimming in her head of the events that happened just last night. Her name was being called from the tall woman up front. The girl looked up and tried forming words, but all that came out was a small whimper. Ms.Fernandez looked at her curiously and continued with attendance.

     Once Ms. Fernandez finished up with the attendance, her eyes gazed back to the broken girl sitting at the back of the room. She examined her like a science experiment and knew there was something wrong. She suddenly realized the class was dead silent, and was staring at her to start the lesson. Quickly, she took the pile of worksheets on her desk and put it on a table off to the side.

"So today, you guys are going to work on a worksheet for me. Questions of what you know about music and a little bit about yourself. Just come up and get a worksheet while I take care of things." she instructed.

     Ms.Fernandez looked back, to see the girl was still slumped into the chair. It scared her seeing her like this. She was usually a happy, cheerful person.

"Cathleen? would you come up here for a moment, I want to speak with you." Ms. Fernandez ordered.

     The pained teen slowly lifted her head, staring up at the woman with worry stretched across her face. Cathleen stood from her seat and made her way to the front of the room. She stood in front of the woman with her eyes glued to the floor.

"Come, let's talk in the hallway," Ms. Fernandez whispered.

     Cathleen nodded slowly and stepped out of the room, into the white hallway. She sighed, before looking up to the green eyes that belonged to Ms. Fernandez.

"You're worrying me, want to tell me what's wrong?" Ms. Fernandez asked.

     Cathleen closed her eyes, running a hand through her dark brown hair. Slowly, she opened her eyes again and inhaled with a ragid breath. Soon enough the young girl was in tears.

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