Chapter 13

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Author's note: once again, I dont really have much to say so here's the new chapter.





     Clear, calm, quiet, and most importantly, beautiful. This was the reason why they chose this place. They chose this place to just think, or when they just wanted to be in a quiet place. By the time the sun began to set , there was a beautiful scenery. It was just too beautiful to describe.

     Cathleen was sitting in the fort her and Caleb made when they were younger. She'd be lying if she said they did a terrible job. Their fort was actually pretty stable and it was properly put together. It had a wide opening to view the pond and the beautiful horizon. So may secrets and memories were shared there.

     She looked around the small fort, with their old toys, books, posters, and cards. A small smile grew on her face at how young they were and how they could care less other than play weird games and make up imaginary adventures. But now, all they do is care. Care about school, relationships, family, and their future. Everything was different when they were younger.

     Small sobs were still erupting from Cathleen. The image of something worse happening to her dad, kept re-appearing.  


     From afar, Caleb could just make out a small figure sitting with her knees to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. As he got closer and closer, he heard soft sobs. Finally, there he was standing beside Cathleen.

"Wow, this place is a dump," he said trying to lighten up the mood.

"It's not. It's just perfect," Cathleen said in a more serious manner then he expected.

     Cathleen kept her eyes straight, looking out to the pond. Caleb sensed that she just needed quiet time, and decided to sit next to her. He slung his arm around her shoulder as she leaned in and relaxed. A moment while longer, the sun started to set. His favourite thing about this place. He couldn't imagine anywhere else he could be other than sitting here with Cathleen in his arms again, watching the sunset.

"So, you wanna tell me what happened earlier today?" Caleb asked after a long period of silence.

"My dad," she whispered.

Caleb was nervous now. He was scared what could come next. Cathleen had already been through enough pain. What could of happened?

"Uh, what about your dad?" he nervously asked, swallowing the lump in his throat.

     She finally turned her head and looked at him for the first time that evening. Cathleen was crying. It was evident because her eyes had a glossy glare, they were puffy, and blood shot red. By the looks of it, Caleb didn't want to know what happened. What hurts Cathleen, hurts him. She took in a deep breath and sighed.

"He's in the hospital, Caleb. The hospital," she painfully said.

     Boom, right in the heart. Cathleen didn't deserve this pain, he thought. He knew something was wrong the moment Cathleen answered the phone earlier that day. Without hesitation, he wrapped his other arm around her and embrace her in a tight hug. He sobs grew louder and louder.

"The hospital, Caleb. Why again?" she stuttered.

"Shh, I promise you, everything is going to be alright. I know everything is going to be fine. Your dad is one of the strongest people I know," he said, hoping he was right.

     He let her cry. Cry as long as she needed. He needed to be here for her. He let her go before, he wasn't going to do it again. As her sobs and tears started to subside, he asked her one more question.

"What happened to your dad?"

"He was in a car accident. He, uh, he's paralyzed on the left, has major wounds, brain damage, and broken bones. Caleb, I'm scared things will get worse. What if he doesn-" Caleb cut her off.

"Don't say that. I know he's going to make it. Don't be so hard on yourself. Trust me when I say this. He's going to make it and everything is going to go back to normal. I'm going to stay with you all the way, until all of this is over, and he's going to be back with you and your brothers again."

     For the first time after the rough year, she gave him a true, genuine smile. It warmed his heart, knowing she trusted him being there for her. He knew it was going to take a while to gain her trust back, but for now, that didn't really matter. For the rest of the evening, the two of them just sat in their fort, staring at the sky until the stars appeared. Caleb felt Cathleen relax in his arms and heard heavy breathing. He looked down and smiled.

"Hey, let's get you to your bed. We have school tomorrow," Caleb gently nudged her awake.

"Huh?" Cathleen mummbled, wiping her eyes.

"It's getting late, we have to get you to your bed," Caleb repeated.

"Oh. Carry me?" she asked groggily.

"I'd be glad to," he smiled.

     Caleb stood up letting her wrap her arms around his shoulders and carried her on his back. Knowing she was in his comfort made him smile. They both made their way thought the dark forest and back into their neighborhood. As soon as they walked up Cathleen's door step, he put back onto her feet.

" Goodnight," he whispered.

She smiled, " 'Night."

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