Chapter 7

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Author's note: Hey guys, sorry I haven't been post much lately. I've been studying a lot lately and since exams are next week, I really need to focus and such. I now have a break from studying, so here's a new chapter.

Hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: i do not own part of Lady Gaga's song You and I.

Kat :D


     Woah. What the hell happened today? That question seemed to be stuck in her head all day. Cathleen paced around her room, trying to figure out what was wrong with Caleb today. He wasn't angry at her; Caleb was actually nice to her today. His behaviour frustrated her. First with the picture in music class, then in english with wanting to be partners for a case study, and then at lunch when he actually smiled at her. What was going on? Was she dreaming?

     A small smile crept onto her face while working on her biology homework. Maybe he wanted to befriend her. She mentally kicked herself for thinking he would. How could he befriend her from what she did? How angry he was at her, she thought. She dropped her head onto the desk and groaned when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. She slowly stood up and opened the door.

"Cathleen, I'm hungry," Daniel said in a small voice.

"Umm, ok hold on, let me finish this last question," she replied.

"Thank you," Daniel smiled.

     Cathleen finished up the last question of her homework and trotted downstairs into the kitchen. She plopped down on a chair in front of Daniel.

"Hey, what do you guys want to eat? Where's EJ anyways?" she asked.

"EJ's in his room, and iunno grilled cheese, I guess," he mumbled.

"Okay, coming right up." Cathleen got up from her chair and walked over to the fridge to collect the the ingredients. A little while longer, the hot cheese sandwhich was placed onto a plate, ready to cut. Cathleen retrieved the knife on the counter, not noticing the sharp object was about to fall off the edge.

"Watch out!" Daniel yelled.

     Before she could respond, the blade slid across her forearm, leaving a long red cut down her arm. A wave of pain washed over her as she quickly dropped the plate to place a hand on her bloody arm. Daniel jumped off his chair in panic, grabbing as much paper towel his small hands could carry. He quickly placed the paper towel on his sister's arm and looked at her in worry. The blood didn't seem to stop. Cathleen gently pressed the paper towel, but felt a sharp pain, which caused her to wince.

"Are you okay?"her little brother asked in a shaky voice.

"Uhh just kinda hurts," she said, placing more paper towels on her arm.

     Once the bleeding seemed to settle down, Cathleen wrapped bandages around her forearm to stop any more blood from escaping. After the incident, she walked over to the piano located in the living room. Cathleen sat down and ran her fingers across the keys. She pressed her fingers down on every note and sang quietly to herself.

"It's been two years since I let you go, I couldn't listen to a joke or rock'n'roll, muscle cars drove a truck right through my heart" she quietly sang.

     That specific part seemed to get to her. It's been almost two years since she let him go. Almost two years of losing her best friend. Almost two years of depression. Almost two years without talking to him. She couldn't listen to songs that they used to listen to. Noting could cheer her up, nothing. It was bad enough that she lost her best friend, but then she had to lose her mom.

That year was probably the worst time in her life.

     As Cathleen sang the last bit of the song, tears stung at the back of her eyes, letting lone tears roll down her cheeks. She was oblivious to the front door opening. She jumped alittle when she felt a hand on her shoulder and a kiss on her head. Cathleen looked over her shoulder to find her dad standing behind her with curiosity spread across her face.

"What's on your mind?" he asked, carefully.

"uh Caleb" she whispered.

     He nodded, but then knitted his eyebrows together in confusion.

"What happened to you two anyways?" She kept quiet.

Cathleen didn't want to tell him the truth or even let him know the secret.

"Umm...nothing...just a small argument" she lied between her teeth.

That 'argument' was something she never expected to happen or see Caleb that mad. The mad, furious face of Caleb still haunted her. Her father nodded slowly understanding that his daughter didn't want to talk about this touchy subject, so he let it slide.

"Did you guys eat yet?" her father asked.

"uh yeah," she replied.

     The conversation ended there when her father walked into the kitchen. Cathleen went upstairs to her room since it was getting late. An hour later, Cathleen hopped into bed and fell into a deep slumber.

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