Chapter 6

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Author's note: okay so hope you guys are enjoying the story. Sorry i keep asking but yeah i just hope all of you do. yeah......... I don't know what else to say,... so enjoy reading :)

Kat :D 



     The sound of his alarm, rang in the dim room. The teen let out a soft groan, and rolled onto his side to slap the snooze button. He sat up and wiped away the sleep in his eyes. Caleb tossed his feet to the side of his bed, getting up and away from the warm comfortable spot on the bed. He slipped his feet into his slippers and shuffled out of the room and into the kitchen. A plate of eggs and bacon was prepared with a note beside it.

"Morning Caleb, can you drop off Sophie at your sisters'? Thank you, enjoy breakfast! Love you-Mom"

     Once Caleb finished his breakfast, he cleaned up his plate and walked to Sophie's room. Slowly he opened her door and walked towards the crib. He looked down at his little sister and rubbed her belly. Her eyes opened as she scrunched up her face. A loud cry filled the nursery. Caleb carefully picked her up and began to sooth her. Once she quieted down, Caleb changed her diaper and put her into a long sleeved onsie, pants, and a sweater. He carried her to her playpen, to get ready for school.

     An hour later, Caleb placed Sophie into her car-seat and buckled her up. Caleb tossed his guitar into the trunk, got into the drivers seat and drove down the driveway. 


     Caleb walked into the school, ignoring the looks that were darting towards him. He walked towards his locker, to retrieve his books for music class. A figure caught the corner of his eyes, as he turned his head sideways. Cathleen was opening her locker, and seemed better than three weeks ago. Caleb hid his face behind the locker door and grinned. Yesterday, he spent the last few minutes writing a song, just for her. He just couldn't stand to see anything else terrible happen to her. He had to be there for her. Momentarily, he closed his locker and headed towards the music room.

     He reached the slightly dim room and sat at his desk. Ms. Fernandez was sitting at her own desk, going through some paperwork. She lifted her head and gave him a friendly smile, which he returned.

"I see you're going to have alot of work done today," she said, nodding towards his guitar.

"Hopefully, I have everything ready, just going to run through it." Caleb responded.

     Ms. Fernandez simply nodded and continued with her paperwork. Caleb laid out his guitar and looked through his music. He silently hummed the tune to himself, slightly smiling, visualizing Cathleen in his head. Right on que, Cathleen walked into the classroom. Caleb looked at her, careful not to get any eye contact. Instead of walking to her desk, like he thought, she walked up to Ms. Fernandez and started talking.

     He scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion, but shrugged it off. Although he could hear a bit of the conversation, for they were the only ones in the room. Caleb pretended to be busy, while he eavesdropped.

"So how was yesterday? Are you feeling better?" Ms. Fernandez asked.

"As always, I'm fine, but I'm still recovering," Cathleen answered.

     Recovering? Recovering from what? Caleb mentally asked. He thought for a moment and tried to figure out if there was anything that happened. When he suddenly remembered, he hasn't been with her for about a year and a half, so he wouldn't know anything. He bit the inside of his cheek and continued listening.

"I hope your family is recovering well with the incident," the teacher said.

"I hope so too, we all really miss her. I don't know what to do without her, she was a huge part of my life," Cathleen muttered.

     Caleb raised an eyebrow, and tried to figure out what she was talking about. Cathleen turned her head and looked at him with watery eyes. Something says that Caleb should know what is happening with just that one look. With a moment of eye contact, Cathleen returned her head to the position it was in, looking at the teacher. What was she trying to tell him? Caleb narrowed his eyes at her. What is she trying to say?

"But I have to be strong for my brothers, they're still so young" Cathleen continued.

"I know how you feel, when my dad passed away, I had to be strong for my younger sister as well as my mom." Ms. Fernandez stated.

"My mom's in a better place now, but I really miss her" Cathleen said, dropping her head.

    Caleb's heart stopped. He placed his elbow on the desk and rested his head in his palm. His eyes widened and finally realized what she was saying. Her mother had passed away. His eyes filled with tears, but refused to let them fall. Caleb knew how close they were, they would spend forever just talking. Cathleen would always go to her for advice, tell her any problems, or just speak what's on her mind. But Mrs. Bedeeros wasn't just Cathleen's mom, she was also like a mom to him. She would treat him like family. She'd take care of him. She would be there for him when his mom was gone.

     The sound of the bell rang through the whole school, telling students to get to class. The students quickly filled the room and settled down. The teenager at the back corner of the room, was still dumbfounded by the news he just collected. All this time he was trying to figure out what caused Cathleen's depression from the first day, and just now found out. The worst thing was, he wasn't even there for her. To tell her that everything was going to be alright, even if it wasn't. To wrap his arms around her when she needed comfort. To be there for her when she needed a shoulder to cry on. His heart filled with pain. Caleb would of never guessed that such thing would happen. He snapped back to reality, when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Caleb, are you alright? Is everything okay?" Ms. Fernandez asked.

"What?... oh um... uh yeah... everything is... uh... okay" he mustered; he was speechless.

"Ok if you say so, time to work on the project, bud" she gave him a strange look before returning to the front.

"Uhh..." he said to himself.

     He shook his head in disbelief. He picked up the instrument and strummed the strings quietly. Caleb looked down at his words, and hummed the tune. Quietly, he started to let the words roll off his tongue in harmony with the guitar. Every now and then, he would glance over toward Cathleen. She would either be writing things down, quietly singing, or sitting there with a blank face with tears threatening to fall. A sigh escaped his parted lips as he continue with his song. Time flew by, as the teacher's voice filled the room.

"Remember class, tomorrow, the music project is due, so be ready! Have an awesome day guys." Ms. Fernandez reminded.

     Everyone stood from their seats to head for second period. Cathleen slowly collected her things and wasn't aware of the fallen picture. Caleb bent down and picked up the small picture, and handed it to her.

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