Chapter 24

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**** HARRY'S P.O.V. ****





The sun was starting hide against the distant horizon, yet I still wasn't home. Home as in, with Avery. She is my home. I can't go back without her to her house. It just wouldn't feel right. I need to be there with her to wipe her tears away from her cold cheeks, to erase the evidence of there ever being any pain in her life.

She doesn't deserve anymore pain.

The dirt roads blasted me with dirt that was kicked up by the wind. It stung a little as it smacked into my skin. As it hit me, I wondered if that's what it felt like to be Avery. To face all the hurt that she has. Does it feel like a million grains of sand smacking into your heart?

Later on in my voyage the sun finally did set. Trees completely surrounded around the dirt road that I walked along. I honestly didn't know these roads, or where I was even going. My body had had enough and turned towards the woods. There's no point in following this road since I at least know that it points away from her house, so I entered the forest.

Crickets chirped and frogs croaked from all around as twigs snapped beneath the weight of my feet. It was lonely out here. I've always had someone by my side when something like this happened, or at least I found them quite quickly.

"Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meeeeeow!" My ring tone kept repeating in my jacket as I tried to locate it. I had completely forgotten that I had it. That could've been handy.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone as I finally found it.

"Harry.." A very hoarse and frightened voice said through the other line, "A-Avery's not here."

"She's not at the house?" This made me frantic. That's where she would've gone is there! Right there. Only place. Unless..she's somewhere else that I can think of.

"N-no, Harry I'm scared! She's my best friend! We can't loose her!" Louis cried through the phone.

"Lou, I know where she's at. I'll call you back soon, kay?"

"Please hurry.." Once he said that I hung up and ran. Luckily I had a GPS on my phone so I clicked in the address and sprinted off.






That word kept repeating over and over again through my head as I ran fall speed towards my destination.

Half an hour passed by.

5 miles to go.

An hour of running.

4 miles to go.

An hour and a half

3 miles.

Two Hours.

2 miles.

Two hours and a half of non stop running.

Then finally. Three hours in and I found it. Adrenaline was still pumping through my veins so I ran up to the abandoned house and kicked down the door. Dust flew up from the old wooden floor as the door slammed onto it. Once inside, I looked around to see chairs stabbed into the rotting walls, glass all over the floor, writing on the walls saying "Leave us alone", furniture flipped upside down, chaos all around me was what I saw. After looking around for awhile, I heard a scream come from upstairs, so that's where I ran to. There was liquid on the floors and empty gas cans laying around. But that didn't distract me from finding what I was looking for. Each door I came to I kicked down. Each time I kicked a door down another scream rang through the old house. Finally, there was one last door. My sweaty palms rested on the rusted door knob as I opened it. With a squeak it opened then the door broke right off it's hinges causing a scream to erupt again. I located where the scream had came from in the room and laid down on the floor next to the bed. Looking to my left I saw her face. She starred back at me with a horrified expression. Dirt and tears covered her face as she looked at me from under the bed.

Avery had come back to her childhood home to destroy it. This is the place where she grew up. Where she was tortured and beaten. Where her brother, Beau, was killed. Where her dad lived. Where her mom was beaten, also. This place was here when Avery's brother, Jasper, was sent away to a foster family. This place was here through all the pain. She came here to erase the pain.

I slide my hand towards her's and entwined them.

"We can leave this place, you know that right?" I whispered to her.

"I want this place to be completely gone first," She whispered under her breath as more liquid diamonds fell down her face.

I raised my other hand towards her face to wipe the tears away. She shook under my touch. Was she afraid? Of me? I took my hand back and gave her a questioning look.

"Sorry," She whispered and looked down.

I looked to her other hand and saw the matches she was holding onto. I slipped one out of her hand and held it up. It slide against the floor and a flame was born. I smirked at her and she did the same back.

"May I have the honors?" She asked in a fake English accent.

"Of course ma'dam," I tried my best to sound very posh.

She stole the match from my hand and crawled out from under the bed. We entwined hands again and ran out of the room as she lit the floors. Flames broke out from behind us and chased us down the hallways, then down the stairs. We laughed as we ran out of the front door of the old abandoned house in the middle of no where. I watched her as she stared at it.

"I'm going to miss this place," She sighed as more tears fell down her cheeks. I brushed them away and kissed each spot that had previously had a tear.

The house finally gave in and exploded once it found the other gas cans that she hadn't emptied. The explosion sent us backwards and onto the grass.


"Yes, Harry?"

"We better go, I can hear sirens coming," I smiled to her. She smiled back and we sprinted down the road together.

Not too later on she started to get tired so we slowed down.

"Can we go back to my home?" She asked me with a yawn.

I pulled out my phone to call Louis.

"We can," I said as I dialled his number.






That was horrible.


So..if you were REALLY fond of this chapter PLEASE vote. 30 votes or more before I update.

xx ;-]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2013 ⏰

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