Chapter 7

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===== Harry's P.O.V. =====

"Avery come on you're so slow!!" I yelled jokingly to her. We had been walking along this road for a while. I was starting to think things like "Hey I've seen that tree before" and that wasn't very motivational for me.

"Well, you're too fast," Avery complained once she finally caught up. I smiled to her. Oh, Avery, you're one bundle of Louis.

I do really like her. I love her in fact even though we've only known each other for two weeks about now. She's still amazing to me, though. I know it sounds stupid, it really does even to me. Everything about love seems kind of stupid, but it's not when you actually have it with another. It can be beautiful. It could make you the happiest person in the world or the saddest. It doesn't matter who you are, somewhere in your heart you can always find space to love something. Whether it's a cat or your favorite pair of shoes. Whether is living or not. Whether it's a person, animal, or object. Love comes in many ways. Even if you say you hate EVERYTHING, there is always that one thing that can seem to snatch your heart right up.

Avery was one of those things that could just snatch my heart. I loved it though. I'm not ashamed of it. I'm not sad about it. I don't hate that she can do that. I love it and her.

I sound so love sick. I know. I kind of am though.

They say when there is fireworks or sparks in a kiss that they are the one. I felt them when we kissed for the first time behind that bowling alley in the rain. Be my kiss in the rain? Yep, I was totally all the time.

"Harry, we're lost," Avery spoke up to break my trait of thought.

"What makes you say that?" I knew exactly what she meant. I think she was probably seeing the same things over and over like me.

"We've been going passed the same creek forever," She looked to me then pointed to a small creek which I hadn't noticed.

"It must be a long stream, we've probably are just passing different parts of it," I tried to reassure her, but even I wasn't so sure. We continued to walk the same way and we passed it again. It was the same part of the creek.

"I told you so," She smiled to me. She must've noticed that I looked at the creek.

"Let's try and go back to a different road then," We turned around and found a different dirt road. For sure DIFFERENT dirt road. It eventually lead to a paved one. We continued to follow that and it lead us through fields.

"It's getting late, Harry, we should stop at that barn," Avery pointed to what looked like to be an abandoned barn. I nodded.We walked across the fields to the barn. There was a house next to it, but that looked abandoned, too.

We had found a window in the side of the barn to crawl through. There was plenty of hay in here. It looked like new hay. There were blankets, too.

Oh, how nice of them to put blankets out here for us.

We laid the blankets over the hay and settled down near each other.

"Do you think they'll find us," She spoke up through the dark breaking the eerie silence.

"I don't know," I responded honestly.

"I think they will....eventually," she muttered the last part, but I could understand it perfectly.

"We really need to do something fun while we're....out," I smiled to her and put an arm around her. She nuzzled into me and it was quite comforting to know she was here. I mean, I wouldn't want to get kidnapped with anyone else. That was really sarcastic, but I'll put it this way. I'm glad I at least have someone. At the most, I have Avery, or Avie, or Averyator. Whatever you want to call her.

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