Chapter 16

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time to vote for a name. Please say what name you'd like from the list below in the comments or inbox me. thanks. xx

1) Kylie

2) Adrianna

3) Callaghan

4) Moria

5) Marley

6) Maggie

7) Nellie

8) Charlotte

9) Sapphire

10) Sunny

So please vote according to name or number, and the one that gets the most votes shall be her name. When I said red I meant like THEE color red not orange as they call natural red heads.








"W-what?" A million things rushed through my head at once. Time seemed to stop. I just got him back, and now I'm loosing him again. How could this be? Harry wanted to meet him I though. I thought EVERYONE wanted to meet him. I know I want to see him. No. Scratch that I NEED to see him. The only thing holding me back would be Harry, but anything is worth getting Jassy back. If I could, I would've chosen for me to die instead of Beau. Even if that means giving up Harry. I know it sounds harsh. I love Harry to bits! I love everything about him. I just don't feel as if I deserve this. Out of all people Beau and Jassy do. So I need Jassy back so he can live this life, too.

I need him back.

Harry sighed before starting up again, "He's too out of the way, Avery."

"So you mean you're putting yourselves first before someone else?" I snapped a bit underneath. I didn't mean to, but it had been building up inside. When Harry said "He's too out of the way" that definitely was the major cause of me snapping.

Like a tree branch with too much snow.

One huge pile comes down.

And before you know it, it snapped.

That's exactly how it was for me. I was the little tree branch living off of the tree. My tree was the boys. The roots were my mom. She held me together. They supported me. It doesn't quite seem like it now.

"No, Avery, don't think of it that way!" Zayn spoke up.

"How can I not when...when it's fucking true!" I spat. Niall tried to approach me with a hug, but I swatted his arms away. He looked hurt. I felt bad because it looked like he actually wanted to get my brother no matter what. I thought they all did.

Sometimes you have to be wrong.

I turned and was about to walk out the door, but a strong hand grabbed my hand, Harry's hand.

"Avery! Please, stay, please don't leave," He begged. You can beg at my feet, but either way I'm still leaving him.

I ran as fast as I could. I didn't have enough patience right now for the elevator, so the stairs seemed to suit me right now. I ran all the way down them until I skipped one and was sent tumbling down a whole flight. It hurt. It felt like someone kicking back and forth. As if I was a soccer ball being kicked around. Until I hit the solid concrete bricks on the bottom where it turns and goes to another staircase. I laid there for a while. I couldn't move. Everything seemed to be spinning. Everything was out of place. I eventually got the nerve to try and sit up at least, but that seemed impossible. My arms could barely lift myself. They'd tremble under me until they just collapsed.

It seems like hours, even though I know it was just minutes that I had been sitting here. I just lay starring at the blank, white, lifeless wall. I had cuts on my arms and legs from the stairs scratchy foot grips. Some of them were cut clean through and bleeding. I could move my head so I looked up to see my hair had been drowned by blood.

This can't be good.

Why was no one coming? Didn't they come running out after me? least my mom.

Maybe I was right. They were selfish. All of them! No matter them be Niall, Louis, Zayn, Harry, or my own mother. Even Liam was being selfish it seemed. The sensitive one, the gentle man, Liam Payne. I was surprised.

I slowly lifted my arm to look at my watch.

I got back around three.

It's four.

Had I really been here an hour and no one still come? I didn't even here anyone calling my name down the hallway. They didn't care. THEY didn't care about me. They didn't give a fuck. I hated the fact that they made me think this now....that they made me believe it.

Can't someone come? Or is it too much out of the way??

Then a miracle happened. It probably doesn't sound much like a miracle, but to me it was instead of sitting here just suffering from the pain.

I blacked out. Everything went black. Even in this completely white hallway it all turned black.

I could still feel hear everything outside of me though. I couldn't see, feel, smell, just hear.

I finally heard someone calling my name. I hope my vocals still work. Trying and trying, but nothing. Finally I gave a little groan, but it wasn't loud enough.

Or so I thought

"Avery! Oh my god!!!" I heard the familiar, sweet, caring voice. I heard him pick up my limp body.

"A-Avery! Please, d-do something if y-you can hear m-me? Please!" I heard him cry as he rushed down the stairs. I tried my best to do some sound again, but it didn't work. I absent-mindedly squeezed his hand.

"Avery? Thank god!" He cheered a little as he still raced out the doors. I heard sirens, a door open, a man's voice, then I heard crying. It was from him. The familiar voice.

I heard the car drive away as more sirens started to sound.

That was all. Then my hearing ability faded away.



"Good morning, has she shown any signs of awaking?" I heard a gentle femine voice ask someone in the room.

"Not yet," They mumbled so I couldn't pick out their accent. I could feel, smell, and hear everything now. My eyes were just too stubborn to open. I felt a sharp, small object dive into my skin followed by some tape to keep it in place.

I heard the door close again. She must've left. Then a warm hand wrapped around my cold, limp one.

"Avery," they took a long breath then sighed, "Please let this work," I heard him mumble to the ceiling, "Avery! I love you!"

My eyes shot open quickly to see, Niall, still holding my hand and his mouth still in the shape of the word "you."





Plot Twist!!! Anyways pleeaasee vote for a name!!!!!!!!!! or just the story C: which ever, both would be nice :3 sorry that it was short.

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