Chapter 4

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I received lots of comments in the last chapter so a massive thank you to all y'all!!




"Someone seems happy," I saw Niall smirking from the door. Of course I'm happy. I just went bowling, then I kissed Harry in the rain.....even though the drive back to their flat was quite awkward. I'm still as happy as hell!

I smiled to the Irish boy who was leaning against my door frame,"I'm actually happy for once, yeah," I replied still in a bit of a daze. I must seem like a love sick puppy. Oh, well because I am.

"What happened when you and Harry left?" He asked as he came to sit by me on the bed.

I sat up, "Er..."

"You can trust me," He smiled.

"," I said waiting for the judgement to come. He just smiled all satisfied with himself that he made me say it. He laid back on my bed and I followed his moves.

"I figured," He smiled with a sigh.

I sat up right away and gave him a questioning look.

"He told me he likes you, like likes you. I also figured he'd kiss you because...well..he said he had this urge to just kiss you every time he saw you since you first met like two days ago."

"Oh.." I laid back down by him.

"He didn't just say he had an urge to kiss you.....he said it in a more...descriptive way..yeah plenty of adjectives," He smiled cheekily to me. I was looking at him questioning him again when I noticed he had braces. Niall's so perfect. Why does HE need braces?

"What did he say?" I finally spoke up.

"He said, I just want to grab her shoulders and push her up against the closest wall and kiss her like I mean it. I want her to know I love her. I want her to FEEL that I love her. Then of course Harry being Harry mentioned his tongue and all...I don't want to repeat that please don't make me," He said.

I started laughing, "Wow, I must've been a big affect on him, ay?" I continued to laugh.

"Why's it so funny that you affected him in this way?" He cocked his head to the side like a little puppy. Niall being Niall even looked like a puppy.

"Because I NEVER have such an affect on anyone. I doubt I even have one on Harry. My dad even said, I'm useless little ugly bitch who deserves the worst," A tear crept to my eyes at the thought of my father. My drunken, abusive father.

"Avie? Your dad didn't say that right?" He came by me and hugged me.

I even remember the exact day


"JOHN!" I screamed. I hated calling him my dad, because he's NOT my father.

"What do you want? Hmmm?" He gave me the evil eye.

I took a deep breath. He was destroying the house. My mom left me here because she couldn't take it. He was breaking everything in his path.

I took another deep breath, "I want you to leave."

"WHAT?!" He screamed at me. I had to stand my ground on this one.

I stretched up taller and screamed back at him, "I WANT YOU TO LEAVE!"

"Fine, psh I don't need to waste my time on you useless little ugly bitch!"

" don't mean that do you?" I have never been called beautiful in my life, so for the only person who compliments me (in mean ways) to say this. It was horrifying for me....because I knew it was true..

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