Chapter 9

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"Harry, is that a light up ahead?" I asked looking over to him. It had been days since we had been lost out here with no one, but each other. I was still in my sweatpants and tank top from when I was in bed before I got kidnapped.

Luckily, Harry decided not to sleep naked that night.

"Is it?!?" He seemed just as excited as me. He smiled to me and I returned the same smile. We locked hands and ran for it towards the light. I know we probably sound like moths. Must. Get. Light!

But it's a chance to find civalization and go home!

The first thing that i believe we both saw was the beginning of a small town.

My eyes grew wider as we ran into the town. We both ran up to the first store we saw.

"After you ma'lady," Harry said in a very thick British accent.

"Thank you, kind sir," I said in the same accent. We walked in together and went up to the counter of the locally owned grocery store.

"OH MY GOSH!! IT'S HARR-" Harry covered the girls mouth quickly.

"SHHH!!" I opened my eyes wide and put up a finger to my lips. She squealed under Harry's hand. I thought she was going to faint.

Then Harry smiled, and looked to me with that 'I-have-an-idea' look.

"Do you have a phone on you, love?" He removed his hand.

"YES! I mean..yes I do have a phone on me," She smiled.

"May we use it?" I joined the two of them talking. She nodded furiously as she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket.

I took it with a smile then dialled Lou's number.

"Hello? Who is this?" A familiar voice asked.

"La-Louis? It's Avery," I smiled as a tear came to my eye to finally be able to hear my best friends voice again.

"AVERY! Oh my g- you need to get back here! We're a mess without you...and Harry!!!! We've tried looking for you guys, but......we couldn't even find a trace of where you two went. We....we," He started to sniffle, "We thought you...were...dead."

The tear slid down my cheek freely, "Well, we're very much alive, but lost, and miserable," I sighed.

Louis cried into the phone. Literally cried.

"La-Lou! Please stop! Can you just come get us please??" I couldn't take it anymore.

"W-where are you?" He tried his best to finish up crying and continue on. I put the  phone against my shoulder and looked to the girl.

"What town is this?" I asked her.

"This is McKinnly's Corner," She smiled. I nodded and mouthed thank you.

"McKinnlys Corner? You know where that is?" I asked into the phone.

"ON OUR WAY!" He shouted in a high pitched voice making me pull the phone away from my ear.

"Okay Lou-" He hung up.

"WAS THAT LOU-" Harry covered her mouth again, "Sorry," She blushed. We nodded and did the 'Its-okay" face. Harry continued on to ask her if she wanted a picture. Of course she said yes. I went over to the window and just starred out of it.

If Harry really loves me, should I tell him who I really am?

I have many things I haven't told him about me. Many. He seems like someone I can trust, though, unlike everyone else I've ever met before the boys.

Maybe I'll tell the lot of them.


I was just staring out the window when I noticed a huge group of girls with One Direction shirts and signs.

The word must've gotten out that Harry was here.

I saw one girl look in my direction and scream. All the rest of them screamed too and ran towards the store. Shit, they must've spotted Harry.

I  didn't hesitate to run back to Harry.

"What?" He asked scrunching his eye brows together.

"Your fans have found you," I smiled. The bell on the door handle started to ring furiously as many girls entered. Harry and I both looked in that direction.

"Where do we go?" I asked as I grabbed his arm and hid behind the counter.

"I have an idea," The girl who lent us her phone smiled to us. She came by me and grabbed my arm. I grabbed Harry's and followed her out the backdoor of the little grocery store. We ran and followed her to a house. Must've been her house.

She quickly unlocked it and told us to go in. We did and went into her, I think, living room. I sat on her couch by Harry.

"Thank you," He smiled to her, "What's your name?" He asked her.

"I'm Delilah."

"Hey there Delilah," Harry said in a sing-song voice. Me and Delilah laughed.

"Tea?" She asked us as she headed into the kitchen. We both nodded. She later came out with a fresh hot pot of tea and poured two cups for us. We said our thanks and took a sip of the very hot liquid.

"Hey, do you mind if I use your phone again, Delilah?" I asked her after we finished our tea. She nodded and pulled it out.

I dialled Louis again.


"Hey Lou, I'm going to tell you the address okay?"

"Yep, READY!" He shouted. I told him the address and he shouted back to make sure he had the right thing. I said yes, and he was about twenty minutes away....or at least that's what the GPS said. I walked back over to Harry, who was talking to Delilah on the couch, and sat down by him.

"So...Are you two a couple?...I DON'T MEAN TO INTRUDE!" She asked then shouted.

"Yes!" "No.." Harry had said yes while I said no. This made it very awkward.

I looked over to Harry with a questioning look.

He threw his head down and looked down as well.

"I'd like to be.." He mumbled, but I could perfectly understand him.

I felt all my blood rush to my face, and those familiar butterflies start to dance in my stomach. Harry always had this...ability...since I met him he could always put those same butterflies back in my stomach.

"'re not?" Delilah was really confused I could tell.

I looked to Harry with a smirk on face, "We are."




Sorry that was really short and horrible, but I wanted to end it there so...SORRY! I'm very sorry for this rubbish, short chapter!

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