Part One: The Warehouse

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She pushed through crowds of people, you couldn't tell what they were doing. Were they protesting or begging to be taken? They were being held back by armed men in uniforms. The women gripped your hand and pulled you along, but you didn't want to go. You pulled back but she was persistent.
"Please mommy! Please!" You begged. "I want to go home!"
"There is no home to go back to my love." She responded with a soft voice.
"Don't let them take me!" You shouted, pulling against her grip again. You wanted to go home, and maybe there wasn't a home to go back to, but you still had something close enough.
"JOYCE!" The women yelled aggressively, yanking you towards her. She stared at you with bloodshot eyes and an angry demeanour. The women's whole attitude changed from caring mother to an angry stranger. She raised her hand to bring back down on you. You tightly closed your eyes, waiting for the attack, and you heard a slap, but it wasn't against you.
When you opened your eyes you found a boy in front of you, blocking the attack. His face was turned to the side and his cheek had the outline of a hand in red from the hit. The women looked at the two of you in absolute horror.
"Liam!" You said, finally being able to rip yourself from your mothers grasp and taking hold of your brother. He was tall for his age so you grasped his leg.
"Liam, I- I'm so sorry." Your mother said.
"It's okay mom, just don't hurt her." The boy said, taking you into his arms. He wasn't much older than you, but you were young enough to be carried. With his strength, the boy lifted you off the ground and began walking through the crowd, leaving the women on her own in the disorganised crowd.
"Liam," you said and the boy turned his head to look at you. "I want to go home."
"Me too." The boy said with a somber expression as he walked through the crowd, nearing the armed men. You watched as the women, your mother, stared at you from a distance. She was crying.
"I'm scared." You admitted.
"Me too Joyce, me too."
"Don't leave me, don't let WICKED take you away from me."
You were suddenly on a train, there were the heavily armed men in uniforms taking up most of the space. However, there were kids. Your eyes immediately landed on a blonde boy who seemed around Liam's age. The boy wouldn't stop looking at you.
Suddenly, a women in a white suit came up and put a gentle hand on your shoulder. She smiled at you.
"It's okay (Y/n)." She told you.
"That's not my name. Where is Liam?" You asked but the women sighed.
"Your name is (y/n), and your brother, Gally, is just fine. Trust me. Trust us." She paused, "WICKED is good."

"(Y/N)! C'mon!" Minho yelled, shaking you awake and you jolted up with a scream. He didn't ask any questions as he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you out of the helicopter.
It was dark, lights blasted from what looked like a warehouse, and horrifying moans and screeches came from the darkness behind you. But there was one major rule that Minho had given to you that you'd never forget.

Don't look back.

You ran, sand flinging up with every step you took. People were rushing you all inside and it made you wonder what it was that got them so freaked out. Minho continued to pull you as you attempted to take in your surroundings.
"Hey you gotta get outta here!" Someone yelled and you turned to see Thomas jump back into the helicopter. He grabbed something and then turned back. The man pushed him out but a sickening screech turned away the man's attention.
"Cranks!" He yelled, and then he let bullets fly from his gun. All the armed men began firing rounds of ammunition at the monsters in the dark.
Spot lights, sirens, gates, gunshots. It was all so much. The building was massive. There were people everywhere. You and all the Gladers rushed into the building, some armed men right beside you.
The doors behind you shut like the doors of the Maze. You didn't like that. It made you feel trapped.
Minho had finally let go of you once you were inside, but he never left your side. Newt looked around frantically and when his eyes landed on you, relief flashed over his cut dirty face. He limped over by your side and put his hand on your shoulder.
"You okay?" he asked but you didn't know how to respond. Everything had been going so quickly that your brain wasn't working. You couldn't pick anything up to process. You stared blankly at the boy and that's all he needed.
"Is everyone alright?" Minho called out and the rest of the group nodded. You did a headcount.
That was everyone. Out of everyone in that Maze, only they came out alive.
"What the shuck?" You heard Minho say as he watched the many people scurry around, doing their job. Some people were driving small vehicles, some were sorting boxes.
The place was massive, built with strong reinforced metal, probably to keep whatever monster awaits outside out. Some people stared while some just minded their own business. You were left with your mouth gaping open.
"We aren't in the Glade anymore." Winston said and you nodded, not knowing the right response.
"Excuse me." An authoritative voice said and you turned to see one of those armed men from earlier. "If you could follow me." He said, walking away.
You watched, not knowing how to respond. You had no idea what was happening or who these people were. Suddenly, Teresa stepped forward, following the man. Thomas followed Teresa, Winston followed Thomas, Fry followed Winston and so on. It was now just you and Newt. You looked at him, still hesitant. Newt took your hand.
"I'm right here." He said, pulling you behind him as the two of you followed the group.
The man lead you into a room, it almost looked like it held supplies. Maybe it did. But the smell hit you the moment you walked through the door. That beautiful smell of fresh meats and vegetables. You and Newt ran into the rest of the group, whom of which was just staring at the table.
There was a wide arrange of different types of foods and delicacy's. How did they get it? Where did they get it? What is this place? Who are these people? What is happening?
"I don't know about you guys, but, I'm starved." Minho said, running over to the table, followed by Winston, Fry, Teresa, and Newt. You and Thomas just stood, watching as they ate their food happily. Thomas nudged your arm.
"Come on, let's eat." He said with a smile, walking towards all the content Gladers.

"C'mon love, you have to eat something." Newt insisted, pushing over his plate of cut meat. "You can try mine, it doesn't have to be much, just a little. You haven't eaten since you your first day as a Runner."
You couldn't eat. You watched your brother bleed out in front of you. You watched Chuck cough up blood as he whispered in Thomas's ear. You watched Alby be ripped from your grasp by a Greiver and watched Ron, the boy who hated you, thank you and risk his life for the cause of you all escaping.
"Come on shuck face, we could have an eating competition." Minho suggested and that made you giggle slightly. Newt smiled when he heard you laugh, but you ignored it. Minho tried hiding his own smile.
"Please? I'm worried." Newt said and you looked him in the eyes, but shook your head. Minho's smile turned to a frown, and then, his smile slightly returned. That's never a good sign.
"How bout this!" Minho said, grabbing the food and shoving it in your mouth. You didn't have time to react, you just laughed as the boy shoved a warm piece of buttered bread in your mouth.
"Bloody hell Minho! That's not how you get a girl to eat!" Newt told Minho, hitting his hand away from your face. You laughed, and that took away Newt's attention.
"I say it was a win win." Minho said in victory as you swallowed the bread. He was obviously talking about getting you to eat and laugh at the same time, but you ignored it.
You wouldn't be mad about being in this room, you had food and water, something that you hadn't properly had in a while, but you were trapped. They had locked you in for a long time and you wanted out. It probably wasn't that long, you just had no patience whatsoever.
Suddenly, a quiet siren buzzed and the door that locked you all inside opened. There stood a man with a heavy gun, but he stepped aside with no words exchanged and let a man walk inside. He was older, his hair was greying, and he had the facial features of a rat. Minho seemed to notice this.
"Who's the Ratman?" He whispered to you but you swiftly drove your arm into his rib cage to shut the boy up. "Ow!"
"You kids doing alright?" He asked and you stepped up automatically to speak for the group.
"We'd be doing a lot better if we weren't trapped in a room." You responded and the man raised his eyebrows. All the Gladers looked at you.
"Your a bold one." He smiled slyly, "sorry about all the fuss, we had a bit of a swarm."
"Who are you?" Thomas spoke up from your left, slightly behind you.
"I'm the reason your all still alive. And it's my intention to keep it that way." He responded, but you furrowed your eyebrows. "Now, come with me. We'll get you kids all squared away."

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