Part Six: Outside

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Your pounding footsteps echoed in the empty hall as you, Aris, and Winston ran through the corridor. Aris lead the way seen as he knew where to go. He lead you down the leangthy hallway but finally stopped in front of a staff only door.
"(Y/n), keycard!" Aris called and you tossed the boy the card. He swiped it down the card reader and the door opened. "This way!" He said, leading you out to the open garage like area. This was where you ran in from the helicopter. The doors were wide open, making the room hot from the outside air, but it was also fresh.
"Over here!" Winston called, waving you and Aris over to the door that Janson had lead you through.
"Yeah, let me guess, WICKED is good?" You heard Thomas's muffled voice say on the other side of the door.
"Your not getting through that door Thomas." Janson said flatly, and that's when you decided a dramatic entrance was in order. You pulled out the two berettas and gripped them tightly in your hands, veins popping out and knuckles turning white.
Aris swiped the card down and the door opened. The Gladers were all standing there and jumped back when they saw you and the other boys. You pushed forward and started shooting at the guards who had shields. You made sure not to hit Thomas.
"Get down! Those are real bullets!" Janson shouted, hiding behind the shield of one of the guards.
Eventually, you lowered your weapon, not wanting to waste all your ammunition. Newt pulled you through the closing doors and you watched as Thomas began sprinting down the hallway. All of you began shouting for him to hurry.
In one swift motion, Thomas got down and slid right under the door as it was about to close. You turned to all the Gladers.
"Come on, follow me!" You shouted, but you saw Thomas flip off Janson on the other side of the door. You pulled him by the ear. "Let's go!"
"Ow ow! I'm coming!" He said, following after you along with all the other Gladers.
All of you ran out into the sand and you felt the harsh wind push you all around. You ran up a massive sand dune, struggling but making it. You slid down to the bottom again and all the others followed after you.
"Stay low!" You whispered loudly over the wind and they did as told. The reving of engines filled your ears and spotlights shined down from the top of the building you had just escaped.
"Hey Minho." You whispered and the boy looked at you. "I told ya so." You said flatly.
"Slim it (y/n)."

You and the Gladers ran over another sand dune, Teresa going down first and the others following. Newt and Minho hadn't left your side. You felt extremely light headed but that was probably from all the trauma you had suffered in only a couple hours.
"Teresa, we need to stick together." Thomas called to the girl as she slowed down. You slowed down too, trying to catch your breath. Newt and Minho stopped with you.
"You okay love? How are you holding up?" Newt asked while he and Minho steadied you.
"I'll be fine once we're safer." You told them and they both nodded in understanding. You looked over and watched as Teresa went through the broken glass of a window that was halfway dug in the sand.
"Teresa! Wait!" You shouted, going down with her and the rest following. It was dark, you weren't able to see much.
"Anyone got a light?" You asked.
"I got you." Minho said, turning on a small flashlight and pointing it at the rouble. There was debris and sand everywhere.
"Where the hell are we?" Minho asked.
"Come on, we have to go." Thomas said, trying to walk away.
"Thomas, Thomas stop!" Teresa shouted and the boy stopped. "What's going on."
"It's WICKED." You spoke up, walking to the front of the group. You stumbled weakly and Minho helped you gather your balance again. "It was always WICKED."
"There were bodies." Thomas spoke. "Hundreds of them."
"As in dead bodies?" Minho asked.
"I'm sure they wish they were." You said and they all looked at you. "They were hung up, being drained of something. They were going to do the same to me and all of you."
"Is that why they took you?" Fry asked and you nodded.
"Is that all they did to you?" Winston asked but you shook your head.
"But that doesn't matter right now, all that matters is that we get as far away from them as possible." You told them and the group all looked at each other, Teresa rubbing the back of her neck.
"Alright, so what's the plan?" Newt asked but you hesitated. "You do have a plan right?"
"We bloody followed you all the way here (y/n) and now your telling us you don't have a bloody plan?" Newt said passive aggressively and you stepped back. Newt, seeing this, backed down with a guilty expression.
"The Right Arm." Aris spoke up and everyone looked at him.
"Right, WICKED said there was a rebel group hiding out in the mountains, we could go there." Thomas agreed.
"People, in the mountains? Mountain people? That's your plan?"
"It's the best one we've got, cause I know Im never going back there. Never." You said strongly and you held strong eye contact with the British boy.
"Minho, bring the light." Winston said and Minho did. "Looks like people were here." He then said when you all saw the sandy footsteps marching through the building.
"May as well." You said, following the trail of steps.

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