Part Eighteen: The Future

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You walked through the little camp, waving to Aris as you passed by him, Harriet, and Sonya. You thought about visiting Brenda, but you saw Jorge enter so you decided not to disturb.
"(Y/n)!" You turned and saw Mary jog over to you.
"Mary! Look, I have to thank you for everything."
"Nonsense. I should be thanking you." The girl said and you smiled. "I thought we could talk in private."
"Of course." You responded and the women led you over near the edge of the hill. You looked out and breathed in the cold fresh air.
"It's wonderful, isn't it?" She said and you smiled wildly.
"Yeah." You responded.
"You asked me why WICKED deemed you unstable." The women grabbed your attention quickly. "There was a trial, a test, being done. Some Immunes were forced to help test the efficiency of the Greivers. Everyone else who did the trial passed, getting stung or whatever those sick people did, but you were different."
"Yes. They put you in a room with five Greivers. You killed them all." She told you and your mouth gaped open. "After that, they began training you as a WICKED guard. You learned how to shoot and fight, but it was after your brother attempted to escape with Minho one night that you finally realized how wicked WICKED truly was, though, I think you always knew."
"So I began rebelling."
"Exactly. You were trained to fight for WICKED, but instead, you fought against. You fought against every test, attacked every doctor and guard, and you began sneaking away. You used their own teachings against them. They began treating you like you were insane, chaining you up and putting you in straight jackets."
"Wow." Was all you could say.
"I wish I could have done more for you then, but I saw the errors of my ways and abandoned WICKED and joined Vince. Then Thomas got in contact with me and mentioned you."
"Thank you for telling me this Mary." You said and she nodded.
"Of course, now, I'll let him take you." Mary said.
"What?" You turned and there stood Newt, hands in his pockets and standing awkwardly. "Newt." You said and Mary smiled as she walked away, leaving the two of you alone.
"May I?" He asked and you nodded as the two of you stood side by side, looking into the horizon.
The sun was beginning to set, turning the sky a beautiful orange color. Newt took a deep breath like you had, enjoying the view. You thought about everything, everything that you and that boy had been through. You started by holding a knife at his throat to standing next to him with butterflies in your stomach. You thought about the time you almost kissed him in the medhut and about the way he cradled you when you needed it.
"Hey!" You both turned and saw Thomas jog up. "Have you guys seen Teresa?" He asked.
"Yeah, up there Tommy." Newt said, pointing up at a mountain where Teresa stood tall.
"Thanks." The boy said and then walked off. There was another silence between you and the blondie.
"Do you see it?" Newt suddenly asked.
"See what?"
"Our future. Do you see us having a future in the Safe Haven?" Newt asked and you thought long and hard on your next words.
"When you say that, do you mean us or us?" You asked anxiously, but Newt seemed to stay calm.
"I don't know, what do you want?" He asked and you paused to think.
"What if I told you I liked the sound of both?" You asked and you watched as the boy blushed heavily and his breath hitch in his throat.
"I would agree." He said and you felt the heat flush through your cheeks.
"So do you see it?" You asked him.
"The future? Yeah, I have an image of what I want for mine."
"What do you see?" You asked and the boy paused, taking a deep breath.
"I see a hut, right near the beach. It has the best view of the sunset and you can hear the sound of the waves crash against the sand." He said and paused.
"That sounds beautiful." You said.
"And there would be kids, playing and splashing in the water while the parents sit together, admiring the world their kids get to grow up in compared to the one they did."
"Those kids, would they be yours?" You asked and he shrugged.
"I know I want one, a kid, someday with someone special." He told you. "I would want a family."
"Where Minho can be an uncle, telling the kids wacky tales that never happened." You joked and he laughed.
"Exactly. And Tommy would tell what actually happened while Frypan made delicious foods for everyone."
"All of that sounds perfect." You said then paused to think. "Who do you see this with?"
"This family?"
"Well, I see it with a girl." Newt told you listened intently. "Yeah. She'd be kind, strong, courageous, smart. The only problem is that she's be headstrong, too much for her own good. She would do stupid stuff and then go blaming it on her instincts."
"Sounds like a nightmare." You said blindly and he laughed.
"Yeah, but I can't get mad at her cause I care too much about her." Newt said and laughed. "We'd be too young now, me and her, but maybe in ten years that's where we'll be."
"That sounds like a life I'd want to live in." You said.
"Oh yeah? All of it?"
"Even the kids. I just want it all."
"So what does your future look like? What do you see?" Newt asked and you thought hard about it, not wanting to steal his idea of a future.
"I see, a fire. A big bonfire with everyone sitting around it like in the Glade. I would be holding my little boy and tell him stories about a brave leader who sacrificed himself. About a boy who learned that he wasn't mad, just scared. About a boy who jumped in front of a bullet. About a boy who was strong enough to let go for the benefit of the group. About an uncle that loved me." You said, thinking about Alby, the leader who died for your escape. About Ron who despised you because he was afraid, but earned redemption. About Chuck, the boy with such a big heart that he'd die for another. About Winston who was so strong that he'd kill himself for the benefit of the others. And Gally, your brother that loved you, even when you weren't on the same side. These were the people who died to get you here. This is what they wanted for all of you.
"I would tell a story about a boy who, though had a big ego, was actually the softest teddy bear. About a boy who was there to lift spirits. About a boy who changed everything. And about a girl who saved them all, by leading them all the way to the future." Newt said and that made you blush harder, if that was possible.
"You forgot about the boy who held them all together." You smiled, hinting at Newt and he smiled. "There'a a world out there for us." You said, looking out into the horizon.
"For all of us." Newt said. "Who do you see that future with?"

You. I see that future with you.

"NOOOOO!" You heard a familiar voice shout.
"Thomas?" You questioned then, suddenly, bright lights flickered in the distance. You and Newt both spotted it quickly as it came closer. Your eyes widened once you saw what it was.
"No no no no no!" Newt said as he gripped your arm.
"They found us. WICKED found us."

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