Part Seventeen: The Right Arm

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The car stopped and you and Newt looked at each other, then outwards. It was incredible. The best and most organized civilization that you had seen since WICKED. You were blown away. Harriet looked at you and smiled.
"You wanna tour?" She asked with a smile and you vigorously nodded your head. "Follow us." Harriet said as she and Sonya made their way down the hill you parked on.
You walked through the little campsite and admired the energy of all the people in it. These were the people who hadn't given up on the world, the people who still thought there was a chance. There were big tents and small ones, some tarps were hung up, crates were being packed and delicious smelling food was cooking over a fire. Everything seemed so perfect.
The people didn't look at you funny, in fact, they smiled and waved as you passed by. There were no small children but definitely kids your age that were rescued from WICKED. They looked happy. You felt this warm feeling inside of you knowing that you finally made it. You looked at Newt and he looked back with his signature soft smile. You couldn't remember the last time you saw that smile.
"They've been planning this for over a year now. This is all for us." Harriet explained as she lead you further into the camp. You watched as the people excitingly packed up the crates and supplies.
"You guys are lucky that you found us when you did." Sonya explained. "We're leaving tomorrow at first light. Hey, where's Vince?" She asked one of the people and he pointed off to the right.
"Somewhere over there I think." The man said and Sonya nodded her thanks.
"This place is amazing." You commented and both girls smiled.
"Good." Was all Harriet said as she and Sonya continued leading the way.
"Who's Vince?" Thomas asked.
"He's the one who decides if you get to stay." Harriet responded.
"I thought The Right Arm was supposed to be an army?" Minho asked.
"Minho!" You hissed.
"We were." A deep masculine voice said as he exited one of the tents. He was a tall man with long hair and a beard with a very authoritative stance. "This is all thats left of us. A lot of us died gettin this far."
"I'm sorry sir, my dumb friend here wasn't trying to offend-"
"No it's fine, some people just have no filter." Vince said and you nodded, still glaring at Minho. "Now who are they?" This questions was more driven towards Harriet and Sonya.
"They're Immunes, caught em coming up the mountain." Harriet said and you looked over at Brenda, who seemed to be getting worse with pale skin and blue lips.
"Did you check them?" The man asked.
"I know this guy, Aris, I trust him." Harriet said, pointing to the boy. Vince just shook his head.
"Well I don't, check em." Vince said and then Brenda's breathing became heavier. Suddenly, the girl's legs caved in and she collapsed.
"BRENDA!" Jorge said, catching the girl and going down to the floor with her in his arms.
"I'm sorry." The girl murmured and Vince got down on one knee next to the two of them.
"What's happening? What's wrong with her?"
Vince asked but Jorge shook his head.
"I don't know!" He said. "Brenda, Brenda come on, stay with me."
"What the?" Vince said as he noticed Brenda's leg. He lifted the pant leg up to reveal the bite mark with black veins extending up. The man quickly rose to his feet, pistol out and loaded. "We gotta Crank!" The man shouted.
"NO!" Jorge screamed as two men pulled him away from the panting girl.
"STOP!" You said, jumping in front of the gun along with Thomas.
"Please, she's not that far along, she isn't dangerous yet." You begged.
"Why did you bring her here? The moment we bring a Crank into the Safe Haven, it ain't safe!" Vince yelled.
"I know!" You yelled back.
"Let her go!" Jorge shouted, trying to free himself.
"Please, there has to be something you could do to help." Thomas said and the man's eyes softened slightly.
"Yeah, yeah there's something." Vice said. "I could put her out of her misery."
"NO!" You said, jumping in front of the girl as Vince was about to pull the trigger.
"VINCE! That's enough, let them go!" A women cried and everyone turned to see a women running down from a tent a little further back. "Let them go."
"She's infected, there's nothing we can do." He told her but the women glanced at Thomas quickly.
"No, but he can." The women said and everyone looked taken aback. "Hello Thomas."
"You know me?" Thomas said and the girl nodded. Everyone looked confused.
"I know both of you." She said, pointing to you as well. "(Y/n). It's been so long."
"What's happening?" You questioned.
"After what the two of you pulled, man, I thought they were going to kill you." The women said as she went over and checked Brenda's pulse.
"What's happening right now?" You questioned again and the girl smiled.
"You haven't changed one bit." Mary said with a laugh.
"How do you know me?" You asked her curiously.
"(Y/n), I've seen you in a straight jacket so many times that I lost count. It was horrible. But you and Thomas, you two never ceased to amaze me."
"You said we did something, what did we do?" Thomas asked and the girl looked at both of you.
"Thomas, last we spoke, you said you couldn't take it anymore, watching all your friends die one by one. Last we spoke, you gave me the coordinates to every WICKED compound, trial, and lab." The women said and you all looked shocked, including Vince.
"He's our source?" Vince asked and she nodded.
"Of course, he couldn't do it alone. There was no way he would be able to do it, not with Ava Paige breathing down his neck. That's where (Y/n) came in." She explained and now all eyes were on you. "You see, (y/n) was special, she was rebellious and had quite the fire raging inside that built after every test. They deemed her unstable when she became a threat to their operation."
"Wait, you know why they call me that?"
"Another story for another time." Mary said. "Anyway, Thomas, you only trusted (y/n) so you asked her to do some sneaking around and she gladly accepted the job. One night, she gave you a USB that you then gifted to me."
"We did that?" You asked and the girl smiled.
"None of this would be possible without you two." The women said. "Take her to the med tent. Thomas, I need you to come too." She said and he nodded, following after Jorge and the guy helping him with Brenda. The women was about to go but you stopped her.
"What was your name?" You asked.
"Mary, my name is Mary." She smiled and then walked off.
"Get them some warm clothes." Vince said, still in shock.
"Come on follow me." Sonya said and you and the others followed, Brenda still on your mind.

You were gifted a new pair of jeans, a gray tight long sleeved shirt, and a red flannel jacket that was fuzzy and warm on the inside. You tied your hair up into a high ponytail and then left the tent you were changing in. But not before you made sure that you still had Gally's note. Once you shoved that in your new pockets, you walked out nice and fresh.
"Hey." Fry said as he walked over to you. "I heard they have food, care to join me?" He asked and you nodded enthusiastically. You felt as if you never really had the chance to talk to Fry.
"Where are the others?" You asked and Frypan laughed.
"Thomas is still with Mary, Teresa ran off to think, Aris is hanging with the other girls, and Newt getting dressed."
"And Minho?"
"He's, and I quote, 'fixing his hair'." You laughed and so did he. "So for the meantime, it's just you and me."
"Well that's fine with me." You said as the two of you walked over to a table with so much amazing food. You grabbed a plate as did Fry and you began putting food on respectfully, leaving more for others, Fry did the same. Once you had gotten a good portion of everything, you and Fry climbed up a small hill to get a good view of the sunset that was coming soon. The two of you sat, you on a rock while Fry chose the dirt.
"How have you been?" You asked Fry. You don't remember anyone asking him how he felt, he was just always there.
"I'm getting through it." He said.
"Brenda will be fine." You said and Fry smiled.
"How'd you know I was worried?"
"Cause I'm just super like that. Plus, I saw the way you were constantly with her and the look."
"The look?"
"Ohh yeah. The look."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Fry scoffed with a laugh.
"You know, when you like someone, you give em the look." You said and Fry laughed.
"You mean the look you give him?" Fry said, pointing to Newt as he and Minho made their way up to the two of you.
"What? No!" You said, blushing.
"What a view." Minho said as they finally made it up. Newt sat next you to you while Minho found another rock to sit on.
You all sat there, not saying a word to each other. You didn't need to. After some time, Thomas made his way up as well.
"Hey." You said and he smiled.
"She's fine, just resting now." He said and you sighed in relief.
"I'm sorry. I should have said something, I knew about the bite but didn't say anything. She made me promise."
"And you gave her your word." Newt said and you looked at him and he smiled.
"In the end, it all worked out." Thomas said and that made you feel better.
"I wish Alby could have seen all of this." Newt said.
"And Winston." Fry said and you looked at him. You rested your head on Newt's shoulder, wondering whether you should say it.
"And Gally." You finally said and Thomas stared at you. "He was still my brother."
"Chuck. He would have loved this." Thomas finally said as he gripped the small wooden figure that the boy had given him.
"He would have been proud of you Tommy." Newt said but the boy shook his head, not believing it.
"He never got to meet his parents, that may be true, but at least he got to know you and call you his brother." You said and you watched as tears rolled down the boys cheeks. You stood and stretched.
"I think I'm going to go take a walk." You told them and then walked off.

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