Part Nine: When Light Flashes

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You looked out into the dark abyss of the sandy scorch and wondered how the world could turn like this. Where homes could be destroyed, governments stealing and experimenting on children, and worse, people being able to welcome death with open arms. That wasn't a world you wanted to live in, but that was the one you found yourself in.
You heard the crackling of objects being thrown in the fire and the soft breaths of the others behind you. You had separated yourself from everyone else, you needed to think. For the majority of the time, the group had been silent, not speaking a word.
"I thought we were supposed to be Immune." Minho said, breaking the silence. You still didn't speak, you didn't even turn to face the group, just looked out into the empty scorch.
"Not all of us I guess." Teresa mumbled.
"If Winston can get infected then it's safe to say that so can the rest of us." Newt said and everyone went silent after that for a long minute.
"I never thought I'd say it but," Fry paused, "I miss the Glade."
"Psst." You heard Aris whisper to obviously everyone. "Someone should talk to her." You knew he was talking about you.
"I will." The British boy said, standing and walking over to you. You looked up and watched as he got down next to you.
"You should get some sleep." You told the boy.
"You know, you don't have to hide yourself, not from me." Newt said, gripping your attention. He was right. You could hide from anyone, anyone but him. He seemed to be able to read you like reading a page from a book, as you've found in the past.
"I just..." you said and paused, trying to find the correct words. "All I do is mess things up, and people pay for that."
"That's how the world works." Newt pointed out. "People make mistakes, but it's those mistakes that help us prepare for future events."
"I can't keep anyone alive. Ever. I wouldn't be surprised if I got myself killed one day." You said, thinking back to Ron, Alby, Chuck, Winston. Gally. Your own brother died right in front of your eyes and all you could do was fall in Newt's arms as he bled out with a spear through his chest.
"Winston told me that I'm the leader, that people look at me for answers. Now look at him. I can't lead you guys. If I had just left everything alone then-"
"We would be strung up like puppets on a string and being drained of life for who bloody knows." Newt interrupted, he saw the tears running down your cheeks. "(Y/n), leaders don't always have to have the answers. Leaders have to be strong and brave and smart, but they also have to be human. Leaders have to know when it's okay to break down and let their peers carry them, even if it's just for a little while." Newt said, wiping the tears off of your cheek.
"I'm not strong, I couldn't even give Winston the gun."
"Not everyone could." Newt pointed out.
"Alby could."
"But your not Alby, I'm not Alby, no one is Alby. Alby was one person, he was a leader, but so are you, even if you didn't give Winston the gun." Newt said and you stayed silent. "There is a place out there for us, I know it. And I also know that a lot of our friends died for us to make it this far. You can't give up. I won't let you."
"Newt, what if I can't do it? What if I can't lead us to our paradise?" You asked and Newt looked into the abyss and then back at you.
"You can. I know it. And I'll be right by your side when you do." Newt said and then wrapped his warm arm around your shoulders. He pulled you in and let your head rest on his shoulder. "You have my word."

You all walked through the vast desert, the mountains seeming to grow further and further away. The Galdees were losing hope, you didn't blame them. But you couldn't, not after what Newt told you. You were the leader and you were determined to get your group back safely, if it is the last thing that you do.
As the scorch continued on, you found yourself walking on flat rocky terrain that had cracks in the ground. It was nice not having to walk over sand dunes anymore. But supplies were running out. People were running out of water and you know that no one would last a day without that vital component.
"Hey." Aris said, making his way next to you and you jumped a little.
"Hey Aris." You returned with the best smile you could with your chapped dry lips.
"I'm sorry, about Winston." He said and you nodded your thanks for his condolences.
"He was a good friend. I didn't know him for too long in the Maze, but I did get the privilege to have known him."
"I guess so." Aris said as he walked by your side. "I wanted to thank you, for letting me join your group."
"Your really the only reason we got out of there." You said and he smiled awkwardly.
"That wasn't what I was talking about." Aris said and you looked at him confused.
"Then what are you talking about?" You asked.
"That first time we met in the cafeteria, you told me that I didn't have to be alone, that I could join you and your friends. That was the first time since the girls from my Maze were taken that anyone had actually wanted me." Aris said and you smiled wildly, wrapping your arm around his shoulder and hugging him.
Aris went behind you to join Frypan at the back and left you leading the group alone. You suddenly felt someone's presence next to you.
"Alright, what's the deal shuck face?" Minho blurted.
"Deal? What are you talking about slinthead?"
"That kid Aris? Why is he always talking to you huh? You know, if you think you can replace me then you are surely mistaken. I am irreplaceable." Minho said flatly and you laughed in disbelief.
"Are you jealous? Do you think that Aris is stealing your best friend?" You asked and the boy scoffed.
"You are not my best friend shuck face." He commented, but by the look on his face, you knew he was too proud to admit he was jealous.
"You know you can't be replaced." You told him and Minho nodded with a smirk.
"Yeah, I was just curious." He said and then hesitated. "Also, I never got to give this to you." Minho passed you a rolled up piece of paper. You took it and realised what it was. It was the letter. The letter that Gally had written you before you went in the Maze. The letter that confirmed you were his sister and that he loved you.
"Where did you..."
"Found it while you were in the slammer. Though you might have wanted it so I pocketed it, but I forgot about it till right now." He said and you smiled. "I know you miss him. You don't have to admit it, but I know. He was your brother."
You could see the guilt on his face. You knew Minho didn't want to send the spear through his chest. He secretly wanted your forgiveness, even if you never thought you had to forgive him. Gally was stung, he could have hurt people. He killed Chuck. Things happened and Minho reacted on instinct, you out of everyone would understand that.
"He may have been my brother, but so are you." You told him and you saw the guilt wash away. He enjoyed those words, though, like always, he was never going to admit it.

You all were lying on the ground as the sun set. There was nothing to camp under so you all resorted to the ground. You tossed and turned but couldn't get to sleep, whether it was from being uncomfortable or something else.
You rose to a crisscross position and looked out into the dry horizon as the sky turned dark from the clouds overhead. You sighed as you looked out. Then, something caught your eye.
It wasn't much, just a small flicker in the horizon, but it was clearly a light. Last you checked, lights like that didn't come from no where. There was a place with people.
"Guys, guys get up!" Your voice cracked as you pushed against Newt and Minho.
"What? What is it?" Teresa asked and you pointed out into the distance.
"People, there are people! Come on!" You shouted and the group got up quickly. They looked out and saw what you saw, a real civilisation.
"Let's go!" Fry shouted but was cut off by a huge BANG. You whipped your head in the direction of the sound and watched as blue lighting crashed down on the ground. Another bang was followed by another bolt and another after that. This was a lightning storm, and it was going right over you and the others.
"Move move MOVE!" Newt shouted and none of you hesitated to turn and run.
It seemed as the deeper the storm came the more intense the lighting as it shot through the sky. You watched as lighting crashed down on the ground behind you, getting closer.
You neared the building, heart racing and legs pumping. Adrenaline pulsed through your veins and your breathing was uncontrollable. The building looked like an old run down factory, that's probably what it was before the sun flares hit. There were beaten up rusting cars scattered around and a giant rolling door by the looks of it in the front.
"Come on! We can make it!" You shouted and everyone started going faster. "Aris, pump those legs! Teresa go!" You said, pushing everyone in front of you. Newt limped as fast as he could and that left only you, Minho, and Thomas at the back. You were so close when...
Minho and Thomas were sent flying back along with you. You hit a metal cargo crate but weren't near enough to the blast enough to take too much damage. You lifted yourself up quickly and ran over to Minho and Thomas. The brunette was struggling while Minho was limp, not moving at all.
"MINHO!" You shouted, running up to the boy and shaking him. Thomas was trying to recover from the blast. You watched as Aris and Newt were by his side.
"ARIS GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" You yelled over the thundering clouds and the boy nodded, pulling the distressed brunette away.
"I GOT YOU!" Newt shouted, helping you get a good hold on Minho. The two of you dragged the unconscious boy who radiated smoke to the doors that Frypan held open.
"Come on!" He shouted and you and Newt ran through the doors with Minho over your shoulders. Then, Frypan shut the doors.

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