Part Five: Behind Closed Doors

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"(Y/n), what are you doing?" Thomas mumbled as you rose from your seat. You didn't looked at any of them, just kept moving forward. All the Gladers stood and walked with you at a distance behind.
"(Y/n)?" Newt said, grabbing your arm but you didn't look back. It killed you, but you knew that he knew there was more to this. The guard pushed Newt back and the British boy gave an angry glance.
They were leading you to the shut door, two of the guards had already taken the bigger group of kids. The Gladers had stopped after being a certain distance, knowing they couldn't follow. Janson had disappeared from your view as far as you could see.
You watched as Thomas glanced at Aris, and the boy mouthed the words 'what is she doing?!'. Thomas looked back at you and you turned your head so that half of your face was in his view. Then, you winked and the Gladers were taken aback.
You looked at the guard, he had his keycard and was about to swipe it. You had your chance. You didn't care what kind of commotion that it caused.
In one swift motion, you swiped the card from the guards hand and clenched your fists, nailing him the jaw. When the guard tried fighting back you lifted your foot up and kicked him with all your strength against the wall. You heard gasps from the gathered crowd.
Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain radiate through your body. It came directly from your back. You screamed in agony as the hot pain continued to crawl through your body, making it hard to breathe.
"(Y/N)!" You heard all the Gladers scream. You clenched your teeth and jumped backwards, shoving the guard to the floor. He had some kind of baton that sent electrical shocks through you body merely by touch.
You stumble your way backwards and ran into Thomas. He looked at you with a worried expression. You slid the keycard into his hand sneakily and you watched as he swiftly pocketed it. Then, another wave of excruciating pain hit you in the same place. You screamed loudly.
You sucked in the pain, pushing it deep inside as you whipped around and knocked the baton out of the guards hand with your forearm. In a swift motion, you grabbed it mid air with your other hand and used all your force to smack him across the face with it.
"(Y/N)! LOOK OUT!" Frypan called out but when you turned, it was too late. A launcher, that Janson had disappeared to grab you presumed, shot out three clamps that dug into your chest. Electricity shot through your entire body, three times more than the baton. It's force sent you slamming against the wall.
You felt your body go numb and you dropped to the floor. Your body twitched and seized even though the clamps ceased to release more electricity. Your vision went blurry, you could only see things close up. You could see some people taking the Gladers away, one in particular was fighting so hard to be by your side. Newt.
You suddenly felt the strong arms of two individuals pick you up and drag you away. They unlocked the big doors and lead you away.
"Don't worry," Janson called. "We will handle this responsibly."
You were dragged through the halls. Everything was blurry, you couldn't see anything. You couldn't feel anything either, your body was still numb.
"Bring her to cell one. She'll wait there." Janson said and the guard nodded. All you could think was-
Thomas better find out what's inside that room before they bring me in as well.

You were sitting in a dank concrete cell for at least an hour. You absolutely hated it. You were locked inside and two armed men guarded it from the outside. There were no vents and no other way out. It was safe to say that you were trapped.
"What are you doing here?" A guard asked.
"Janson, he wants the girl." Someone said and this got you interested. You got up and walked to the door, listening intently.
"What do you mean he wants her? Why?" The guard asked.
"I don't know, but he wants us to bring her to the lab." The person said and there was silence for a moment. Then, you heard the door unlock, so you backed up.
"Grab her, and don't let her near your weapons." The guard told the other as they came up and each grabbed your arm.
Your strength was building back, but it would have been stupid to waste it all right now. They still thought you were too weak to fight back, and you were, but later you wouldn't. That's when you'd fight back. Only when you need to would you fight back.
The men had dragged you down the hallway and to the door, the very door that you wanted to go in. This was what you did this for, so it better be worth it.
"But our latest test have showed great promise." You heard a voice, Janson's, speak through the walls.
"I want to see." An older women's voice said.
"And that I plan to show you." Janson said, and that's when the door opened and you were lead in. Your eyes widened at the horrific sight.
Bodies. Hundreds of bodies were hung up like clothes on a line. They were so young and so lifeless as they had machines attached to their head. This was not the paradise that these kids had in mind. Instead of freedom, they were tricked and forced into experiments.
This was a lab, that much was obvious. Each young body strung up had blue liquid being drained from them. Whatever it was had to be important. It wasn't until you saw the women behind the screen that Janson had been talking to that you realised what was really going on.
"WICKED." You mumbled as the guards pushed you farther. That wasn't just any lady, that was Ava Paige herself, the women who shot herself in the video. She was alive. Of course she was, why wouldn't she be? All WICKED seemed to be able to do was lie anyway.
As you were being dragged, you saw two figures in the corner of your eye hiding behind the bodies. One was taller that the other and one had dark brown hair. They weren't supposed to be there. You knew it was Thomas and Aris.
"(Y/n)." Ava Paige said flatly when you came into view. "Your demonstrating on her?"
"Yes ma'am." Janson said, the turned to some other guards with him. "Hook her up." He told them.
Then, some men came up with wires and a machine. They began placing things on your head and body. You squirmed and fought, trying to get out of the situation you found yourself in.
"No no NO!" You screamed. "GET THE SHUCK OFF OF ME!" You screamed and kicked.
"Turn it on, turn it on now!"
With the flick of one switch, pain pulsed through your body. You felt like tiny little needles were poking into your skin. It was like someone stabing you and twisting the knife in your body. Your vision went dark and you could only see darkness. You hated it. A screeching sound echoed so loudly in your ears that you couldn't hear yourself scream and your head felt like it was on fire.
"Turn it off Janson." Ava Paige spoke and they did as told. Instant relief filled your body as the pain ceased. You breathed heavily.
"These results look very promising." Janson explained.
"Indeed they do." Ava said, agreeing with the man. "But I still want it done by the time I arrive."
"Of course Dr Paige." Janson nodded. "But might I suggest that we start with group A? They are the ones showing the most prominent progress."
Group A, that had to be your Maze group.
"I don't care, just have it done." She said and paused. "And Janson, I don't want them to feel any pain."
"Of course." Janson said as the cameras cut off and the picture of Ava Paige disappeared. "Take her back to her cell and get her ready for harvest." Janson said and the guards dragged your limp body away.
So much for saving your energy.

They forced more tests on you and drew more blood, but that was it. Luckily, they did not use the same testing method they used when Ava Paige was there. Then the door opened and the guards were there with launchers.
"You know what this does, so don't screw around with us kid." They told you, and there was no way to fight them now, they had the upper hand.
You were pushed through the room where the bodies were hung. You hated looking at it. You were just happy that none of them were people you knew, that would have made it way worse. You continued forward when a blaring alarm went off.
"Lockdown?" A guard said and you smirked.


You glanced down and saw a gun in one of the guards holster. He wasn't paying much attention, looking at the yellow sirens going off. You swiped it quickly and took a good look at it.
"Hey, what kind of gun is this?" You asked, pointing at the man's empty holster.
"Beretta why- oh sh-"
"What do you think would happen if I pulled the trigger?" You asked as you pointed the gun at both the guards. "Let's find out shall we?" You swiftly pointed the gun at his feet and shot on of the guards foot. The man screamed in pain and fell to the floor. The other guard was going to retaliate but you used the gun and smacked it against the right side of his head, knocking the man out cold. You weren't going to kill anyone, it wasn't your goal.
You took the second guards matching gun, a beretta. You stuck one in the back of your pants and the other still gripped in your hand. You grabbed spare ammunition.
"(Y/n)?" You turned and saw Winston and Aris, they were standing in the middle of the hallway staring.
"You guys come for a keycard or me?" You asked with a sly smile. "Cause I brought both."
"Come on, we gotta get to the door now!" Aris said, taking off with you and Winston following behind.

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