Part Sixteen: Aris?

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Everyone stepped out of the car, you, Minho, and Aris climbing over the backseats while the others went out the doors. Minho put out his hand to help you so you took it. Once you were out of the car, you and Newt made eye contact and he smiled, waving to you. You smiled and waved back, blushing heavily and butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Minho nudged you with his shoulder.
"Come on ya shank. Stop staring." He said and you followed him to meet with the rest of the group.
There was a huge pile up of cars, they must have been trying to escape the Cranks. The cars were all beaten and rusting down and there was no way to drive around them. Jorge heaved a sigh.
"Better get moving." He said, walking forward with the rest of the group. "Hermana, you mind leading with me?" You nodded, walking side by side with the man.
"Why?" You asked and he shrugged.
"They trust you more than me. If you lead, they will follow." Jorge answered. "Im surprised this place is abandoned." He then said and that made a question pop up in your mind.
"Yeah, that leaves one question. Where did they go?"
You made a quick glance back to Brenda who was slowing down. She looked horrible. You wanted to tell him, no, you had to. You were this far along, you couldn't hide it. Jorge seemed to be the closest thing that girl had to a father just as she seemed to be a daughter to him. He was right next to you, telling him was the right thing to do.
"Jorge," you said, pausing. "I need to tell you something."
"What is it hermana?" Jorge said and you took a big breath.
"I think Brenda, uh, she doesn't look good." You said, not telling him that she was infected like she asked but not saying she looked like a ray of sunshine. Killing two birds with one stone. All you wanted was for Jorge to notice and keep an eye out.
"I noticed that too. Thanks you for the concern, I plan to keep my eye on her and hopefully you will do the same."
"Of course." You said and he nodded his thanks. You looked back to the rest of the group who walked around, peeking inside the cars for anything that could be of use.
Fry was with Brenda, obviously keeping an eye on her. Thomas was with Teresa, trying to get her to talk to him but she seemed completely zoned out, as if there were so many thoughts going through her head. Minho was with Newt, they were having a silent conversation as they looked up into the mountains. Aris was just wandering around, admiring all the cars.
"How's everyone doing?" You called out.
"It hasn't even been five minutes, we're fine!" Minho called.
"Watch out Minho, it'd be a shame if you slipped!" You said and Minho looked over the edge of the road where there was massive drop down the mountain.
"Did you hear that Newt? That was a threat against my life!" Minho said with a sarcastic hurt voice. It was like a toddler telling on his sibling to their mother.
"You are both bloody five year olds." The blondie groaned as he peeked into a car.
"Hey (y/n)?" You heard Aris call and you turned to Jorge.
"I'll be right back." You said, walking over to Aris as he stood by the windshield of one of the dusty cars.
"Hey." You said but Aris just pointed at the windshield. There was a small crack in it, spider webs extending across the window.
"I haven't seen many that I can remember but that looks like a bullet mark." The boy said and as if on cue, sparks came flying from the hood of the car as a bullet hit.
"Everyone get down!" You screamed and you watched as everyone scurried, Teresa, Thomas, Fry, and Brenda taking cover together while Newt and Minho hid somewhere else. You were with Aris. More shots rained down but stopped, only leaving their echo through the mountains.
"Is everyone okay? Anyone shot?" You called out.
"We're fine!" Teresa called.
"Does anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt shouted.
"Psst, hermana!" Jorge whispered and you looked at Aris.
"Don't move." You told him as you crawled over to the man, taking cover beside a car. You quickly moved over to lean against the car Jorge was against.
"That damn son of a- Marcus, he lead us into an ambush." The man said, rummaging through his pack. You watched as Thomas poked his head over the hood of the car he was hiding behind.
"Thomas!" You hissed but were cut off by the bullets that scared Thomas back to his hiding position.
"We gotta plan?" You asked and the man handed you a yellow brick-shaped box with duct tape and wires sticking out.
"Here, hold this. We gotta create a diversion." Jorge said, taking out a small hand held device that had a blinking red button.
"Whoa whoa, is this a bomb?!"
"Yes so be ready to chuck it!" He said and you nodded. "Everyone, get ready to sprint back to the truck, and hold your ears!" Jorge called and you heard them all shuffling.
"Okay, let's do this." You said, looking at Jorge.
"Okay, one, two, th-" the sound of the reloading of a gun cut the man off.
"Drop it." A women's voice said and you closed your eyes in frustration. You and Jorge didn't move. "NOW!" The girl demanded and you both looked up.
There were two girls, both aiming their guns in your face. One girl had bright blonde hair while the other had deep brown dreads. They both had coverings over their face and heavy clothing. It was weird how cold it was, it seemed that because of the sun flares, the weather was all screwed up.
"Didn't you hear her?" The blondie asked passive aggressively, "drop your weapons, drop em now!" Jorge complied, lowering the hand held device and dropping it to the ground.
"Now get up." The other girl said, and the two of you rose with hands in the air in surrender. "That goes for the rest of you back there, get up! Don't be stupid. MOVE!"
You watched as all the other Gladers stood slowly, walking over to join you and Jorge. You saw Newt anxiously walk faster as did Minho and Aris. Aris stood by your side, obviously terrified. The girls's eyes suddenly went wide at the sight of the boy.
"A-Aris?" The girl in dreads stuttered and you stared at Aris who stared at the girl. She suddenly pulled down her mask and you watched as his eyes went wide.
"Oh my god, Harriet?!" The boy asked, walking up and hugging her with a huge smile.
"What the hell are you doing here?" The girl asked and the blondie lowered her mask.
"Sonya!" Aris said, giving her a huge hug too. The two smiled wildly while the rest of you were still confused.
"Your lucky we didn't shoot your dumb ass!" Sonya commented as she released him.
"Uh, what's happening?" Minho asked in the back, hands still raised.
"Aris, you know them?" You asked and he nodded.
"They were in the Maze, we were in the Maze together. Group B." Aris told you and you all looked at them shocked.
"Are you serious?" You asked and the boy smiled, grinning widely. That smile made you smile. Suddenly the girl, Harriet, whistled aggressively.
"We're clear guys, come on out!" She called and you watched as armed people came out from hiding at the top of the mountains. Sonya hugged Aris one more time.
"I can't believe your alive." She said.
"Yeah, me too. But it wouldn't have been possible without them." He said, pointing to your group. You stepped up awkwardly, waving.
"Hi, uh- oh." Suddenly, Sonya came up and gave you a huge hug, it was so tight that you were having trouble breathing. "Oh we're hugging, ha, I still don't know who you are." You said and the girl released you quickly.
"Thank you." She said and you nodded. "I'm Sonya, this Harriet. And you are...?"
"Right! I'm (Y/n), this is Minho, he's annoying."
"That's Newt, Thomas, Teresa, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge." You said, introducing everyone.
"Come on, follow us." Harriet said, leading your group out of the car pile up. You walked through a small blocked off tunnel, but Harriet gave a small hand signal.
"Back it up!" She called and trucks moved out of the way. "We're takin em to base."
"Wait, so how did you guys escape?" Aris asked intrigued, you were also curious.
"The Right Arm got us out." Harriet replied and then Thomas squeezed his way to the front.
"Wait, you know where The Right Arm is?" Thomas asked and the girl smirked, opening a car door.
"Hop in."

You sat next to Newt. Thomas and Teresa sat on the other side of the car while Aris took the front next to Harriet. You looked out the window as the car climbed the mountain. You watched as Minho made funny faces at your car from the front seat of Sonya's car behind. You turned back and looked at the others.
"You okay love?" Newt asked and you heaved a heavy sigh.
"Yeah, just a lot has happened in the last twenty minutes. I think I just need time to process."
"Well at least they're bringing us to The Right Arm, no more troubles." Newt said and you nodded.
"I just can't believe they know where The Right Arm is." Thomas said and you looked out the window again, this time you looked out shocked.
"What?" Teresa asked and you looked over at them.
"I don't think they're bringing us to The Right Arm. They are The Right Arm."

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