Part Four: Like Clockwork

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"(Y/n), what are you doing?" Thomas whispered harshly as you crawled under the bed, careful as to not wake Newt who slept above you peacefully.
"What does it look like?" You asked, looking back at Thomas who was still out from under the bed.
"Something stupid." He said and you rolled your eyes.
"I always do something stupid."
"But this is a bad idea." Thomas said and you knew it was going to take more than just a few words to convince him, but Aris seemed to be full of surprises.
"Hurry, we're gonna miss it." He said and Thomas's head poked up. It only took Aris five words.
"Miss what?" Thomas asked but you shrugged.
"We're gonna have to find out, are you with me? We won't be gone long." You asked and the boy looked at you warily.

You took turn after turn in the big vent. You followed after Aris who was way slicker than both you and Thomas combined. The brunette was shortly behind you and was beginning to become more comfortable with the adventure. Maybe it was because you were already comfortable with it.
"This way, hurry!" Aris said, taking another left turn.
"What the hell is going on?" Thomas asked from behind you and as much as you loved a good mystery, you were a little curious too.
"I can't explain now, you have see it. Now come on, like I said, we're gonna miss it." Aris whispered as he continued to crawl. You looked over at Thomas and he looked at you.
You turned one more corner and found Aris hovering over a little area that went down. You crawled out more so that Thomas could got out. Aris put his finger up to his lips and shushed you two. Both you and Thomas looked at each other again, then, you crawled forward first.
"Watch." Aris said and pointed downwards to the ground floor. You watched as a doctor, the same doctor that was with Teresa before, made her way down the hallway. Following her were gurneys with white sheets over them. There was a screen hovering over the gurneys that showed vitals and a picture of a human body. It reminded you of the two dead bodies on the gurneys covered in white sheets in the back room of the Maze. A sickening realisation came with that thought.
Bodies. Those were bodies under those sheets.
"What the shuck?" You mumbled as you watched the doctor unlock a door with a keycard, it sliding open. She lead the gurneys inside and the door instantly shut. You and Thomas were silent and Aris looked at the two of you.
"What the hell was that?" Thomas asked silently.
"They bring new ones in every night like clockwork."
"What do they do with them?" You asked and the boy looked at you.
"I don't know. This as far as I've gotten. The vents don't even go into that section. But once they go through that door, they never come back out." He said looking down and then back up. "I don't think anyone ever really leaves this place."
You felt that gut feeling that you ignored taunting you. This just proves to show that if you ever have a gut feeling, you always listen to it. You looked at the door again and longed to know what was inside. You knew you couldn't trust this place, and you were so ready to rub it in Minho's face.
"Why are you telling us this?" Thomas asked and Aris looked at him and then you.
"Because maybe the others will listen to you. I know you think somethings wrong here, I do too." Aris said and Thomas looked at you.
"We need a keycard." You said and Aris nodded.
"Well I can't do it." Thomas said and Aris looked at him confused.
"I'm already on the radar for what I pulled earlier." He explained.
"Well I can't to it, if I get caught then we're done for entirely." Both boys went silent, then, Thomas's head picked up. "What?" Aris asked.
"I know someone who can do it." Thomas said. "And they'd probably do a better job than me."
"Who?" Aris asked and Thomas turned his head and stared at you. You looked back confused.

Thomas got back in his bed and got some sleep. He was out quickly, but you were wide awake, thinking about what you saw. You couldn't help but wonder why Aris chose you, he could have easily just taken Thomas, so why you? You never showed him a reason to think that you were good enough for this. So why did he choose you?
You flipped over in the bed again, trying to get comfortable but it wasn't working. You were too anxious about everything. Too tense after seeing those bodies being rolled away. You didn't even know how you planned to get that keycard.
Suddenly, a warm arm wrapped around you and you felt a sudden flash of relief go through you. Newt snuggled up closer to you and you relaxed. He was clearly barely conscious.
"Go to sleep love." He said quietly, and you closed your eyes. You felt safe. That safety, however, would never feel the same if you didn't find out what was in that room. What were they hiding?

Janson was calling names again and all the kids looked happy. Did they know what was happening? Obviously not. You and Thomas glared at the man as he continued calling names.
"I have to know what's through that door." Thomas mumbled and Newt glanced over to the boy.
"Thomas, we went over this. You two told us that the bodies were covered up, you don't know what you saw." Newt said.
"Exactly. We don't know what we saw and that's the problem."
"They were definitely bodies." Thomas came in and said.
"Aris said they bring them in every night, you know, just like they call kids away every day. That doesn't sound a little suspicious to you?" You asked but Minho looked at you confused.
"Aris? Who the shuck is Aris?" He asked and you looked over to the hooded boy who was, for some reason, admiring a piece of cornbread. "Well, I'm sold."
"And, finally..." Janson said, about to read the last name.
"We just need to know what's behind that door-"
Your head shot up quickly and all the boys looked at you. Did he just say...
"(Y/n), if you could make your way up here, your paradise awaits." Janson called and all the boys looked at you, including Aris from across the room. You weren't going, you pretended not to hear him.
Thomas glanced at you and you glanced back. He knew that there was no way you were going with them.
"(Y/n)," Janson said as he walked over to your table, the armed guards following after him. "If you could come with me."
You looked at the boys, then down to the left side of the table and then the right. You looked as if you were looking for someone. At this point, everyone was looking at you.
"(Y/n)?" You called out. "(Y/n)? Damn. There doesn't seem to be a (y/n) over here Mr Janson, maybe you should look somewhere else. A different table maybe?" You heard Minho laugh while Newt looked at you anxiously.
"Miss (Y/n), people would kill for the position that we are offering you." Janson explained.
"Then maybe someone should take it." You said and the man sighed.
You looked at Janson and his guards. They were bringing all these unsuspecting kids to a room that may not be the paradise they were thinking about. Your eyes fell upon something that made you think. Janson had a keycard. The guards had keycards.
Then, an idea came to your head. A stupid idea. An idea that was probably going to get you in trouble. You laughed, not at the situation but at the annoyed expression Minho and Newt were going to give you.
"Okay." You said.
"What?" Janson asked, shocked.
"What?" Newt, Minho, and Thomas said at the same time.
"I said, okay. I'll go with you."

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