Part Twenty: Minho

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You watched as people ran, some fought. Janson rushed Teresa and Ava back to the ship where they would be safe. You watched as Thomas threw the bomb at a group of WICKED guards that were aiming their weapons at him and the rest of you.
"(Y/N)!" He shouted but you knew what to do.
"I've got you! Take cover!" You shouted and everyone got down so you pressed the button. The small little bomb let off a huge devastating explosion. You ran over to Jorge as he got out of the truck that he crashed. He laughed maniacally and whipped his head around to shoot a guard that thought they had the advantage.
"JORGE!" You called and the man smiled when you ran up.
"You didn't think we were just going to leave you, did you hermana? I owe you!" Jorge said.
"I thought we owed you?" You asked and he laughed.
"How bout we call it even?"
"I'll take that!" You laughed and so did he. Then he pulled out two hand held guns and handed them to you.
"I believe this is your choice of weaponry, correct?" He asked and you took them. "9 millimeter berettas, you have good taste hermana." He said. "Now go get your friends so we can get out of here!"
With that last comment, you ran out into the battle field. You looked over and watched as Vince was back on his Jeep, shooting from his giant machine. Sparks flew as he shot at guards and the helicopters.
"(Y/n)!" You heard Newt shout and you turned to see him, Fry, and Thomas running off while Minho held off the guards. You ran over and checked your gun.
"Go!" Minho yelled and you looked at him like he was crazy.
"Like hell I am, not without you!" You told him but he pushed you forward.
"Don't be a shank! Move! I'm right behind you!" Minho instructed and you looked at him hesitantly. Minho shot at the guards who kept coming. "MOVE (Y/N)!"
"Come on!" You felt someone's arms wrap around your waist and you looked up to see Frypan forcing you away and behind cover.
You watched as Minho shot at each guard that was in his way. They all went down. Suddenly, his gun jammed. A guard took the advantage while it was there and shot Minho with his launcher. You watched in horror as the clamps attached to the boy and sent waves of pain through his body as he screamed.
"MINHO!" You screamed, jolting up and attempting to run after him.
"Keep her back." You barely heard Minho say as you ran to him and you felt Newt grab you from behind.
"NO! LET ME GO!" You screamed, punched, kicked. You tried anything to be released. Eventually Thomas had to help hold you back. "MINHO!" You screamed.
You watched in horror as the boys limp body was being dragged away. With one swift movement, you elbowed both boys and they released you automatically. You began bolting for Minho as he was halfway to the ship that held the Immunes, Ava, Janson, and Teresa.
Minho's eyes met yours and the whole world went silent as he was pulled away. His lips moved as he mouthed the words 'you were always my best friend'.
"MINHO!" You screamed again, but out of nowhere, Jorge came up and lifted you over his shoulder. "PUT ME DOWN!" You cried, tears spilling out of your eyes as you watched Minho be taken into the ship. There was nothing you could do anymore. Minho was gone.
You couldn't hear the sounds of bullets flying and helicopters taking off in the distance. You couldn't hear anything, just the sounds of Minho's cries echoed through your head. You fought Jorge as best you could but the man refused to let you go.
"(Y/n) stop! It's over!"
"NOOOO!" You wailed as you watched the hatch of the ship close and Minho being held upright by the guards.
Jorge let you go because you had finally given up, there was nothing you could do. You fell to your knees and watched in horror as Ava Paige made eye contact with you. Newt got down next to you and held you tightly as the ship's door finally shut and it flew away.
You felt numb. You had never felt this way before. Not with Chuck. Not with Gally. You told Minho he was like your brother, and he was. Now, you lost both of them. Both of your brothers were gone.

You didn't sleep, you couldn't, no one could. You tried but every time you closed your eyes you saw Minho and Mary and Aris. They were gone. WICKED won.
It was morning, the sun had risen and the remaining people of The Right Arm began searching through the rouble and debris. They had to savor anything that would still benefit them. You helped too, looking through everything.
You looked over and saw Newt with Thomas and Frypan. They looked as battered as you did. You looked over and saw Brenda and Jorge sitting and talking softly. The whole camp had a terrible silence and no one dare break it.
Fires still roared but the smoke had cleared, but that didn't make searching any easier. It was hard to find anything useful when it's dug under burning hot metals. Eventually you just gave up, taking a seat on the ground next to a pack.
You picked up the backpack and searched through it. It had a water bottle and some other stuff, it just seemed like a normal bag. Then you pulled out a small picture. It was of you and Minho when the two of you were exploring the abandoned mall. This was his pack. You remember Minho holding the camera outwards to get the best angle of the two of you. He was smiling wildly, hair, as usual, was perfect.
You were in the back with a huge grin as well, but you could clearly see that you were laughing. You were on one knee with your flashlight pointing forwards and your hair was a mess compared to his. The two of you looked so happy. It was knowing that you were free, or at least, thinking you were.
"What do we do now?" Fry asked but you never looked up from the picture. You knew if you did, then you would be forced to see the reality of your situation.
"We pick up what's left of us. We stick with the plan and get you to the Safe Haven." Vince said. "We start over I guess."
You brushed your thumb against the picture, right over Minho. You couldn't move on, not without him. He, just like you, maybe more, deserved to be in the Safe Haven. You couldn't live there knowing that he was being tortured in WICKED.
You stood tall, holding on tightly to the picture and put the backpack over your shoulders. You looked at everyone as they stared at you.
"Good luck then." You said and Vince furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"What?" The man asked and it took a deep breath.
"I take giving my word seriously. I gave Minho mine. I told him that I would never let anything happen to him, but I failed. Now they have him and who knows what they'll do to him." You said and everyone looked at you as you stood taller. "I can't leave him. Not when we are so close."
"What are you saying?" Thomas asked.
"I'm saying that if you are going to the Safe Haven, then your going without me. Because I refuse to go without Minho." You told them and Newt sighed.
"Kid, look around, WICKED just kicked our ass. Think about where your going." Vince pointed out.
"I don't think. Ever. I do things, stupid things, because that's what my instincts tell me." You told him. "Minho, he was alway there, no matter how stupid or reckless, he was always there and he never questioned me."
"(Y/n), Minho has been my friend for as long as I can remember, trust me when I say that if there is a way to get him back I would take it. But WICKED is just too powerful. It's impossible."
"'More like suicide." Jorge said, coming up from behind. You turned to all of them, then Newt.
"Newt, you asked me what I saw when I thought of the future. I told you. But Minho was in it. Minho was in that future." You told them. "And it wasn't just Minho, it was everyone. Everyone who fought so hard to be here. These are children, children that were forced into submission. I can't just go into the Safe Haven and live there happily knowing that there was supposed to be more. More people who were supposed to get their bright future."
"We had an army before but now..." Vince said but you cut him off.
"I don't need an army. I need dedication. I need loyalty. I need strength and smarts. I don't need 100 people when you could make a difference with only one. It took two people and a USB to make The Right Arm what it was!" You told them and you watched as a slight smile showed on Newt's face. "If the death and destruction last night didn't prove anything to you, than let me tell you now. It doesn't matter where you run or hide, they will search everywhere and they won't stop. They'll never stop. So instead of hiding, I'm going to fight. Fight till the end because that's what Minho would have wanted. Winston, Alby, Chuck, Ron, Gally, it's what they would have wanted. It's what Mary would have wanted. And you don't have to follow me, but I refuse to let The Right Arm die here. I refuse."
"I want to kill Ava Paige." Thomas spoke up, rising to his feet next to you. "I'm going to kill Ava Paige."
"I have to admit, I could do with a little revenge." Harriet said as she stood next to Vince.
"That's a good speech kid. So what's the plan?" Everyone looked at you and you looked back.
You remembered when you were taken out of the Maze. Being put in a helicopter and flown away after watching everyone die. You remembered Minho holding you close in comfort. You remember having the realization that you weren't the girl in the glade anymore. You were so much more.
People looked up to you for answers, you had the plans and the speeches. You had the demeanor and attitude. Winston knew this was who you were supposed to be. You weren't the girl in the glade and you weren't the girl in the scorch. You were the leader. You had to lead. And that's exactly what you planned to do.

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