Part Twelve: When The Song Ends

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You chased after Brenda, thinking about the lecture Newt and Minho were going to give you about being stupid when you met up again. You ran into room to find the girl rummaging through a bunch of drawers, looking for something.
"Brenda? What the shuck are you do-"
"Found it!" She said, pocketing a small metal box and shoving you back the way you came. She stopped when she saw the WICKED guards all surrounding your exit. The girl pulled out her gun but you slapped her hand down.
"What are you doing?!"
"They don't know we're here, come on!" You said and Brenda realised you were right so you and her got down so that you weren't immediately noticed.
"This way!" She said, pulling you along the back of the room through a hallway behind glass. It was then that bullets started flying through the windows, narrowly missing you.
"Brenda!" You shouted as the guards started chasing the two of you down.
"Come on! We don't have much time!" She yelled as you followed her on a platform and down some stairs. The moment you got to the bottom, some more WICKED guards cut off your path. You turned to find the other guards gaining ground.
"This way!" Brenda said as she began walking across thin metal bars that extend across the top of the building. You didn't have time to hesitate so you followed.
You felt yourself sway from the unbalanced posture you held. You walked, one foot in front of the the other in order to not fall. You looked forward and saw Brenda struggling too. If you fell then it was over. You looked back and saw one of the guards following while the others went around.
"Brenda!" You shouted at the girl as she climbed over some scaffolding. She looked back at you.
"We have to hurry, the songs almost over." She said and you followed quickly after.
"What are you talking about? What happens when the song ends?" You asked but the loud clanging sound answered your questions.
You looked over and watched as the support beams of the building began lighting up as if it were taking fire. Then, the building lit up as fiery explosions filled the room, taking out everything inside. The force of the blast threw you against the scaffolding and Brenda took hold of you, pulling you up to the platform she was on. Then, you watched as the support beams to the buildings fell apart, taking the roof down with it. The building started caving in on itself, ripping the place apart.
"Oh, I get it now." You said as Brenda pulled you forward, running as the ground beneath began shaking and cracking apart. The whole building was coming down and you knew you didn't want to be buried with it.
You ran side by side with Brenda as she lead you to an opening with a drop. The two of you didn't even hesitate to grab onto the wire and slide down to the bottom. It burned your hands but the adrenaline helped numb the pain. The moment you both hit the bottom, a loud creaking sound came, followed by a loud clanking. You looked up and watched as a missive part of the building were coming down right on top of the two of you.
"LOOK OUT!" You screamed, leaping on Brenda and pushing her out of the way as the thing came down only seconds later.

It was dark. Dust filled the room and you could feel the heat radiating from the mess that was above you. You coughed as the dust stung your throat and made your nose hurt. You listened to Brenda as she coughed with you. All you cared about was whether she was okay or not. She didn't sound perfect, but she didn't sound dead.
"You alright?" Brenda asked as she clicked on her flashlight.
"Could be a lot worse." You coughed and Brenda nodded.
"Here." She said, passing you a light and you clicked it on, the first thing you see is the entrance you came down from was blocked off by debris.
"Well, that sucks." You said flatly and Brenda made an attempt at a laugh.
"(Y/n)." You said and she nodded.
"Relax (y/n), I know what we're doing. We were supposed to come down here anyway." Brenda told you as the two of you rose to your feet.
"Right. We just came down in style." You joked and the girl laughed again slightly.
"That's one way to put it." Brenda scoffed as she checked everything in her bag.
"Why are you helping us?" You asked and Brenda heaved a sigh.
"It was Jorge's idea, thought you'd be our ticket into the Right Arm and the Safe Haven."
"Safe Haven?"
"You know, paradise. Free from the sun and infection." Brenda said with sarcastic happiness.
"Something tells me you don't believe in the Right Arm as much as he does." You said and the girl shrugged.
"I guess I'm just done with false promises." She said and you felt the same way. You were through with WICKED's false promises. Done. "But after tonight, I'm going to have to believe that this is a promise that will be followed through."
"Well, first we have to get there. So, question is, what do we do?" You asked and Brenda led you over to grate in the ground that lead to what seemed like sewer tunnels underground.
"Jorge knows a guy, Marcus." She explained as she lifted some wooden scaffolding off of the grate. "He used to smuggle kids to the mountains. If your group is with Jorge, that's where they're going."
"Then so are we." You said as you got down and began lifting up the heavy grate. Once you lifted it, the metal thing hit the concrete floor with a clank. It was the followed by a screech from the dark tunnel. You looked up at the girl and she looked at you.
"Well that doesn't sound ominous at all." You said flatly.
"Down there they'll be Past The Gone. That means-"
"No, I got the gist of it. Your talking about the Cranks." You said and Brenda nodded, jumping down first and you following shortly after. With your lights lighting up the path, you were reconsidering the entire idea, but then you remembered the people waiting for you on the other side. Minho, Thomas, Frypan, Teresa, Aris. Newt. You had to do this for them.
"I don't know why your so afraid, aren't you immune?" Brenda asked as you walked through the dank slippery sewer tunnel.
"It's more of a fifty fifty chance at this point. Like you said before, false promises." You told her and she looked at you in confusion.
"What do you mean?" She asked and you sighed.
"We lost one of our own to the Flare. Killed himself before the virus could. It just proved that no one is every really safe, so even if we are immune, we play it carefully. Don't take any chances." You told her and Brenda nodded.
"Im sorry." She said and you shrugged.
"Im sure you've lost more people to the Flare than I have." You told her and she thought about it.
"I guess, but that doesn't make it easier. I'm sure being immune isn't all cracked up to be." Brenda said and you scoffed at the comment.
"Nope. Being tested on, being sent into mazes, our memories being wiped. You'd think it'd be different seen as we are humanity's last hope."
"All WICKED wants is the cure. They'll do anything to get it." Brenda said and you sighed.
"I noticed." You both laughed. "I have a question."
"What?" She asked.
"The box, what is it? Seen as we risked our lives to get it, I just got curious." Brenda sighed, considering whether or not to share it with you.
"It's a picture of my brother."
"Yeah, but he was taken by WICKED because he was immune. I don't know what happened to him." Brenda said with sadness showing through her eyes.
"What was his name?" You asked curiously.
You knew that name. It was in the Glade. It was the only grave in the Deadheads and was crossed off of the Maze wall. Alby killed George after he got stung, but could it have been Brenda's brother? No, it couldn't, WICKED changed all of your names when they took you in, it couldn't be the same kid, could it?
"Gally." You blurted.
"My brother, his name was Gally. Well, technically, his birth name was Liam but I only truly remember him as Gally." You told her.
"You remember your brother?"
"Not really, not before the Maze, but I went through something called the Changing. It returned a few of my memories, mainly painful ones, but he was in them. He wrote me this note for when I got in the Maze so that I remembered him." You said, showing her the paper, then pocketing it again. "We were in the same Maze, but I was only there for maybe a week before we 'escaped'."
"If you don't mind me asking, I noticed he wasn't with your group, what happened to him?" She asked and you sighed heavily.
"He died. We were so close and he was killed by these monsters WICKED created called Greivers. They killed my brother right in front of me." You told her as you and Brenda kept moving forward.
You weren't lying, Gally wasn't killed by Minho or by himself, the Greivers killed him. WICKED killed your brother. You knew you'd never forgive them for that.
"And the ring, was that from him too?" Brenda asked and you twisted the bent silver ring on your finger.
"Oh, no, that's from someone else." You said and Brenda smirked.
"The blondie, Newt, right? Was it him?" She asked and you flushed a hot pink.
"Yeah, but it didn't mean anything, just friends." You said but the girl shook her head.
"Friends don't jump in front friends to take a bullet like the way he did back there." She brought up and you felt your cheeks get hotter.
"Well I caught you lookin at my friend Thomas earlier." You smirked but the girl brushed it off, but you swear you saw a slight smile.
"Come on, we better hurry before we get into more trouble." Brenda said, walking down the tunnel faster.

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