Part Seven: The First Encounter

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You and Minho walked through some double doors and you found a gated up area in a big open room. It seemed that it wasn't for the public before it all went to klunck, just for the staff. It was dark and dusty, as if it had been abandoned a long time, which it probably was.
You and Minho walked around, glancing quickly at each other and then back around the desolate room. Wires were strung up like Christmas lights around the room, you couldn't turn without seeing any.
The two of you made your way over to the gated up section that was in the middle of the room. When your shined your light on it, you found a line of stuffed animals across the wired fence. You knelt down to get a better look. There were flowers, stuffed animals, pictures, it was like a memorial for a little girl.
"Hey, check this out!" Minho said, holding up a camera and pointing it at you. You looked over and before you could react, he pressed the button. A flash went off and blinded you, then the picture came out of a slot on the side.
"Minho, don't be stupid." You said with a laugh, looking over with a smile as you caught Minho with his arm extended out with the camera in hand, taking a selfie of the two of you two together. The picture came out and Minho laughed.
"Perfect." He said as he shoved it in his pack and you smiled, then focusing inside the gated area. You shined your flashlight behind the line toys to see a sleeping bag and some blankets.
"We should go." You said as you stood up and turned around. "There's something about this place that makes me uncomfortable."
"Hold on, I think this turns on the lights." The boy said as he played around with a power hub on the floor.
"Don't turn them on." You said and Minho looked at you with a confused expression.
"Why?" The boy questioned.
"Cause I think it's a bad idea." You told him and he scoffed.
"That's it?"
"Yeah. It's a bad idea." You told him.
"Yeah no, I'm doin it." Minho said, flipping the switch and turning the generator on.
Suddenly, lights flashed on from above you, illuminating the entire room. You and Minho
watched as the lights flicked on and you saw the boy's smile.
"See, told y- (Y/N) LOOK OUT!" Minho shouted, pulling you away from the wired fence as a thing screeched in your ear.
"Holy shuck!" You yelled when you got a better look.
Behind you, a little girl latched onto the wired fence, screeching and pulling against it. Her skin was pale, her hair was matted and ripped out in some places, dark black veins covered her body like spider webs, and black liquid dripping from her mouth, staining her skin and teeth. But none of that came even close to the horror that was her eyes. She had no eyes. She had claw marks of where they were supposed to be.
"What the shuck is that thing? Some kind of monster?" Minho asked but you shook your head.
"No, I think it's a Crank." You said, shifting your eyes away from the girl.
A wail from the once dark hallway to your left sent shivers down your spine. Then, suddenly, people stepped out from the shadows of rubble and debris. They walked awkwardly, their shoulder cracking back and head seeming to rock back and forth uncontrollably. These were definitely not the people who lived here, or worse, maybe they were. That seemed to make the most sense, who would leave such a fortified place without their supplies?
Suddenly, out of the corner of your eye you spotted one, a Crank, run after you two. Minho put himself in front of you like a protective shield. He got down and picked up a metal pole, then using all of his momentum to slap it across the Crank's face. It fell to the floor with a loud thump.
"Hey Minho," you said, pulling against his arm as you began running back. "We should go, we should go NOW!" You yelled.
"Way ahead of you!" Minho shouted as he ran side by side with you out of the room.
You barged through the big double doors, slamming it shut on the Crank Minho had bashed in the head. The thing wailed and screeched as it attempted to get through the doors. Minho looked over and saw a metal cabinet sitting next to the door.
"Hold him back!" Minho shouted and you didn't question the boy as he ran around the other side of the cabinet. With his strength, Minho pushed the metal cabinet down with a clang, blocking the door.
More screeching and wailing filled the room and more Cranks had come out of nowhere. How you didn't see them before is beyond your knowledge. Minho pushed you forward and you began running the way you came, back to the group.
"Minho! Your flashlight! Turn it off!" You shouted and the boy listened without question. Maybe the Cranks would find you faster because of the bright light that would wave up and down with each stride you both took. You ran up the escalators, heading back to your group.

"HEY!" Your voice echoed through the building, catching your groups attention. They were probably confused on why the lights had suddenly turned on.
"RUN!" Minho yelled to them.
"What the bloody-" Newt was cut off by a loud echoing screech, then the Cranks ran in from behind you and the boy.
"GO!" You yelled to them and they all turned, bolting down the hallway and back to where we had come from. Aris threw you a backpack and then waited for you to be by his side. The kid wasn't going to let you go, but why?
"What are those things?" Winston shouted as he and the other Galders ran for the two escalators that lead up.
"Cranks!" You shouted up to him as you pushed Aris on the escalator first, forcing him to climb up with the others.
"Let's move!" Fry shouted as you all got to the top of the escalators and now had to go to the next level. You all ran forward but skidded to a halt when a tangled Crank came around the corner.
Aris pulled out a bat and ran towards the beast, lowering down to his knees and tripping the ugly thing to the floor. You heard the screeching become louder as the wave of Cranks neared the rest of you.
"Up up up!" You screamed, pushing Aris up the next set of stairs. You don't know why but you felt this urge to keep this kid alive, there was something about him that reminded you of someone.
Thomas and Teresa knocked down two Cranks on another set of escalators, running up quickly like the rest of you. Minho was the last up before you.
"Let's go!" Thomas shouted as you all regrouped, bolting away. You were passing outlet stores and avoiding trash that would slow you down. Suddenly, breaking glass stole your attention.
You turned and saw a Crank on top of Newt, biting and snapping at the boy who tried his best to get the beast of himself. You took out your beretta and loaded it. How you knew to do this never crossed your mind. WICKED could steal your memories but not your muscle's, maybe you were taught how to use one in the past you couldn't remember.
"Newt!" You yelled, preparing him before you shot and he nodded. You pulled the trigger and felt the kickback. The Crank flew back and you ran over to Newt, hoisting him up.
"Tell me when we aren't about to die!" You told him as you bolted to join the rest of the group with Newt by your side.
The group took a harsh turn and ran down a dark dank corridor. It was lengthy but it was something. You all ran as packed as possible, trying every door. Thomas began getting frustrated. You turned and saw the Cranks entering the hallway too.
"Go!" You shouted and you all bolted to the end of the hallway where two double doors stood. You pushed against it, only for it to be chained shut.
"We can get it opened!" You shouted, getting out of the way for Thomas as he began kicking the door. You heard the lock begin to break off the wall.
"(Y/n)! The gun! Give me the gun!" Winston shouted and you passed him one of the berettas you had stolen. "I'll hold em off." He said as he began shooting at the Cranks down the hall. They piled up on top of each other, eager to catch their prey.
"Fry!" You shouted and the boy nodded, taking a step back and then running forward, kicking the lock straight off the door.
"Let's move!" Thomas said, pulling Teresa through the door while Minho grabbed Aris.
"WINSTON!" You shouted when you saw the boy fall over. You took your beretta and shot the Crank on top of the boy, but not before it dug it's claws in his chest.
"Get him!" You yelled at Fry and Newt as you shot at the Cranks, and they didn't hesitate. You watched as they dragged Winston out and he screamed in agony. You ran out after them, shutting the door again and sliding a pole through the handles so you could get a better distance.
You ran, sand flipping up in your steps. You were right back where you started. Suddenly, you heard an agony filled scream and you turned to see Newt and Fry lead the boy under a slab of concrete that was well hidden from sight. You slid down to meet up with the group again, but you heard the Cranks against the door. It wasn't going to hold much longer.
"Come on Winston, we need you to stop! I know it hurts." Fry begged but poor Winston couldn't help it, letting out another cry. An idea popped into your head.
"Newt!" You said and the boy looked at you. "The scarf, can I see it?" You asked and he took it off his neck and passed it to you. You then knelt down next to the boy in pain.
"What are you doing?" Minho asked.
"Alright Winston, I know this hurts okay, but we need you to be quiet. Bite down on this so that it muffles your screams, okay? But try to hold it just a little longer alright? I need you to be strong, can you do that for me?" Winston nodded. "Good." You said, putting the orange scarf in the boy's mouth.
Suddenly, you heard the door blast open and the Cranks wailing and calling followed after. They climbed and looked, but they could not find any of you. Winston had done what you said, he held in his cries as much as he possibly could.
"This is going to be a long night."

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