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i removed the pillow quickly at the sound of jack's voice, him looking at me with wide eyes. i can't speak. my mind goes blank, and all i can think about is him. "i-" i start, but i don't know what else to say. he heard me, and there's no going back from that.

"i'll let you guys talk." auggie says, smiling proudly as he walks out of the room, closing the door behind him, so now it's just jack and i. i sigh, lying down on the bed, trying not to show the visible pain on my face. he sits down next to where i'm lying, a slight smile showing on his face. "y/n?" he whispers, putting his hand on top of mine and brushing his thumb over my knuckles.

i feel my heartbeat quicken, as he lifts me up and sits me upright, so i'm not laying down. he puts his hand on the right side of my cheek, rubbing his thumb softly over my cheekbone. "why didn't you tell me?" he whispers again, looking me in the eyes. i shrug, sighing lowly, as he smiles warmly at me.

"i love you, y/n." he whispers softly into my ear, kissing my temple gently, as i feel my face goes pink and he brushes his hand through my hair. "i need you, and i love you, and i have since the sixth grade- when julian was picking on auggie, and you told him that if he didn't 'shut up, you'd shove a test tube down his throat.'" he quotes what i'd said four years ago, causing me to chuckle. he chuckles after me, kissing my cheek softly before resting his forehead on mine.

"i'm in love with you, y/n l/n. i always have. i always will." he says, causing my heartbeat to quicken, and my face to turn bright red. i smile at him, as he kisses the tip of my nose, then my lips. i slowly move my right hand on the side of his neck, embracing the kiss. he smiles into the kiss, before i pull away slowly. "i'm in love with you, jack will." i whisper, as he smiles before kissing my lips softly again.

the door pushes open, as summer and auggie barge in excitedly. "we did it. i'm so proud of us." auggie says, high-fiving summer. jack and i chuckle, as he kisses below my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist. auggie and summer gush, as i brush my hand through jack's brown curls. "okay, so we're ready to bounce. jack, are you staying over at y/n's tonight?" summer says, and he and i look at each other. "if y/n's okay with it..." he smiles softly at me, as i nod.

"my mom won't be home this weekend, she's off- somewhere. summer, could we stop by jack's and get some of his things?" i ask her, as she nods excitedly. "okay, so we're leaving?" jack asks, getting up from the bed and holding onto my hand. "you guys can wait in the car, i wanna talk to julian." i tell them, biting the inside of my cheek. jack's smile drops, as summer and auggie nod and leave, but jack stays with me.

he brushes his thumb over my knuckles, looking down at our hands and then back up at me. "do you like him? i know you said you didn't earlier, but then-" i cut him off by pressing my lips against his. "jack, i don't like julian. i only want to talk to him to let him know that i'm not interested in him." i assure him, as he sighs with relief. "okay, i should talk to ximena, too." he spoke, as he and i walked out of the room, making our way to find ximena and julian.

"oh- uh, julian?" i tap on his shoulder, as he turns around with a smile on his face. "hm?" he replies. "so uhm, look, i think you're cool, and i like that we're friends now- but i don't really like you as more than that..." i say quietly, so nobody else hears. "are you serious?" he asks nervously. i nod. "i'm sorry- if you misinterpreted things, i'm sure it was my fault." i say, as he sighs. "no, it's alright. as long as we can still be friends." he smiles slightly, and i smile back. "i'd like that." i say, giving him a quick hug, before leaving his home and heading to the car, where auggie, summer, and jack are waiting for me.

auggie and summer smile wide at jack and i as i get into the back seat of the car with him. he wraps his arm around my waist, and i rest my head on his shoulder. "i've been waiting years for this." summer jokes, as her and auggie do their little handshake, causing jack and i to laugh. "oh! uhm, so my mom isn't gonna home this weekend, would you guys wanna stay over at mine tonight?" i ask them, and they all nod. "okay, then we should probably still stop at your guys' houses so you can get some of your things." i add, and they all agree.

we stop at jack's house first, leaving auggie, summer and i in the car by ourselves. "okay y/n, you're gonna have to tell us- are you guys a couple or..." summer asks, as i roll my eyes jokingly. "no, and don't bring that up. i don't want that conversation to be brought up unnaturally. i wanna let him bring it up on his own time." i say, as they both smile at me, and jack gets back into the car.

"what's everyone smiling about?" jack questions with a smile. "nothing." auggie says quickly, causing us to laugh. jack kisses my cheek before resting his head on my shoulder, as the four of us make our way back to my house, stopping at auggie and summer's on the way. we park in summer's driveway since it's her car, and her and auggie go inside of her house to get her things, leaving jack and i to walk back to my house alone. he softly interlocks his fingers with mine, looking over and smiling at me. i blush and smile back, as we make our way inside of my house.

he walks up to my room to put his things down, as i walk into the kitchen and grab a water bottle. i soon hear jack walk back down the stairs, as the front door opens and auggie and summer walk in together. "okay, you guys are back. so we could all sleep in the guest room, since for some reason my mom just got two queen sized beds in there." i spoke, as they nod and auggie and summer put their things in my room.

"hey." jack says quietly, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "hi." i say softly, as he kisses my cheek and sits his head on my shoulder. "how're you?" he asks me quietly, as i turn around to face him. "i'm doing pretty good," i say with a smile, as he smiles back. "how're you?" i ask him, as he rests his forehead against mine. "as of right now, i'm doing great." he whispers before kissing my lips softly.

"ooh!" auggie and summer coo, causing jack and i to chuckle. "shut up. do you guys wanna watch a movie or something?" jack says with a nervous smile. "yeah, i don't care what we watch, so you guys can pick the movie." auggie says, as he and summer head up to the guest bedroom. "we should probably head up there." i chuckle a bit at jack, as he nods. "but i did want to talk to you about something. after auggie and summer fall asleep, meet me in your room?" he asks with a smile, and i nod in agreement. he kisses my cheek and softly grabs my hand, as we walk up to the guest bedroom.

listen before i go - jack willWhere stories live. Discover now