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"are you still up for the movie?" summer asks me, and i nod. "i'm not gonna let this ruin my day. i do need to do something with these boxes though." i sigh, picking up one of the boxes. "i'll bring the car up here and you can put them in there until we figure out where you're staying." summer says, and i agree. "y/n, you can stay with me-" "i know jack. it's just something i'm gonna have to think about." i say, and put my hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb over his cheekbone.

he nods, kissing my forehead softly. summer and auggie leave to go get summer's car, and i sigh and take one last look at my room before beginning to take the boxes downstairs. jack helps me with them, and once we get them all down stairs, summer and auggie are back with summer's car. we load all of the boxes into summer's car, and we get into the car. "you sure you're up for the movie?" jack asks me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and rubbing his thumb over my hip bone.

"yes, i'm sure. so what're we seeing?" i ask, as summer pulls out of the driveway of my former home. "uhm, we were thinking about seeing that new movie, a quiet place 2." auggie says. "oh nice, i saw the first one and loved it, so i'm pretty excited." i say, and summer nods. "we're gonna go to the theatre that's an hour away, since there weren't any open showings at the one nearby." summer adds. "more car time then! can i have aux?" i ask, and summer nods again, handing me the aux chord. i shuffle my playlist, and the first song that plays is 'wish you were gay' by billie eilish. "can i lay my head on your lap?" jack whispers to me nervously, as i chuckle and nod. he kisses my cheek before lying his head on my lap, and i begin to ruffle my hand through his hair.

he eventually falls asleep, which makes it hard for me to wake him up when we get to the theatre. "jack? baby, we're here." i say quietly in his ear, as he slowly flutters his eyes open. "i didn't mean to fall asleep." he says, as he sits up from my lap. "it's okay, you're adorable when you sleep." i say, kissing his cheek. we walk into the theatre, and get some popcorn, candy, and two large drinks- one for jack and i, and the other for summer and auggie.

we go into the screen room and find our seats. i sit next to summer and jack, and auggie sits on the other side of summer. when the movie starts, jack puts his hand on mine and puts his head on my shoulder. when the scene where marcus abbott is at his baseball game comes on, i smile at jack. "you look just like him." i whisper, as he smiles and rolls his eyes. "he looks nothing like me. i'm way better looking." he scoffs jokingly, and i roll my eyes. "i don't know, he's pretty good looking." i whisper, and he scrunches his nose. "stop that." he whines quietly, kissing my neck once.

when the movie's over, my heart is literally beating out of my chest. "okay- marcus abbott is just... WOOH!" i say, making jack jealous. "it's insane how similar him and jack look." auggie says, and summer and i nod. "i still don't see it." jack says. "it's a compliment." a girl's voice says from behind us. i turn around and see a hazel-eyed brunette smiling at jack. "then thanks, i guess." jack chuckles, scratching the back of his neck. "you're welcome, i guess." the girl replies, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear as she walks down the steps and walks onto our seating row.

"i'm madelyn." she says, still smiling at jack. she's really pretty. oh dammit- she's really pretty. "i'm jack." he spoke, as his knuckles brushed against mine. "nice to meet you jack. what're your names?" she asks the rest of us. "that's summer, that's auggie, and this is y/n." jack says. "nice to meet all of you. especially you, jack." she smiles at him, subtly biting her lip. i look down at my feet, and bite the inside of my cheek. "if you ever wanna hang out sometime," madelyn says, writing onto a piece of paper. she hands him the slip of paper, as he puts it in his pocket. "gimme a call." she winks at him. it's her phone number. "uh, actually-" jack says, but she's already left the theatre.

"i'm sorry, i didn't know she was-" jack starts, but stops when he notices the look on my face. my eyes are welled with tears, not because another girl was flirting with jack, but because jack didn't think to mention that i was his girlfriend. "y/n..." he whispers, his voice breaking. "we're gonna let you guys talk." summer says, taking auggie's hand and rushing out of the theatre. i turn around to leave our seating area, but jack grabs my arm gently and turns me around. "y/n wait-" "you guys have to leave the screen room, we're getting ready to show another movie in here." an employee comes in and tells us. "sorry, we were just leaving." i say, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

jack and i walk out of the screen room, and i head towards the exit of the movie theatre, but jack stops me. "y/n stop. please, can i just talk to you?" he asks, one hand on my hip and the other in my hand. "i'd really rather not talk in front of everyone." i say quietly, looking around at the people in the concessions area. "fine. c'mon." jack says, walking me up the stairs and to the family restroom, locking the door behind us. "look, you know i'm not good with social cues. i hadn't thought that she was flirting until she winked at me." he explains, as i sit down on the sink counter. i sigh, and look down at my lap. "she was really pretty, wasn't she?" i ask quietly, a tear dripping from my eyelid. "no, y/n. you're the only person that i can see in that way." he sighs, walking over to me.

he puts one hand on my hip, and lifts my chin with the other. "was that what's bothering you?" he asks, and i shake my head. "what is it?" he asks quietly. "you kept her number." i sigh, looking at the pocket that he put the paper in. "she gave it to me before she winked, so i put it in my pocket before then. i'm sorry, here." he says, removing his hands from me and pulling the slip out of his pocket and handing it to me. i smile a little, as i take the paper from him and put it in my bra, since i don't have pockets. he chuckles at that. "was that all?" he asks, putting his hands on my hips. i shake my head. "this one's kinda dumb, but you introduced all of us to her, and you didn't call me your girlfriend. you just- you usually introduce me as your girlfriend." i say, gulping as a smile grows on his face.

"i thought she knew, which is another reason why i didn't think she was flirting with me." he replies. "how would she have known?" i ask him with a confused look on my face. "i thought it was obvious. i was kissing all on you a lot during the movie, and she'd only sat behind us so i thought she would've seen." he smiles slightly, putting one hand on the side of my neck. he rubs his thumb over my neck and chuckles a little bit. "what?" i say nervously, as he smiles at my neck. "i didn't know i was kissing you that much." he says, as i gasp and turn my head toward the mirror, noticing the new hickey that he'd formed on my neck. "jack!" i groan with a smile, as he laughs. "i'm sorry!" he smiles.

"now, back to what we were talking about. i'm sorry i didn't introduce you as my girlfriend. it was shitty, and i'm really sorry that i made you upset. i never wanna see you cry, and i never want to be the one that makes you cry." he spoke, rubbing his thumb over my tear-stained cheek. "and i want the whole world to know that you're my girlfriend, so everyone can see how lucky i got." he adds, making me smile. "there it is." he smiles back at me, making my smile grow. "you might wanna cover your ears." he says, as a confused look grows on my face. "wha-"

"Y/N L/N IS MY GIRLFRIEND!" he yells as loud as possible, as i put one hand over his mouth and one on the back of his head. "what're you doing?" i ask him through a chuckle, removing my hands. "i told you that i wanted to let the whole world know that you were my girlfriend." he says, making me smile again. "i love you." i say quietly, as he smiles. "i love you most." he replies, kissing my lips softly. i put one of my hands on his cheek, and the other on the side of his neck. he slides his hands down my waist, stopping at the sides of my thighs. he lifts me off of the counter and wraps my legs around his waist.

(this isn't supposed to be sexual btw^)

i pull away from the kiss and look into his eyes. "is everything okay?" he asks, catching his breath (lol). i nod, and put my head on his shoulder. he carries me out to summer's car, where her and auggie are laughing it up. "what'd we miss?" i ask, as jack places me in the car. "nothing much, what'd we miss?" summer says, as jack gets into the car. "nothing much." jack says, as summer laughs and rolls her eyes. "it's pretty late, so do you want me to take you guys back home?" summer asks us. we nod. "okay, y/n do you want me to take you to jack's?" she asks me, and i look over at jack as he squeezes my hand. "yeah, i think i'm gonna stay with him."

listen before i go - jack willWhere stories live. Discover now