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"yeah? so what's the plan, jacky pooh?" i say, making him laugh. "stop calling me that, y/n!" he says through his laugh. "okay, okay. but really, what're we gonna do today?" i reply, kissing the back of his hand. "i was thinking, since the fair is in town this weekend..." he smiles, and i nod quickly. "that sounds amazing." i say, as he kisses my cheek. "great. do you wanna go now?" he asks me, and i nod. "i'm gonna take a shower, then we can go." i smile and kiss his cheek before walking into my bathroom.

after i get out of the shower, i realize that i forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom with me. i peek out of the bathroom door, and see that jack is still sitting on my bed. "uhm, jack?" i say, as he looks up and his face grows red. "hey- oh- uhm- sorry... i'll go wait in the guest room- sorry-" he stutters, rushing out of the room. i chuckle a bit, as he closes the door behind him and i walk out with a towel wrapped around me.

after i change, i blow-dry my hair and put on some chapstick. i grab my phone off of my bed and walk back into the guest room where jack is waiting for me. "sorry again, about earlier. i feel like i'm always saying that to you. i'm sorry for saying 'sorry' so much." he says, and i bite the inside of my cheek through a smile. "it's okay, jack. c'mere." i say, as he gets up from the bed and wraps his arms around my neck, mine around his waist. "i love you." he whispers, kissing the top of my head. "i love you back." i reply, as he smiles down at me, and we pull out of the hug.

"okay, so once you change we can leave." i tell him, and he gives me a thumbs up before grabbing a new shirt out of his bag, and a pair of gray sweatpants. he changes into them in the bathroom, and cleans up his hair by ruffling his hand through it. "okay, i'm ready." he says, as he grabs his phone and puts it in his pocket. i smile and nod, as he takes my hand and we rush out of my house. we start to walk to his house, since that's where his car is, and we don't have a ride otherwise.

before we get into his car, we walk inside of his house. he doesn't tell me why, but i think it's just so that he can tell his mom that he's taking his car. "jack, you're home! hi y/n, nice to see you again." mrs. will smiles at me. "you too, mrs. will." i smile back. "oh please, i've known you for almost five years. call me amanda." she corrects me, and jack squeezes my hand with a smile. "will do." i chuckle a little, as jack's little brother, jamie runs out of his room. "y/n!" he exclaims, rushing up to me and hugging me tightly. "hey jamie!" i smile and hug him back, letting go of jack's hand. "what're you doing here? are you staying?" he asks with a smile. "not for long, we're gonna go to the fair." i reply, as jamie sticks his lower lip out dramatically.

"speaking of which, mom, i was gonna take the car. is that okay?" jack asks his mom as holds onto my hand again. his mom looks down at our hands, then at jack, then at me with a smile. "of course. don't be out too late though, i don't want you two out too dark." she says with a chuckle, as jack and i nod. "thanks mom, i'm gonna get some money and then we'll leave." jack tells me, kissing my cheek before rushing into his room.

"you two finally got together. i know summer and auggie have been trying on that for a while." amanda says with a laugh, and i laugh too. i blush a little with a smile. "yeah, now jack and i are gonna have to try and get THEM together." i joke, as she laughs. "but really y/n, i couldn't be happier that jack is with you. he's liked you ever since he's known you, and i haven't seen him this happy in a while." she smiles at me, as i bite the inside of my cheek with a smile. "i'm glad. he makes me really happy." i say, peeking behind her to see jack leaning against his doorway with a smile.

"we'd better get going." jack says with a smile as he walks back to us. "okay, okay. you're welcome over anytime y/n." she assures me, as jack wraps his arms around my waist from behind. "thank you, mrs- i mean, amanda." i stutter, and she laughs a little. "now go have fun, but not too much fun." she jokes, as jack rolls his eyes with a laugh, as we walk out to the car. i get into the passenger seat, and jack gets in the driver seat. "i'm glad i make you happy." jack smiles at me, putting the car in reverse. "i'm glad i make YOU happy." i reply, as he chuckles a little.

when we get to the fair, jack carries me on his back to the ticket booth. we buy 40 tickets, which was only $20. we play a few of the games first, since jack wanted to win me the big pineapple squishmallow. he still won the medium one, but got upset at himself that he couldn't win the big one. "jack don't beat yourself up about it. those games are rigged anyways, it's surprising you at least won the medium one." i assured him, holding onto his hand. "yeah- you're right."

we ride the tornado, which was honestly TERRIFYING, but jack let me squeeze his hand as tight as i needed, which made me feel better about the ride. it's getting pretty dark, so we decide to ride one more ride before we leave. the ferris wheel. "hurry before the line gets too long!" jack smiles, rushing us over to the ferris wheel. luckily we end up getting to get on immediately, so we don't have to wait in line.

the ferris wheel pauses so that people can get on, so we have decide to take a few pictures while we wait for the ride to actually start going. "you're so beautiful." jack says quietly, resting his head on my shoulder. "no, you're beautiful." i say, making him chuckle. he pulls out his phone and takes a picture of him kissing my cheek. the ride starts to move, so we put our phones away. we stop at the top of the ferris wheel, and jack picks up my hand and kisses my lips softly. "what was that for?" i smile, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles

"because i love you." he smiles, placing his open hand on my cheek, softly brushing his thumb over my cheekbone. "and i love you." i reply, kissing his lips passionately, putting my hands on the sides of his neck. the ride starts moving again, causing me to pull away from him and he laughs. "you alright there?" he asks jokingly, putting his hands on the sides of my arms. "oh, shut up." i joke, and he laughs. he holds my hand as the ferris wheel starts turning, and takes out his phone to take a video of us.

"jack, you might drop your phone, be carefu-" he cuts me off by pressing his lips against mine, making sure the video catches every second of it. we both smile into the kiss, as i put my hands on both of his cheeks, and he puts his phone in his lap. he puts his hands on both sides of my neck, as i move one of my hands to the back of his head, twirling my fingers in his curly brown hair. i want this moment to last forever, but alas, the ferris wheel stops at the top, and the colorful flashing lights bring me out of my gaze. "i never want this moment to end." he spoke, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear with the tips of his fingers. "me neither, but your mom said she didn't want us out too dark." i reply, as we pull away from each other.

"i talked to my mom about me staying over at yours again tonight, but she said that you could stay over at ours if you wanted to... so would you want to?" he smiles, as i smile back and nod. "i'd like that."

listen before i go - jack willWhere stories live. Discover now