Overdoses and Car Accidents

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**Andy's POV**

Roxy closed her eyes when Jessie left the room. I started stroking her cheek and sang to her. I sang her some of the lyrics to Never Give In. She replied with lyrics to In The End. I had to think about what to sing next. I sang Knives and Pens. She sang back Die For You. I shook my head at her adorable stubborness and sang something back.

"I never meant to be the one who kept you from the dark, but now I know my wounds are sewn because of who you are.." Her breathing became more relaxed. She was asleep. "So hear my voice, remind you not to bleed. I am here, Saviour will be there.."

This can't be how it ends. Why did Roxy have to do this? Why? I just started falling in love with her and she's going to leave me?! No. It won't end this way.

I took a deep breath before getting up. I straightened her a little so she was more comfortable. That was when the moniter that chartered her heartbeat and everything changed. It didn't flat line, but her heartbeat was slowing.

I ran out of the room. "Help!" A nurse stopped and looked at me funny.

"Sir, shouldn't you be in a room?" She asked me. I looked down and noticed I was bleeding through the hospital thing they put on me. I pulled out my stitches.

"No. Well, yes." I shook my head to clear it. "The girl in the room over there," I pointed to Roxys room. "Her heartbeat is slowing down. She took too many sleeping pills." Her eyes widened and she ran back to the room. She did something with the little box thingy at her side and a couple doctors came in a minute later.

"We have to take her to the OR." One doctor said.

"Do we have time?" The other asked.

"Let's hope God." The nurse responded. "How long ago did her heart start slowing?" She asked me.

"A minute before I got you." I answered. She nodded and they started getting Roxy ready to leave the room. "Is there anywhere I can go to watch and see she'll be alright?"

The first doctor gave me a look that seemed like he was going to say no. Then he smiled a little. "Nurse, will you escort this young man to the viewing area?"

"But.. that's for trainees and doctors!" The other doctor said wide eyed.

"This isn't any big surgery." The doctor replied gruffly. "There'll be no one there."

The nurse and I ran to the viewing area. The doctors arived in the OR seconds later. They started doing something, I don't know what. Then the moniter flat lined.

**Addy's POV**

My phone was ringing. A match into Water by Pierce the Veil alerted me to this fact. Instead of answering, I sang along with it. I was in no mood to talk to anyone. I just wanted to get back home and lie down.

I stepped in a puddle. My feet, now along with the rest of me, were soaked. It was raining but my dress had been keeping my feet dry.

I sighed. My phone stopped ringing and started again. This time a different song played. Saviour by Black Veil Brides. Roxy's ring tone.

I answered. "Hello?"

"Addy?!" The voice on the other side of the line wasn't Roxy's. It was male.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's CC." He said almost calmly. Great. Cause that answered my question.

"Hello?" I asked impatiently. "What's wrong?"

There was a pause. "Roxy overdosed."

I was no longer able to know what was happening around me. I was still walking. That was all I knew.

"Addy? Addy are you still there?"

"She what?" My voice sounded too quiet.

"Addy, you should get down here." CC said. "They're trying to restart her heart."

"I'll be there soon." I told him. "I'm just on-" I stared wide eyed at the car that was about to hit me.

**CC's POV**

"Guys," I ran into the room where everyone else but Ashley and Addy were in. The room Andy was supposed to be in. 4 pairs of eyes looked at me. "Roxy was moved to an OR." I told them. "Andy's in a viewing area. Let's go!"

When we walked into the room, Andy was kneeling right by the glass with his hand on the window. You could see tears trailing his cheek.

"Bro?" Jinxx asked.

Andy quickly got up and wiped his face. He gave a weak smile. "Hey." He said.

Now that he stood up, you could see blood welling through the hospital gown thing. "What's happening?" I asked.

"I.. uhh..." He seemed to be deciding if he should tell us the truth.

"Tell us." Jake told him.

"Roxy overdosed on sleeping pills." He whispered.

"She.. WHAT?!" Sammi's mouth hung open.

"Do you know why?" I asked. This was surprising. Roxy seemed so happy.

"Uhh..." He thought for a moment. "No." He's lieing.

I allowed him to get away with lieing. I think everyone else did too. "What's going on down there?" Ella, who had been silent the whole time, asked.

Andy glanced over and looked away fast. "Her heart stopped." He said.

"I'll call Addy." I said. I couldn't be in here. Not if she was going to die.

"Excuse me Nurse?" I stopped a woman in the hallway. "Is there anyway you could grab me a certain phone? She's in an OR and I need to call her friend."

"There's a payphone down the hall." She told me and went to walk away.

"You don't understand." I stepped in her way. "She won't answer to anyone but this phone."

She sighed and shook her head. "It's against policy." She told me. She motioned for me to follow her. "We're only supposed to give belongings to the patient themself or the closest family member."

"She lives with me." I offered. "Would that count?"

"Better than nothing." She opened a door. "What's her name?"

"Roxanne Andrews."

She pulled out Roxy's phone from like nowhere. "Thank you." I smiled and walked out of the room. On a hunch, I used speed dial. I was right. It rang twice before she picked up.


"Addy?!" Over excited. Calm down.

"What's wrong?" She sounded anxious.

"It's CC." I tried to make myself sound calm.

"Hello?" She sounded impatient and on edge. "What's wrong?"

I took a deep breath before answering. "Roxy overdosed." She didn't answer. "Addy? Addy are you still there?"

"She what?" She was really quiet. Like she didn't remember how to talk.

"Addy, you should get down here." I told her. "They're trying to restart her heart."

"I'll be there soon. I'm just on-" She stopped suddenly.

"Addy?" The sound of honking followed by a loud squealing sound came from the other side of the line. "Addy?!" Her not answering was started to scare me. "Addy answer me!" A siren was now coming from her side.

I heard something else. A woman. She was laughing. "Got you." She said. Then the line went dead.


So.. It seems as though I have succesfully managed to kill off both of my main characters in like 2 chapters.

Anyone wanna kill me?

Video is A Match Into Water by Pierce the Veil.

Picture is a girl walking in the rain(supposed to be Addy).

Hope you enjoyed! :D


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