Wake Up

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**Ashley's POV**

I woke up from an amazing dream where Addy and I were holding hands while walking down the beach. When I opened my eyes, I was forced to remember what was really happening. Addy was in a coma. Roxy only really talks to Andy now. Ella cries all the time and Jake tries to comfort her but he can't really. It doesn't help that he gets angry over small little things. Jinxx and Sammi stay in their room of our new house most days. CC.. I haven't seen him since Roxy woke up. I didn't see him before that either. We dragged him there.

And then there's me. I don't really leave Addy's room. I just sit here and watch her. Maybe she'll actually wake up today. I moved to the chair right beside her, I'll get breakfast later. I took a good look at her face. Her cheeks were a little sunken in, her face pale. The only colour that could really be seen on her face was the shadowing of deep purple under her eyes and the thin red lines of still healing bruises and cuts.

I dragged my hand through my hair. It felt disgusting. I haven't left Addy in the few weeks she's been in a coma and that meant I hadn't taken a shower. I felt gross but couldn't make myself leave her.

"Okay, let's see how you're doing today." I looked up to see the doctor with his clipboard. "Good morning Mr. Purdy." He nodded at me.

He walked over to the other side of the bed and checked some of the moniters. "Everything seems to be as usual.." He lifted her eyelids to check her pupils. Then he sighed. "Mr. Purdy, I know this isn't what you want to hear but.. we may have to pull the plug on her."

I shook my head. "Absolutely not." No way. I almost lost her and I can't just let her die. I left her alone. It's my fault she even went out there. "She deserves a chance."

He ran his hand through his hair. "Mr. Purdy, please try to understand this. She's depending on these machines here to keep her breathing and alive. Quite soon, she'll no longer be able to move even if she wakes up. That, and it's draining you. Your health is failing and soon you'll be here too. But you won't have any money left to pay for the doctors you'll need." He paused for a moment. "Tell me something, when was the last time you ate?"

I thought about it. "Uhh.. 2 weeks?" I didn't know. I don't think I've eaten since the crash. I don't feel the need to. "The day of the crash." I answered.

He nodded. "See? You need rest, you need to shower, and you need to eat." He put his hand on my shoulder. "Sometimes you need to know when to give up." Then he left.

I sank back into my chair beside Addy. Pull the plug? How could I? It sounds really selfish, but I need Addy. I haven't felt like.. like me in forever. And Addy made me feel like me. I don't usually try so hard for someone.

I leaned my head on her arm. I was debating on taking a nap in this position when the bed moved. I froze.

"Mmmn.." I looked up. Addy's arm moved a little bit and her face was doing the cute scrunching up thing when she woke up.

"Doctor!" I ran to the door. I saw a Nurse walking past and stopped her. "Miss, do you know where the doctor for this woman is?"

Thankfully she knew. I ran down the hall as fast as I can and burst into the room. A young girl, no older than 10, was in the bed.

The doctor gave me a sad look. "Dad was abusive." He explained. "Killed her mother, attempted to kill her, and then killed himself. She has no one."

I wanted to say something but I couldn't. The only thing on my mind was how Addy was waking up. "I'm sorry sir, but Addy, the girl back there?" He nodded. "She's waking up!"

His face showed confusion. "Show me."

We sped walked back through the Hospital to Addy's room. When we walked in she was slowly dragging her hands up to her face. "Addy?" She froze.

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