What about Jessie?

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**Addys POV**

When I woke up in the hospital, I was a little groggy. I couldn’t figure what happened or where I was..

But then I remembered. The accident, that.. nurse or whatever the fuck she is. And then she tried to kill me in the hospital.. But Roxy stopped her. Roxy knew her. Andy knew her.

I need to talk to them both.

I remembered feeling a weight on my arm when I woke up. But when I opened my eyes, there was no one there. A couple minutes later, Ashley was in the room with a doctor. He couldn’t have looked happier. 

The doctor wanted me to wait. But that wasn’t going to happen. I wanted to go home. I don’t know where that woman went. 

Right now I’m sitting in my new bed, in our new house, with Beauty curled in a ball across the room.

CC, who had come out of his room to figure out why Roxy was shrieking, insisted on me getting rest. 

Not like I didn’t get enough of that in however long I was in a coma for.

I started laughing. My name is Adoette Coma and I was in a coma.

This shouldn’t be amusing to me. Stop laughing.

“God I’m an idiot.” I muttered.

“I was just about to say that.” I sat up fast, and immediately regretted it. There was now a large pain in my head. But I ignored it. In the corner of my room, by the window, stood Jessie.

I was about to scream for help when she walked forwards quickly. “Shhh…” She wispered. “We don’t want anyone coming in here and getting hurt now, do we?”

I crawled back to the wall. I wanted to get as far away from her as possible. “What do you want?” I asked as calmly as I could.

“Well I obviously want you dead.” She replied rolling her eyes. “But you can’t give me that one simple thing.”

“Why do you want me dead?” I asked.

“Don’t worry, you’re not the special one.” She said with a giggle. “I want you all dead.”

“But why?”

“Because you’re trespassing on my property.” She snarled. “Those men are mine and you should back off. Or else.”

Apparrently the courage fairy decided to visit and bite me in the ass because I decided to argue. “They’re not yours.” I said through clenched teeth. “They don’t even like you. I will not be threatened and I will not lose my brother.”

Her look of amusement vanished and she resembled a demon looking at it’s next meal. “I’ll make sure to kill you last.” She snarled. “That way, you can watch your friends go through various amounts of pain and grief.” And with that, she left through the window. 

I crawled over to Beauty and rubbed my face against her side, crying into her fur. What did I do?

**CCs POV**

I don’t think I could explain to anyone how I feel about Addy being okay. If she would have died.. It would have been my fault. If I hadn’t called her at that moment.. If I hadn’t told her about Roxy right then, she would have noticed the car sooner.

I stood up. I can’t keep thinking about it. The guilt has already consumed me numerous times. The scars will remind me of the times I blamed myself. But I won’t do that again. I have to be strong for Addy.

I decided to go talk to her. I stopped outside her door and was about to knock when I heard someone talking.

“I’ll make sure to kill you last.” She snarled. “That way, you can watch your friends go through various amounts of pain and grief.” 

I heard a window opening and then silence. I knocked on the door hard. “Addy?” I probably sounded completely terrified. “Addy open the door!”

I heard a shuffling of footsteps and then the unlocking of a door. She opened it slowly and wiped her eyes. “Hey CC.” She smiled weakly. “What’s up?”

“Who was that?” I demanded.

“Uhh.. Who was who?” She fiddled with her pj shirt.

“You know what I’m talking about.” I said. “Let me in and tell me who just threatened you and why.”

She sighed and opened the door. “It’s a long story.” She said shaking her head. “And we’ll need Andy and Roxy.”

I nodded and pulled out my phone, sending a quick text to them. Minutes later they came running in. 

“What’s the matter?” Roxy had a terrified look on her face.

“We need to tell him something.” Addy said.

“What uhh.. What do we need to tell him?” Andy was playing with his hair.

“About Jessie.”

Andy and Roxy looked at each other. “It’s not a good idea to tell him.” Andy stated.

“Maybe it would be better if everyone knew what was going on?” Roxy suggested. “She is after all of us.”

“She said she’ll kill us.” Addy said quietly. “Me, Roxy, Sammy, Ella. She thinks we’re trespassing on her property.”

My eyes widened. Someone was going to kill them?! “Uhmm.. Can we explain sometime today?” I asked. “Because I’m more confused then usual.”

Andy shook his head as if he didn’t want to. “Sit down. It is a really long story.”


So I have finally uploaded again ^-^

They're telling CC! Will this put him in danger, keep him safe, or make him want to leave? Tell me what you think.

And did CC mention scars? Oh no, what did CC do..

Warning: Someone will be dying soon. Someone people know and love and it may get some of you angry at me..

Video will be The Legacy just because it was the last song I listened to.

Picture is Addy, CC, Roxy, Andy and Jessie. (don't be alarmed if it's not up immediately. I have to make then post it to Tumblr.)

Hope you enjoyed! :D


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