Closer "friends"

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**Roxys POV**

Where the hell is she?!

I had arrived at 2 and she wasn't here. Neither was Beauty and the door was wide open. This wasn't the kind of thing Addy did. I was in the process of looking through Addy's room for some clue as to where she went when a knock came at the door.

"Hello.. OH MY GOD. YOU'RE ASHLEY FUCKING PURDY!!" I opened the door to find him and Addy on the doorstep.

**Addys POV**

When Roxy finally opened the door and saw Ashley here she looked like she was gonna faint. She reached her hand out to touch Ashleys bare stomach-for some reason he felt the need to take off his shirt- I swatted her hand away and he winked at her. I shook my head in disgust.

"So.... Can you grab your things?" I asked her. Her staring at us was getting annoying.

"Uhhh.. Yeah sure." She said shaking off.. whatever. "Wait.. why?"

"Because you'll be coming to live with me." Ashley said seductively.

I made sure he didn't see how drawn to that I was. I hit him. "You'll be living with all of the Black Veil Brides and their girlfriends." I said.

"Fiances." She corrected me.

"What?" She was confusing me.

"Jake proposed to Ella a little bit ago and Jinxx is getting married to Sammi in like a month." She informed me. "Andy and Juliet are long over."

"Amen to that." Ashley muttered.

"Moving on." I gave him a dirty look. "I just found out some.. Big news that requires I live with them and I am your legal guardian and best friend which means you're living with them too."

"What is the big news?" She asked me suspiciously.

"She's pregnant." Ashley said immediately.

Rozy gasped while he laughed.

"Jack ass!" I smacked him. "I'm not pregnant. CC is my brother."

Her eyes widened. "Your brother?!"

"My thoughts exactly.." I muttered. "Anyways, go get your shit so we can go."

Roxy ran to her room. A minute later she was back in the living room. "What should I bring?"

"Clothes.." Ashley said. It was pretty obvious.

She left again. Ashley and I looked at each other awkwardly.

"So.." He said. "You're uhh... Cool?"

"Uhh... Thanks." My heart was beating so hard from being alone with him. What is wrong with me?! I don't like Ashley.

"You uh wanna.. Chill sometime?" He asked awkwardly.

"Like what?" I asked. "Like a date?"

"No no." He said quickly. "Just hanging out and getting to know each other better."

"Uhhmm... I think that is a date.." I pointed out.

"It is?" He asked. "Ok then. A date."

"Uhh.. Sure.." I answered. What else was I supposed to say? I'm sorry mr hot rockstar. I can't go out with you because I have some weird attraction to you that I don't want. Yeah.. That wouldn't lead to questions and hurt.

"Can I um.. Do something?" He asked. "Say yes before I tell you what it is."

"Umm.. Yes?" I didn't like where this was going...

He leaned forward and kissed me. Like really kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back. What am I doing?! My brain screamed. You don't like him! But my body reacted much much differently. The kiss deepened.

We kept kissing until a slight clearing of a throat scared us. I turned around and Roxy was standing there staring at me.

"And I thought you didn't like the band." She said with a smirk.

"Uhhmm.." I searched for something to say.

"Ready to go?" Ashley was back to himself. The brief shy and awkward guy was gone. A pity to, I found that even more attractive.


So.. That went from, "I don't like you" to "Ok, let's make out" really fast. Anyone else think a shy awkward Ashley Purdy would be even hotter than the way he is now? It just seems so cute :3

I got nothing much to say about this chapter since it's all laid out.. no hidden messages..

So, Picture is Roxy.

Video is Love Isn't Always Fair by Black Veil Brides.

Vote, Comment, Fan ;)

Hope you enjoyed! :D


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