The Choice

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**Andy's POV**

I don't know how I managed to stay still and not scream while she was in the room. How the witch managed to get a job in the hospital - probably killed someone - I wasn't sure of.

Then she finally left.

"Dude," I looked at Jake. "You ok?"

"Yeah." I said with a fake smile. "Why?"

"Because you looked like you wanted to strangle the nurse." Jinxx answered.

"Oh.. I did?" I decided to tell them. I was the only who actually knew her after all. They just knew we had a completely crazy stalker. "Well, that was because-"

I was cut off by a sudden screaming from somewhere in the hospital. I had no idea how I knew, but I did.

It was Roxy.

Despite the pain I felt and my friends trying to get me to lie back down, I left the room as fast as I could. Following the screams I found myself looking at "Nurse" Jessie with a fake look of bewilderment staring at Addy trying to calm Roxy down.

I shoved passed Jessie and went to Roxy.

"Roxy," I tried to help calm her down. All her thrashing was going to pull out her stitches. "Roxy calm down. Roxy I'm here."

Her eyes locked on mine and she started to calm down. "She.. She.."

I gave her a knowing look. "Shhh.." I hushed her. It wasn't the best idea to ruin one of Jessies games. "Not now, we'll talk later."

She nodded.

"Damn." I looked at Addy. "Mind telling me what the hell that was about?"

"Uhhmm.." Roxy looked at me.

"She was probably remembering what happened." I answered.

Addy nodded. "You know what, I might actually believe that." She said.

I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"If I couldn't tell you were both lying through your fucking teeth." She finished. "She didn't start screaming in her sleep or when she woke up. She started screaming when she," She pointed at Jessie who was visibly getting angry. "entered the room. I want the god damn truth."

"Well.." Roxy looked at me.

I looked at Jessie who glared at me. "That was the truth." I said calmly. Jessie nodded. Meaning Addy would figure out who she was at some point. And not the good way.

"What ever." She glared at all of us then went towards the door. Before she left she turned around and said, "You guys did pass. Even if it's been like, a day."

"Thank you." Roxy said. You could hear the smile in her voice.

"I don't want to hear anything more from you unless it's the truth about what just happened." And with that, she left the room.

**Ashley's POV**

I was walking through the hallways in search of Roxy's room- knowing that would be where Addy was. On my way down the hall I ran into CC.

"Dude. Where's the fire?" He asked laughing.

"Do you know where Roxy's room is?" I asked him without answering his question. "I want to see Addy."

"Kay, you were with her, what, 10 minutes ago?" He shook his head. "She's going to get annoyed. You're like a puppy." I cringed at the word "puppy" and he seemed to realise what he said. "Shit, bad choice of words. The room is just down the hall. But Addy left a couple minutes ago."

"What?" It didn't seem like Addy to just leave Roxy. Especially with how much she was freaking out when we got the calls. "Why?"

"Not sure.." He said like this was just dawning on him. God he was bad at this brother thing. "She looked like she would cry when she came running out though. Said she just wanted to go home."

"Does she know home is burnt?" I asked.

"Uhh..." He thought for a moment. "We told her the stalker bitch tried to burn down the house... I don't think we said it got quite a bit of damage though.."

"You're hopeless." I muttered shaking my head. "You should sign out a book or something on being a brother." I shouted as I ran out. She couldn't have gotten far. She's walking. Unless she hopped in a cab...

**Andy's POV**

After Addy left the room, Jessie walked over to the door and shut it tight, making sure she locked it. "Now then," She said turning around. "That was a good little display." She smiled at us. "I'm not sure about you two being able to be together though. I don't believe you passed any tests."

"But-" Roxy cut herself off when she realised she had spoken.

"But what?!" Jessie's eyes were blazing. "You will not be together. Simple. I should already just kill you. Little miss Addy isn't ready to know who I am yet." She smiled wide as she thought of something. "But maybe her 'brother' is.." She used air quotes when she said brother.

"No." I said authoritively. "You will leave him out of this. He's young and doesn't need anymore pain."

"CC?" Roxy asked confused. "He's older than you.."

Jessie's eyes flashed again. "Oh.. She's related to CC is she?" She gave a cruel laugh. "The things I could do with this.."

"Leave them out of this!" Roxy exclaimed, shock clear in her face as she registered what she did. Who she doomed.

"No no no." Jessie said waggling a finger at us. "You messed up. You almost got me caught. You also asked me to let you keep your life for a little while longer." She smiled evily. "That means someone else goes sooner. I may be nice and let you choose.."

I glared at Jessie. "You're asking us to choose who dies from the home in which we live?" I demanded.

"Nope." Jessie replied. She looked pointedly at Roxy. "Only she gets the choice."


So.. I gave a double upload because I love you :) I hope you like this.. The next chapter is pretty damn big ;)

Picture is Andy.

Video is You Only Live Once by Suicide Silence.

I hope you cunts liked it ;D


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