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"The next chapter"

"Isn't this just great, you guys?" Hoseok happily munched his meat, making Jin turn away in disgust. "Yeah I guess, not until you started eating raw meat in front of me."

"Are we seriously doing this again?" Yoongi joined, completely ofended by the older mans sentence, because he is in fact eating one right now. "We have talked about this, and we are not doing it again. This is a public space, pull your shits together!" Namjoon scolded, stabing the meat with his own fork.

"I'm just glad its chocolate cake." Taehyung murmured, giving Jimin the side eye. "I wasnt the one who chose the strawberry one, it was Jin! He planned to do so, because it will result him eating the rejected cake." Jimin revealed.

"I figured, so I told the chef to not give him any." Namjoon groaned before continuing, "turns out Jin taunted him, and he got the biggest piece in the end."

"The disrespect." I looked away, upset. "How could you?" Jungkook sighed before looking at me, "and you."

"Me-?" "You also got the other huge piece."

"I am the Queen, no one can do anything about it." I stood up, and went to my mother who was signalling me to go to her. "Be right back." Jungkook just watched as I left, before continuing to dig up his food. "You know.." He chewed while speaking, "I thought a honeymoon is going to happen
," Namjoon spit out his drink. "That was unnecessary-"

"turns out the guest are staying here for 2-3 days." He continued speaking nevertheless. "You could always tell them to get the hell out of your castle, now that you're the king." Taehyung suggested, making Hoseok speak up.

"Dont give him ideas."


"Mom?" I spoke, baiting her attention.

"Maddison this is Carla." She smiled at the girl and looked back at me. "She's from the states —or atleast at the moment—, it is where your father used to stay in. She surveys around places, trying to find lost hybrids or anything not human."

"Lost in earth..?" I asked slowly, trying to take the information in. "Yes." Carla herself relplied to me. "I am a cat, and cat hybrids like me go around places in search for lost creatures like us, thats what we do." She sighed, looking down.

"As much as I want to tell you more about it, your mom summoned me here for I have something important to inform to you, your highness." She bowed, "care to join me outside?"

I looked at her then back to my mom, confused. "S-sure..but do make sure to tell the boys that I am out for a while mom, especially Jungkook." I asked my mother and she nodded. "Of course, now go."


"What?!" I shrieked.

"We have already predicted this happening, and now its here." She said, looking away. "I-if you already know that there is a possibility that humans will soon know about these stuffs, y-you already came up with a plan beforehand right?" I gave her a pleading look. "R-right??" I repeated and she gulped. "The only solution we have is to fight..thats why I came here because you are one of the royals with astounding amount of magic.."

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