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"Where did you came from?" Entering the house, Jin was quick to question me. "Practicing my angel power, and some other stuff. I almost forgot I can actually change into a vampire princess with a spell Jungkook taught me, he can do it too, no wonder. Why didnt we figure that out earlier?" I sighed, smiling softly. Namjoon choked at my expression.

I glanced at him and heard him thinking. 'Thank god shes smiling.' "Why are you thanking god cause I'm smiling? It's not that I rarely smile."

He froze. "You- why-"

"Did you already forgot Vampires are mind readers, Namjoon? Jungkook even often read our minds to trick us. It's understandable though, I almost even forgot she can heal last time." Hoseok came with blood packets. "Yeah, but when Jungkook will think, I can automatically hear it. But when hes further away from me, I cant. I can still here him with long distances though. But sometimes cant. For people other than Jungkook, I really need to concentrate and make eye contact. That's what he taught me. I even forgot I can control water and its temperature. I should put all these to use, I haven't been very productive and on the line ever since that happened."

"Why are you talking about this now?" Namjoon rubbed his temples. "I just remembered, when I was thinking about stuff's earlier. I forgot a tons of things because of his death."

"What's going on?" Jimin went towards us. "You're acting weird, Y/n. I..expected you to come here and start crying or breaking things, I cant blame you though. B-but what happened? Its not like I don't like it but...." He muttered under his breath. I silently watched their eyes, it was red, bags were clear to see. It might be the same as me. "Well, I did had my heart broken for maybe the 6th time now, but that doesn't mean I gave up."

They all smiled at my answer, while Hoseok gave me my blood packets.

"That's our strong princess."


Wait, where am I? I scanned the room, it was an abandoned classroom. But...why here? Why am I here in the first place?

"Hey Y/n." I turned around in a blink of an eye.


"Jungkook?" I widen my eyes and ran to hug him, more like tried to run towards him but I can't. My feet wont move at all.

"The project.." he silenty muttered.

"Right!" I answered, making myself even more confused. Wait what project again? What? Wait, what?! I dont go to school-

"Here." I gave him a folder, and he smiled.

"Lemme go fetch Taehyung and come back, kay?" He started walking away.

Wait. No, not yet-

"Are-.... are you gonna leave me again?" I asked, earning a slight gasp from him. "I would never!" He rose both of his hands.

"Why are you even saying that? I'm not gonna die." He laughed. Wait, Jungkook! Listen- I'm not talking? Wait, but I am, what?!

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