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"Day 5"

I-- what?

My heart beat accelerated as I felt something on my stomach, the feeling was.....new. I felt nervous yet excited, I dont know why i'm feeling this. The only thing I know is i'm back at the place again.

"J-jungkook?" I swallowed the lump of my throat, feeling nervous.

Today is his last appearance on my dream, I felt sad. The fact that I'm not seeing his face in maybe a month, not even in my dream, makes me wanna cry and die. Is this really suppose to happen? Is this really what future prepared for us? Cause so far, I'm not liking it. I'm just thankful the boys are still here for me, supporting, laughing, crying, and living with me.

Even though my parents are turning their back at me and not supporting me, they are here. Maybe because we have the same desires? I don't know, who knows?, all I know is we are going to bring back Jungkook no matter what happens. Cause a part of me, still believes, and is still hoping.

"Y/n," when I heard his voice, i immediately turned around, tears already welling up in my eyes.

"Jungkook," I shakily let out. "We are here now, we are trying to find you now." I sniffled. "Please wait for us."

Seeing my teary eyes, he burst out crying.

He cried, not caring about anything. He cried there, voice loud. Voice shaky. Voice trembling.

I brought both of my hands to my mouth, afraid to make any sound. Cause I know, I know I will run to him and hug him.

I can't do that, and it sucks at this point.

He is suffering, while I just watch there tearing. I want to embrace him, and tell him everything will be fine. I know he's regretting everything, I know he missed being with us, missed being alive, missed being happy, I know. But we both know, what he did was his own preference. We both know, that when time rewinds, and he was given a second chance to save himself, he'd do what he did. It's his liking, to save me.

"I miss you, and I love you." He looked at me, tears falling.

My stomach drop. I fell on my knees, sobbing hard. My tears fell at the white grains of sand, soaking them.

I hate this. I can't even look at him.

My cries worsen when I felt his hands on my shoulders, he rubbed them softly.

When he can't hold it anymore, he pulled me towards him, pulling me into his arms.

I feel good. I feel......I feel like I had everything when I am in his arms. This warmth, is not the same warmth I felt whenever its sunny, whenever I'm in front of the fireplace. It's different.

I felt his lips kiss my head, which didn't help me at all. I cried much more harder, gripping onto his shirt harshly. Never wanting to let go, his tears mixing with mine.

This was probably the first time I cried so freely. Whenever I cry, I..suck it in. I never wanted to cry so loud like other kids. I never did.

"Don't let go....don't leave me." I sobbed.


"This house is cool and shit, but I'm not having it, okay? I am sleepy!!!" Yoongi yelled.

"This house is not cool at all." Jin groaned. "Look at the kitchen, why is it so small!"

"We are staying here for one day and night! Of course I'm not going to buy a whole mansion." Taehyung growled. "Now let's go buy some clothes."

"Where can we buy clothes." Taehyung continued to whine. "In the pharmacy."

Yoongi gave him a sarcastic reply, rolling his eyes. "Of course at a clothes store, don't be too dumb."

"Why do you need clothes anyways?"

"We need a disguise, maybe a make over cause we look like....shit. We might   get caught by our old teachers, we just left without a trace." Namjoon defended, high fiving Taehyung. "Me and Jin's university teachers doesn't even care about us, so we're good--"

"Still!!!" Jimin came out of nowhere. "What about dye our hairs again? My silver hair is getting kind of boring. You're black hair is boring."

"Maybe we can, I guess. But let's wait for Y/n to wake up." Hoseok came with biscuits and juice. "Let's also practice eating human foods." He placed it on the table. "Can we wake her up now? I want to eat with Y/n." Jin sighed, but was scolded by Namjoon. "No, today is his last day with Jungkook. We should let her sleep."

"Why does she sleep every morning and wake up every night?" Yoongi continue to grumble. "We talked about this, it's not that Vampires die in the morning or getting hit by the sun--"

"They don't die?--"

"Of course they don't! I mean, Y/n is still alive so. Anyways, they don't, that's just some old ass myths. I asked y'all to match with Y/ns sleeping schedules right? You're the only one sleepy here Yoongi." Namjoon kissed his teeth. "Now practice and get used to that, we're going shopping when she wakes up."

"I wonder what Jungkooks gonna tell her, I mean, our list is done. It seems, organized and finished." Jimin looked at the notebook. "Shes crying while she sleep, now I'm curious."


I opened my eyes.

A tear rolled, but I'm smiling.

I woke up peacefully, without the boys staring at me creepily. I rubbed my eyes, sitting down as I did so.

I stood up, still dizzy.

My sleep was good.

Not knowing where I'm going, I stumbled. I fell right on my butt, hitting my head hard on the wall. I groaned, laughing as well. "I'm so silly." I murmured. "I'm just so happy though."

"Hey!!! Oh God!!" Taehyung came running, still wearing his PJ's. "What ha- blood!!!" He held my head. Everyone rushed inside. "Th- bring her to the hospital!"

"Tae chill out." Jin laughed cleaning the blood. When he saw my yellow eyes, he groaned, pushing me away. "I totally forgot you can heal."

"Why won't you just sleep in your angel form, Y/n? Or human form? So that we can be like normal people." Yoongi found an excuse, just to sleep. "I can't sleep with wings, Yoongi. And if I sleep in my Human form, I'll experience a lot of pain transforming." I stood up.

"Dont tell me....."

"Yep, it's full moon." I sighed, "and I'm on my period, so no."

"So you can't transform?" Hoseok made a sad face, I chuckled. "I can, as long as Tae will give me a lot of blood packets."

"So we can still go to the salon!!" Jimin cheered, flipping his hair. "I can't wait for girls surrounding my handsome ass, they'll come swarming towards me." He smirked.

"Gross, we came here to bring Jungkook back, not have sex with random hoes." Jin glared at him. "I know I know, I just, want a little distraction, I can't help but overthink." Jimin sit in my bed. "Dont worry, we'll find him, for sure." Hoseok whispered to him. "We will start tomorrow, so let's get this thing done today, okay?"

"Yes!" We cheered in unison.


What kind of look would fit the boys here hm? Maybe mots7? Orrr maybe  we can bring back LY:HER.

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