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"Everything's packed?" Jin reminded, rummaging through his own stuffs.

"Yeah, but my new belt went missing. I dont know where it went." An annoyed Hoseok piped in, earning a chuckle from me. "How are people gonna call you 'papi' without the belt now." I joked. "I didnt mean the belt thing that you put across your chest, it's the normal belt you put on your pants. I need them, or else I'll walk with my underwear only." He continued to search across the room.

"Anyone seen the ear piece? Where did it go?" Taehyung ran. "Its right here, I packed it for you, I knew you'll forget this." Jimin threw a bag towards him, full of the new clothes Taehyung apparently bought. "Right."

"You ready?" Namjoon held my left shoulder. "Yep, just a few things to pack then I'm good. I need to put my new outfits right he-"

"That's not what I meant."

"Huh-- oh, yeah. I already drinked a few packets and packed a ton of them. Dont worr-"

"That's still incorrect."

I placed all my stuffs on the couch, and turned my full attention to him. I looked at his eyes in confusion, until it hit me. "Oh." I mumbled. He just smiled slightly. "This might take quite a while. I know you miss him and want to see him immediately, but, we need to be patient, okay? Just a reminder, I don't want you crying."

"I just......miss him. I really thought hes dead, and gave up. Now we're here in earth, searching for him." I sighed, dropping my shoulders. "I don't want to assume. I cant take it if I'll found out in the end that all of this was a lie and false hope." Before he could react, I cleared everything. "No! That's not what I meant. It's just, I cant help but overthink. I mean, the future is clearly not on our hands. We do not control it or whatsoever. We dont know what'll happen soon. I'm scared." I admitted, and he nodded in understanding.

"So am I, well, I think all of us are. We all cant help but overthink." He looked at the boys, busy walking around, packing everything they can, wearing simple hoodies and sweats.

"Taehyung had already bought a house." He stated. "Really?"

He nodded. "Where though?" I asked.

"Y/n," he started, "we cannot move forward if we dont look back to where we came from." He finished, lips curving up still.

Where we came from, where he came from.



Still on our lazy outfits, we didnt think twice in walking across the street, following the address Taehyung got.

Instead of using the car, we walked except for Yoongi who drove. Jimin suggested it will be good for our 'physical health'.

And to our luck, nobody was hurt. Nobody noticed us also. We came towards out new home, safe and sound.

As we went inside, we were tired. But we all know we have tons of work to finish. Thinking about our reunion with Jungkook made all of our worries and burdens fly outside the door. We are all excited, happy, ecstatic.

I grabbed my stuffs, placing them on the couch. We all decided to fix our bags and clothes after we go to our first 'destination'. Our bags were swarmed on the huge living room, but we couldn't care less. I just picked a random outfit, went to one of the rooms and tried if it's good.

I wore a simple white turtle neck, paired with some black mom pants and black boots, that was kinda picked by Taehyung, but dont tell anybody.  I styled my hair into a simple ponytail cause I dont know how to professionally style ny hair for God's sake. I only know how to braid, ponytail and a bun if that even counts.

Namjoon wore a white shirt with Jean's and sneakers, Jin went with a matching pink cap and shirt. Yoongi just put on some black shirt, pants and converse. Hoseok went with a simple shirt, shorts, vans, and a bucket hat. Jimin wore a sleeveless shirt underneath his sweats, leather pants, then boots. While Tae went overboard, wearing all Gucci. You can just imagine how he looks beside us all. We all look like some teens wanting to take a good walk at the park, while Taehyung look like he went straight from a private jet or a fan meeting and album signing.

Hoseok decided to drive this time and Taehyung is now in the front seat. Jin and Namjoon on the back seat, and the rest of us in the back. I'm actually surprised Yoongi even agreed in sitting in the back with me and Jimin.

"Are you nervous?" Jimin asked Yoongi, since Yoongi looked kinda tensed. "Of course, this is my hometown. Where I met that kid, and you." He said in a 'duh' tone. Jimin nodded. "I never actually planned on coming back here, since it's making me remember my moments with mom. Then Jungkook joined." He sighed. "Let's just pray hes randomly sitting in front of a shop." Yoongi closed his eyes.

"Imagine. Randomly seeing him in front of a shop." Jimin sighed again.

"I would jump out of the car and hug the shit out of him." I mumbled. "I miss him. So much. I dont know what to do with my life anymore." I held my forehead. "Its so hard to imagine a life without Jungkook. It's only been 2 or 3 weeks without him, or maybe a month now. I feel like dying. I'm dying in the inside."

"I'm just happy you guys are here, you cheer me up when I most needed it. I really dont know what I'd do. I'll probably just end my life at the back of the castle." Now, I'm pulling my hair out of frustration. "Sometimes I just stare at a distance, feeling empty and hollow...... sounds so cringey but," Yoongi silently chuckles at my last sentence, Jimin lightly smiled. "But it's just the truth." I finished off, looking up.

The car stopped in front of a huge building, looks like a school or something. I read the sign. "Orphan? An orphanage?" I got down, jumping off the huge vehicle. They both followed slowly. The boys got out of the car in sync. "Here we are." Namjoon heaved the sigh. "Jungkooks childhood."

"H-he.." My heart dropped, looking at them. "W-where is t-"

"He got found on the street, then a nun picked him up and the story goes on." Yoongi summed it up. "Hes lucky he got the chance to go to an orphanage, but still, he left for whatever reason." He smiled slightly. Me heart softens. "At least he met you." I muttered under my breath. "Let get going." Hoseok placed the car key on his pockets, power walking towards the entrance. "Hes energetic again." Jin followed behind.

We all gathered in the main entrance like a bunch of insects, all of us were excited. "Knock." A fully dressed Taehyung jumped up and down, commanding all of us. "Knock? At a gate? No thanks." Namjoon rolled his eyes at Taes words. "I'm sorry, I'm too excited." He squealed.

"Dont be." Yoongi looked away. "We're not even sure if hes here."

Taehyungs smile fell, realizing just now. "R-right."

"Oh? I'm sorry, we didn't see you there." Jin looked at his side, seeing a guy also attempting to go in. "Its fine. I see you guys are in a rush, so it's okay for me to wait." He kindly smile, bowing as he did so. "No, we can go in together." Jin insisted, and we all nodded with him.

Without breaking the gate, Namjoon manage to open it without any help from us. "What's your name?" I asked him, and he widely smiled.

"Its Yugyeom. Nice to meet you all." He smiled again, making Hoseok pipe. "Why don't you come join us later? We are going somewhere."


A new character for y'all.

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