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"Y-yugyeom I..." Namjoon decided to break the silence. "I didnt know that's what you felt..."

"Hey you, you shouldn't feel that way. None of this is your fault." Jin scolded him, and got supported by Yoongi. "Yes, hes right. You shouldn't cry over something you didnt do. I mean, we all have emotions, but dont think that it's your own mistake, cause it isn't."

"T-thank you, and I'm sorry." He silently looked down. I watched him as he teared up, making me also feel the sadness I've been trying to avoid.

"Guys, we are living. Of course there will be consequences and sacrifices here and there, it is cruel, but what can we do, right?" Namjoon took a deep breath before smiling. "Let's go?"


"Woah." Taehyung gasped when he finally climb the huge rock, seeing the beautiful sunset infront of him. The scent of the ocean was rather calming, making him sit down with Hoseok and Yoongi.

Jimin and Jin went in the water, except, Jin wasn't stepping in the water just incase, he was "watching" Jimin, making sure hes safe. Namjoon also made sure Jin stayed dry with a bunch of towel beside him, they cant risk showing Yugyeom their tails.

I sat in the ground, my head resting in the huge rock, softly smiling as I think of our memories together. "Hey." I turned around to see Yugyeom, slowly sitting beside me. He was half a meter away from me, making sure we dont touch or whatsoever. I mentally grinned. "What are you thinking about?" He curiously fiddled with his finger. "You seem.....happy."

"Jungkook." I answered without thinking twice. "I figured." He answered. "Then why ask?"

"Some people feel sad thinking about their love ones not being beside them, while you....you feel happy."

"I dont know. Is it weird?" I asked, earning a sheepish smile from him. "No, not really..." he looks away, staring at the ground. I quietly observed him, and rolled my eyes.

"If you have something to say then say it." I broke the silence. I can clearly read him without using my powers. What a kid. "Sorry, uh-..." He scratched his head, while licking his dried lips. "How d-did you two met?"

"Oh.." I thought for a second, then bursted out laughing. He looked at me confused, but later own, cracked a smile. "He can make you laugh, without doing anything too." He whispered to himself.

"It was...at school. Tae was my friend, bestfriend, kinda like that. Taehyung was like a heartthrob, girls get mad at me, I laugh at them, it was a never ending cycle. We sure are close, but he didn't bother to introduce this guy to me, Jungkook. He was quiet, a loner, nobody cared for him, and he didn't care for anyone, except Taehyung. They were actually bestfriends." I smiled.

"I met Namjoon and all that shenanigans, girls got mad at me for being friends with their 'monie' or whatever the fuck they call him." Yugyeom cackled. "Girls are like that in my school too! This girl had a crush on me, and....always go with me anywhere. She would tell me stories about girls fighting over a guy from my school. We were gossiping!" I laughed at his remark. "Who was the girl?"

"Agnes." He answered, smiling. "Shes a foreigner, a transfer student." He sighed, with a smile.

"You seem happy thinking about her."

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