The Party

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*Play song when told*

"You are so coming to the party" my family friend Ariana said on the other end of the line.

"I don't know Ari, I'm pretty busy right now" I stated while in reality I was eating ice cream and watching 'The Office' on Netflix.

"I know you don't have any plans tonight and besides you get to meet people from your new school!" She remarked.

"Ugh fine" She only convinced my because it was in fact my 10th time rewatching the show and I was at the episode where Michael left and it always left me a sobbing mess.

"Please, please, ple- wait did you say "YES"?!" Ari yelled at the end.

"Yes, pick my up in 30 and I'll be ready" I stated then started making my way to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Yayyyy okay bye bitch I'll see you later. Dress hot there are so many sexy guys at that school you might just attract one of them" Ariana said while I rolled my eyes.

I replied "Bye" before hanging up. After my shower I changed into some ripped light blue mom jeans and a black corset top. I left my light brown shoulder length natural hair down which was a little wavy and added a coat of mascara and clear lipgloss. I finished the look with stud gem earrings and a little perfume. While I looked in the mirror pleased, I turned toward my door and slipped on my white converse.

Ariana was waiting outside in her car waiting for me to come.


*Play song now*

While jamming to different songs on the ride over, she stopped in front of a humongous mansion filled with blasting music, hundreds of people, and LED lights. I wasn't much of a partier-and most of that was due to my tendency for social awkwardness and stressing over everything. Ariana got out of the car while I tried to mentally prepare myself for the night. After about 20 seconds I sighed and got out her Ariana's car. While approaching the house I could see her outfit more clearer. Her platinum blonde hair was pulled into a sleek ponytail and her silky pink dress was strapless and ended mid-thigh, finally paired with 4inch white stilettos.

As we entered the house my senses were immediately filled with alcohol, marijuana, smoke, and sweat. Ariana spoke first "Ooh I see my friends byeee" and before I could reply she left. As I was still standing in the entry I decided to find the washroom.

While roaming around I ended up in what seemed like a living room and "Bang" by AJR came on. This song instantly brought a smile to my face and I lost all my anxiety. Moving with the music I danced by myself in a room full of people and I don't care how I looked all I knew was that the music and dance consumed me.

At the end of the song a voice came from the direction of the DJ where a fairly attractive guy stood in a thin yellow turtleneck and brown well fitted trousers which paired well with his dark olive skin and short curly brown hair. "Ladies and Gentlemen, breakout party will commence in 3 minutes!" as he finished everyone broke out in cheers while I stood confused. Huh? Breakout party?

While a song that I didn't recognize came on I realized that I needed to go to the washroom. I walked around aimlessly for about 30 seconds because I didn't know where the hell I was going I asked the closest person next to me which was one of the hottest guys I've ever seen who was wearing ripped black jeans and a black t-shirt which showed some of his muscles and a few tattoo's.  He was currently smoking a cigarette and seemed like he was forced to be here. I tapped his shoulder and when he turned his face I was mesmerized. His sharp jawline paired with the world's greenest eyes ever and medium-short black hair.

He grunted and I realized he just caught me staring. Me cheeks flamed up from embarrassment. "Do you know where the washroom is?" I asked while my tone thankfully stayed steady.

As breathing out the smoke he just inhaled he said "Right down the hall."

"Thank you" I replied as I turned around to go utilize the space.

After I used the washroom and washed my hands, I opened the door only to find hundreds of people running and cheering through the halls.

As I make my way out I was suddenly pulled by someone by the arm as a masculine voice said "Thank me later" As I was hauled out of the hall.

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