A Ride to Remember

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We take Mateos dark blue Audi 4-seater. As everyone takes a seat, I turn to Zeke who's driving "Where am I gonna sit?" as soon as the words come out, everyones face goes from confused to realization. 

Suddenly I'm pulled down to a hard lap. I turn behind me to see Hunter with a smug smile. His eyes connect with mine and his smile grows even bigger. Unintentionally, so does mine. We're both staring at each other with stupid grins on our faces and me on his lap. "Let's get to the mall already." An angry voice breaks me out of my trance. 

I look back to see everyone turned to me and mainly Hunter with a furious gaze. The voice I recognize as Mateo says angrily once again "Drive, god dammit Ezekiel!" 

Zeke then turns on the ignition and grips the wheel with white knuckles. We make eye contact through the rear view mirror and I offer him a small smile to ease the burning tension. Almost immediately, his face softens and he sends a small smile back.

I glance at Mateo who's sitting beside Ezekiel in the passengers spot and see that his expression is still as hard as before. His hands are gripped onto the leather seats and I'm sure its going to leave a mark if he continues. Before I think, I lean forward and place one of my hands on top of his.

Mateo whips his head to the side and faces me. I release my hand which causes a frown from him and use both of my pointer fingers to tilt the tips of his mouth up. When he realizes what I'm doing he starts smile like a goof. I retreat my hands and stare at his pearly white teeth and bite my lip to stop the smile of my own.

Mateo brings his hand up and caresses my cheek. I close my eyes to memorize the comforting yet arousing sensation. I open my eyes when I feel Mateo's thumb glide across my upper lip, down. Pulling my bottom lip from my teeth.

His thumb gets wet from my saliva but he still continues all the way down to my chin. I gasp when I feel the wet trace.

Mateo brings the same thumb and glides it over his own lips. His lips are now glistening from my saliva and he smirks. I'm still shocked from what just happened. Mateo then glances down at my lips, I can't help but stare at his.

A low growl comes from beside me. I look over to see Liam with a livid expression and fists clenched so tight I wouldn't be surprised if he started bleeding.

Two firm hands rest on my waist and pull me back. I turn to glance at Hunter who is wearing the same expression as Liam is and send him a questioning look.

I focus back ahead to where were driving. My face is undoubtedly a dark shade of red and it doesn't help when Hunter never removed his hands. I shift my own lap a little higher so I'm not fully compressed against him but when I move one of Hunters hands wrap around my waist and another holds the upper inside of my thigh.

He pulls me back and even closer than we were before, I didn't even think that was possible. I can feel his breath on my ear when he leans in to whisper. "I would suggest you stop moving your cute ass on top of me."

I immediately stop moving and hold my breath. I feel my cheeks heat up and I curse myself in the head. I give myself a pep talk, 'You are a confident woman who isn't wet right now' I try to convince myself by repeating it in my head a few times.

I turn my face to Hunter and pretend he doesn't affect me. "Cute ass?" I scoff. "Excuse me, I have a sexy butt. My butt is sexy." I state and turn back around making sure to shift a little on his lap and relax my back against him.

I hear Hunter take in a sharp breath and lean down so only I can hear. "My apologies Miss.Mancea, please stop squirming your 'sexy butt' on my lap. I know your teasing me and it's not fun. If you continue I'll show you how bad teasing can get." Hunter says with a husky but serious tone. 

Before I could respond, he squeezes my thigh with the hand resting there and moves higher. He places both of his hands on my knees and slowly drags up while using his tongue to glide from my jaw to my exposed shoulder.

I let out an audible moan. "Be quiet if you don't want anyone to hear." Hunter tells me and gives my neck another kiss. 

His hands are now rested on the upper inside of either of my thighs. He pulls to the opposite side so my legs spread and he has more access. My brain doesn't even process whats happing, it's like my body took over.

Hunter's lips settle on one spot on my neck as he starts sucking. I tilt my head to the opposite side to give him more access. His low growl is what I know is approval. I close my eyes and try my best to muffle my moans and whimpers when his fingers start to trace small circles.

When one of his fingers are about to touch my centre, the car makes a sharp turn and I end up with half of my body on top of Liam's.

I sit back up and let sink in what just happened. I can't help but feel ashamed, they invite me in their friend group and here I am feeling things I shouldn't. I turn around to Hunter "I'm sorry. That won't happen again." I confess and wait for his reaction.

All he does is smirk and wink. He's not even looking at me, he's staring at my neck. "You should keep you hair up today." Hunter says while I turn back around.

Before I can reply, his hand already grabbed my wrist and took the 'iconic' white scrunchie off. Hunter then runs his hands through my hair and pulls it up to loosely tie. 

"We're here." Zeke's loud voice booms through the car. We all get out but no one takes a step to walk towards the mall. I look around to see everyones eyes zoom in somewhere on my neck. 

Hunter stands tall and proud of something while everyone else has their jaws and fists clenched. "What the hell?" they all shout in unison which earn a couple stares but they don't seem to notice. 

I look behind me to see what's going on but it's empty. When I turn back I'm met with Ezekiels hard chest and fierce eyes. He pulls the scrunchie that Hunter tied down and let's my hair free while placing it on his own wrist.

Zeke takes both hands to rake through my hair synchronously. He fluffs it and makes sure it stays over my shoulder.

When he's done Zeke steps to the side so I'm not blocked anymore and I see Liam and Mateo with murder in their eyes directed at Hunter who is unfazed by all of this. Knowing that none of them are violent people makes me understand that enraged would be an understatement.

"Guys what's going on?" I ask to no one in particular. I can feel my eyes water a little because I hate seeing friends fight.

'You are utterly and completely oblivious." Liam states in a soft tone. I don't really know what he means but everyone's eyes soften.

Recalling all the times people have told me that I ask "Why does everyone keep saying that?" I voice my thoughts.

In response, everyone just smiles adoringly at me and chuckles softly. I frown and my lips pout a little. "You're adorable." Mateo tells me while everyone just nods in agreement.

I giggle at the comment and a smile blooms over my face. Seeing that the group is back to normal warms my heart.

Zeke suddenly grabs my hand and starts running to the entrance of the mall. I let out a small yelp before I start laughing. I look up at Ezekiel while running to see him already looking at me. I let out a giggle which causes a bright smile to light up on his face.

Behind us I hear Mateo yell "Last one is a rotten egg." We all laugh in unison and run fast while probably looking like lunatics...

...but their my lunatics. :)


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1448 words!!!

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