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As I returned my attention back to the rest of the group Mateo spoke first "Do you go to Saint Harrington's?"

"No, I would've seen her before" Zeke said while his sexy accent was showing and a sly smile across his face

I scoff and roll my eyes at him "Umm I start on Monday, my cousin brought me here because she thought I should make friends before then"I stated.

"Oh cool where are you transferring from?" asked Mateo.

"Edgewood High" I replied. I could tell I had everyones attention so I started playing with my necklace again.

"Isn't that a public school?" Asked Zeke with a confused face.

"Yes" I elaborated my explaining "Im on full scholarship from the music department." 

"Ohhh everyone is talking about the new music prodigy joining the school. Its nice to meet you." Mateo told me. Everyones talking about me? I turned my face trying to hide my even darker blush forming on my cheeks from all the praise. "Now that explains the piano and singing from earlier." Mateo continued.

"Did you also get a scholarship for dancing?" Zeke asked with a mischievous grin.

I draw my eyebrows in confusion as I turned towards Zeke "No, why? I have two left feet." I laughed knowing that it's the truth.

"Now don't lie, I saw you earlier downstairs." Zeke said eyeing me suspiciously still with the same grin plastered in his face. "It didn't look like you had two left feet"

I am 100% sure that I am as red as a tomato. "You saw that?" I muttered mortified and buried my face in my hands.

"Beautiful, everyone saw that. You moved like a goddess." Zeke announced. 

I just burry my head deeper in my hands as I shake them. "When can I leave this room?" I muttered wishing the ground would swallow me.

"Right now" Hunter said causing my head to snap up. Before I can scream 'what?' he furthermore explains "But if someone were to catch you, you have to take a sip from everyones cup. And there are hundreds of people here." He finishes while I groan.

"Whose idea was it to have this party anyway?" I asked while Zeke pointed beside him, to Mateo. Mateo has a full smile across his face and a hand in the air pointing to himself.

"Theres not even any food" I say before an idea forms in my head. A mischievous grin plastered across my face as I put my hands together and stand up.

"I am sneaking out of here" I exclaim "anyone else in" no one says anything, they just look at me with a blank expression. "Alright thats fine, but I'm hungry so I'm going." I start looking across the room. I turn to Mateo "Since it was your idea for this party, I can only assume this is also your house?" I wait for him to respond as he nods.

I make my way over to where Hunter's sitting and look out the window. "What story are we on?" I ask Mateo as Im still looking out the window.

"Third" He replies as I nod my head. I open the window even bigger and there is no net which I'm grateful about. "No. No. No. No. No." he murmurs. 

"Alright, last call, anyone else?" they all look at me with a scared expression and a 'are you insane' look.

I put my leg and arm on the other side of the window  and look back in the room. "See you later boys." I say before I salute them with two fingers. I grab on the branch of a tree and I make my way to the balcony of they floor right under me.

From there its a short enough jump that I land. I look back up to the window I escaped from to find the group of boys huddled together looking at me. I giggle at their shocked faces and make my way down the drive way.

I feel their eyes on my back as I turn around Mateo yells "YOU'RE A BADASS" and smiles wildly.

I cup my mouth and yell back "I KNOW" I wave and turn back around and make my way to Ariana's car.

I text her 

Me: Im going home

Ari: Okkkk I drank a littleeee too much

Ari: Im going to stay with Calebbb

Who's Caleb? I don't know.

As I drive back home I smile at the memory of tonight.

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