A Barbarian

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*Pay song from start*

We all gathered the dirty dishes and made our way to the kitchen.

As soon as I heard the word 'shopping' I loudly groaned, clearly displeased.

I hate shopping, either the price is exorbitant or it just looks bad on me. I think the last time I went to a mall or proper store that wasn't a thrift shop was 2 or 3 years ago.

After a day of trying on clothes that don't feel right on me I grow depressed. I feel confident and pleased with my body, I don't want a couple of hours of walking aimlessly to tear down what I've built within myself.

Resuming to the conversations I ask "Do we have to?" In a whiny tone and slightly pouted lips and sad eyes.

"I thought girls loved shopping?" Hunter asks with curiosity.

"I'll ignore that sexist comment, and no not me." I roll my eyes then say softly and make eye contact with him. I know my eyes show sadness and that makes Hunter's eyes turn soft.

I can tell they all want to ask more questions but I'm glad they don't.

Mateo then gasps dramatically with a hand over his heart "How can you hate shopping?" he practically screams. I just shrug my shoulders in response.

"I'm seriously thinking our whole friendship." Ezekiel says in a tone that is playfully.

I decide to play along and my mouth forms into a sly smirk. "You love me too much to let me go." I tease him and we make eye contact.

No words are spoken when our eyes connect. Something flashes between them but I can't tell what it is. His face is so raw in this moment I can't help but drop my grin and softly gasp. Still keeping eye contact, he takes a step towards me. I'm in a frozen state, I can't blink, speak, move or breathe.

Mateo then breaks the tense silence "Come on Jules. You need clothes, I've never seen you in an outfit that doesn't consist of sweatpants or a hoodie."

I turn my full attention to Mateo and gasp offendedly. "They're comfy!" I try to defend myself.

Hunter then decides to announce his input "You look homeless." They all agree with nodding their heads.

I turn to look at all of them and say "Fuck you" then I walk out of the kitchen trying to find the door. Since I'm still new to the mansion, rather than getting lost I walk back to the kitchen and poke my head in to sheeply smile. "Where's the door?" I ask innocently like I didn't just cuss at them.

Zeke and Liam just shake their head and laugh while Hunter smile adoringly at me, a genuine smile that fills his whole face. Mateo has his arms crossed in front of his chest with a pout and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Before anyone can catch me, I grab my phone out of my pocket and quickly take a picture capturing this moment. Since they still haven't noticed I decide to make a risky move. I turn my body so my back is facing them and bring my phone over my head to capture a selfie. I smile like a goof when I see that I accomplished it.

I turn myself back around only to see 4 very attractive men staring at me with a disapproving look and arms crossed in front of their bodies. 'I guess I wasn't as sneaky as I thought'

"No you weren't" They all speak in unison.

"Did I say that out loud?" I ask feeling my cheeks heat up from embarrassment. I tuck my head down so I'm staring at the floor and start playing with my necklace.

I look up from my position and see all their faces soften. I take this as a chance to try and leave without anyone noticing. I slowly take a step back and bring my body back. I bring another foot back-

"Oh no you don't" I recognize the voice as Liam and know I'm caught.

Suddenly I'm thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I punch his back and wiggle my feet. I hear his beautiful laugh and feel it as it vibrates through his body to my own. He adjusts me so my face is closer to his butt and one of his hands are locked over my thighs so I cant kick him.

He starts walking and I smile from an idea. I pinch his ass and he yelps. I start laughing while he recollects himself.

He brings a hand on top of my ass is a fast motion that I almost moan. Liam that whispers so that I only hear "Be a good girl."

He keeps his hands on top of my ass as he walks down the hall and rubs in small circular motions sometimes. To say I'm wet is an understatement. I don't say or do anything for the rest of the time. I'm too focused on where his hand is placed on me.

Liam opens a door to reveal the cool air and gently puts my down. His arms are still on my shoulder and I whispered my thoughts. "I can't believe you spanked me." I whispered with red cheeks .

Liam suddenly lean down so that my face is aligned with his. I can feel his breath on my lips as he leans in even closer. Before our lips can touch, he turns so that his mouth is near my ears and says "That was barely a spanking. If you want to see and feel how its done, just ask."

He than stands to his normal height again and I take a step back to create some distance between us. My mouth is open in shock while his caries a knowing smirk. I'm 100% certain that my face is blood red but Liam has a tint of pink on his cheeks. At least I know I have some sort of affect on him.

We haven't said anything else to each other but we still remain in eye contact. Swiftly Hunter, Mateo, and Zeke all walk out the door. I break our mutual eye gaze and look at all of them. I can see anger in everyones eyes as they stare at Liam who still has that stupid but beautiful smirk on his face.

No one moves out of their position so I decided to break the ice in a clever way. "Whats the difference between a joke and three dicks?" When no one says anything but just stares at my with a confused and 'really?' look. I continue "Your mom can't take a joke!" I smile brightly and laugh at my own joke.

The guys all look at me with bewilderment before breaking into a loud fit of laughter. In between gasps of air Hunter aaks "Oh god, where did we find you?" and suddenly were all a free group of friends laughing like nothing else matters in the world.

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