Fresh Meat

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As I sit in the administrative office waiting for my class schedule, I adjust my skirt because its a little too short for my liking. Its paired with a white button up shirt and over it a red vest that has the school crescent on it and white high knee socks.

 Its paired with a white button up shirt and over it a red vest that has the school crescent on it and white high knee socks

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I've been waiting for about 20 minutes and no one has yet to acknowledge me. My leg keeps bouncing from my anxiety and my hand keeps playing with me necklace. Since Im not paying attention to anything else, I don't realize that someone has sat beside me. 

As they nudge my knee I turn to see a familiar face that I recognize as Mateo. "Glad to see your still alive" he gives me a side hug before continuing "That was really badass of you" 

I mumble a "thank you" because I'm still nervous and can't think properly.

"Hey don't be nervous I promise you're going to love it here... especially when you have me by your side" Mateo says as he rubs both my shoulders with his hands.

I hug him because I feel like I need him and his bear hugs right now. I muffle a "thank you" from his chest- which is rock solid by the way. As we pull apart I explain my thoughts "Ive been here forever and I still don't have my class list" I mutter and Mateo stands up.

He turns to me and as he buttons his blazer he says "Let me work my magic" and flashes my his famous smile that I can't get enough of. When he comes back he has a paper in his hand and I squeal "Oh my god thank you. I owe you one." 

"Nah it's okay, the first one is free." We laugh as we exit the office doors. 

"Do they give tours?" I ask Mateo while looking up at him since he's 6'2 and I'm barely 5'5.

"Not usually" he pauses then taps my nose "but you're special" I smile brightly at him while I can feel my cheeks warm up. He turns to the front hallway as he sticks out his arm and turns his face to me "Shall we m'lady?"

I laugh and put my arm in his "Oh how posh" I say using a British accent and we both laugh and I giggle.

He grabs my schedule as we make our way down the hall "First class you have english with Mrs.Peterson, and lucky you I'm also in that class then science with Mr.Roberts. Oh Liam is also in that class. Third period you have math with Mr.Zane, don't worry he's nice and Hunters also in that class. Then is lunch... fourth period is gym with all of us and you have music with Zeke. Pretty good overall." 

He looks down to smile at me and I smile back. We stop in front of a door that says Mrs.Peterson. Mateo opens the door and everyone pauses to look at the doorway. Our arms are still interlocked and I can see the shocked faces on most students.

The girls all grimace at the sight and the boys eyes rake across my body. "Just ignore them" Mateo whispers in my ear and I return a smile or gratitude.

Mrs.Peterson breaks the silence "Hello, hello, come in. You must be the new student Juliette." I nod and smile before saying "Yes"

"Alright Ill set you up to sit beside Mateo, Good morning Mr.Van Doren" She turns to Mateo as he replies.

"Good morning Mrs.Peterson" he says as we make our way to our seats. 

She begins class as I quickly zone out because she was talking about Shakespeare. Soon the school bell rings for indicating next period. Mateo says to me "I'll drop you at your next class and Liam will the next"

"Oh you guys don't have to do that, I don't want to be in your way, in any of your ways." I exclaim as my anxiety slowly kicks in. I begin to fidget with my necklace and I bite my lip.

"It's no problem" Mateo states as he makes his way down the hall for next period.

"I don't what to be a burden to any of you guys" I say with a small frown.

"And you're not gonna be because were now your best friends" He smiles at the end.

I quirk an eyebrow "And you just decided that for me?" 

He replies with a "Yup" popping the p. "Alright here you are... Mr.Roberts classroom. See you at lunch." She smiles as I laugh at his eagerness.

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