The Beginning of Fun

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*Song is just for background if wanted*

The next 2 classes go by quickly. When I reach my locker I see a sticky note attached to it. I pick it up and it reads "WARNING" In bold red. I begin to feel confused. Warning? About what?

I place the note on top of my binder and open my locker. A bunch of cue-cards come piling down on the floor beside my feet. I don't understand what's going on. I bend down to look at the notes. They all read variations of hurtful words that mainly consist of "Whore", "Slut", "attention seeker", "Gold digger", "Bitch" and many others.

I start picking them up in rapid speed all while my eyes become blurry. Once they're all in my hand, I can't help but stare at them. How can children be so cruel? I look up to see girls and boys laughing while pointing at me.

I know I'm on the verge of tears but I can't cry. They can't see me cry. I have been through enough bullies in one lifetime, I won't allow them to hurt or control me anymore.

I look to see my friends approaching. I quickly stuff the notes in my backpack and try to discreetly wipe the corners of my eyes. I know if I tell them they'll just try to help but I want to beat this battle on my own. I am not weak, I am strong.

I force myself to put on the realist smile I can muster as the most powerful men in school approach me.

As they're all conversing with each other, Mateo stops and announces "Let's go to your place to pack an overnight bag. This weekend is going to be amazing!" Mattie excitedly exclaims while jumping up and down while clapping his hands.

His natural behaviour calms me. Still not being able to form words, I just smile and nod my head. As we walk to the limo I overhear the conversation between Liam, Zeke, and Hunter.

They're currently debating whether humans are the most dangerous animals on the planet. I would say yes because they have the power to destroy you mentally and physically. While sharks can bite off your leg but they can't swim their way into someones heart or brain.

I stay silent for the rest of the ride home. As we enter my apartment building, we walk to the elevator. I punch my floor number and walk out while everyone follows me. 

I see Mrs.Keys open her door adjacent to mine and her eyes widen. "Hey Gina!" I smile and greet my next door neighbour.

"Hello Jellybean. Who are your very handsome friends?" Gina says directing her attention to the boys behind me. I try to stifle my laugh at I look at their uncomfortable faces when she emphasized 'very'.

"This is Mateo Van Doren, Ezekiel Montgomery, Liam Hawthorne, and Hunter Grayson." I present them to Mrs.Keys who's eyes widen in recognition.

"Now why do those names seem familiar?" Gina asks herself out loud trying to figure out from where.

Hunter then quickly gabs the apartment keys from my hand and opens the door to rush us in wanting to avoid any more conversation.

Once the door is locked we all break into quiet laughter. I turn around to see my dad eating cereal on the couch with Thor sleeping beside him.

"Hey dad, I'm going to sleepover at Mateo's tonight and I have detention on Sunday so you probable won't see me all weekend." I tell him.

"That's fine, I'll be working most of the time anyways. Why did you get detention?" My dad asked concerned and curious.

I'm about to answer when someone beats me to it "Sleeping beauty over here couldn't wait till nighttime to fulfill her destiny." Hunter announces while smirking. Everyone laughs while I just stand glaring at Hunter with my arms crossed in front of me.

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