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*Play Song When Told*

When Hunter and I reach my apartment I see that everyone is already here.

I take a seat in between Zeke and Liam who's still holding Thor on the couch. "So why are we going to a car race tonight?" I ask being the first to start conversation.

"You've never been?" Mateo asks while looking at me and I nod a 'no'. "Car races is you can compete or watch people compete. There is free beer and a bar if you want something stronger. The place reeks of drugs, alcohol, sex; basically every adolescent dream." Mateo finishes explaining.

I nod my head in understanding. "Are any of you competing tonight?" I ask.

Liam awkwardly scratches the back of his head "Um- we don't do it anymore."

"Why not?" I look at each person in order.

"Caused some stupid shit between us." Hunter briefly says.

I decide not to pry any further and get excited by the fact I'm going to go see a real-life car race. "What time does it start?"

"At 9pm and its barely 2pm right now." Liam inputs from my right.

A mischievous idea spreads through me and I clap my hands once to gather attention. "Not to early to pregame!" I sheepishly smile at everyone.

"You are not getting drunk before we even arrive there." Ezekiel says in a tone that I know not to argue with.

I turn my attention to Mateo and ask "Did James come home?" since Mattie was here while I was gone.

"Yeah, he came to change scrubs and stayed for half an hour." Mateo looks at the top left-hand corner of the house like he's reliving the memory.

I nod but still worry a little "Did he eat anything?" I ask while nervously playing with my necklace.

"He grabbed a granola bar." Mateo responds again and I sharply nod too bothered with worrying thoughts.

Liam then lean over to my ear and whispers "Don't worry. He's an adult and knows how to take care of himself." Liam gently states and places a hand on top of my fidgeting one to bring it down and pet Thor's head.

Knowing it's true makes my calmer. "All that talk about food made me hungry." Ezekiel says then looks over to Mateo with a bright smile.

Mateo vigorously shakes his head no to which Zeke replies in a girlish tone "Mattie make me food!" He squeal and twirls his hair while making kissy faces.

Mateo rolls his eyes and I realize I'm the only one that calls him 'Mattie'. "Is that supposed to be me?" I gasp and ask Ezekiel to which he only avoids eye contact.

"I do not sound like that!" My voice screeches and everyone starts laughing but me.

I use the pillow behind my back and whack his head which earns me a 'HEY' from Zeke.

"Okay fine. You guys watch a movie while Juliette and I cook- well I cook and Jules just sits there and looks pretty." Mateo smiles when he sees their displeased face.

I laugh and stand up "I'll just go change out of my uniform first. Hunter I think my dads clothes can fit you. One sec." I turn to my dads room and grab a pair of grey sweatpants and a black muscle t-shirt.

I return and give them to Hunter and while I go to my room to change into white sweatpants and a light blue oversized hoodie. I throw my hair into a messy bun and put on fluffy socks.

When I emerge form my room I hear Mateo say "Ah and the homeless man returns." He laughs at his own joke.

"Shut up she looks cute." Liam slaps Matties arm and I feel a blush start to form. I look down finding the floor very interesting for no reason and they all just chuckle. "See, adorable." Liam continues and I bury my blushing face in my hands and groan.

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