Chapter Fifty

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Marcus ~

Marcus kept his eyes on Axel and Caleb up ahead as the teams started the hike toward the rally point.

Caleb was in bad shape, but Hunter had handed us everything we needed from the medical bag before we asked for it as if he already knew what Caleb needed.

Marcus knew Hunter had some medical training, but he hoped it would be enough until Caleb could get to a medical facility.

Caroline was staying in step with Marcus, but he had to slow up a few times so she didn't over-do it.

"Mac you take a look at her legs?" James asked, shining his light on the back of Caroline's legs from behind.

Marcus stalled immediately and followed the trail of the light to Caroline's legs that were dripping with blood from a deep gash.

"Shit, Baby, why didn't you say anything?" Marcus asked harshly.

How long were you planning on walking with your legs injured like this? Stubborn little ass.

"We have to keep moving." Caroline said, taking a few steps out of Marcus' reach. "Caleb needs us to keep moving."

"Hunter, bring that med bag." Marcus yelled, ignoring Caroline's stubbornness.

"I'm fine Marcus," Caroline muttered.

"You're not fine and we're stopping." Marcus said firmly, taking hold of her arm to stop her forward motion.

"She okay?" Hunter asked as he dropped the medical bag next to Caroline's feet.

"Take a look at these will ya?" Marcus asked Hunter who immediately dropped to his knees to inspect the back of Caroline's legs.

"Somebody fucking cut her?" Dallas asked with disgust and anger in his voice.

"Too jagged to be a blade...must've been a..." Hunter was quickly cut off by Caroline.

"A whip." She finished his sentence for him.

Somebody tore her flesh with a fucking whip? Hunter, Declan and Pierce were right, I wouldn't have been able to handle that shit.

"Had to have glass or metal on the end." Hunter added.

"I've got another one on my back." She admitted, which set Marcus' blood on fire.

Why didn't I notice how injured she was?

"We've got to get this cleaned out. And somebody get eyes on the gash on her back." Hunter ordered.

Hands started moving from all directions as Charlie team all pitched into to help, knowing that they could get the job done faster if everyone gave her aid.

Marcus grimaced at the large gash that had soaked through her dress. The fabric was wet and sticky as it clung to her body and she hissed air through her teeth as he unzipped it and peeled it away from her torn skin.

Her cuts were matted with dirt and grime from taking cover against the dirty buildings and crawling and rolling over the dusty landscape in order to escape the compound.

This is gonna fucking hurt baby.

Steadying her weight against him, Marcus held Caroline against his chest as Hunter got the supplies he needed from the medical bag. He watched as Diesel removed his belt and handed it to Marcus who gave him a slight nod of gratitude in return.

"Bite down," Marcus said, offering the thick belt to Caroline's mouth.

She took the belt between her teeth and looked up at Marcus with the tiniest bit of fear and vulnerability in her eyes.

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