Feeling Betrayed

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You knew exactly what you were doing. That's what hurts the most.



I am feeling so lonely. No one was here. I hope that after my argue with Ryder when he called me, he will come here to solve everything but there is no sign of him. Shawn hadn't read my single text yet and not even picking my calls. If he will not even let me try to talk to him then how can I rejoin our broken relation.

If my parents are here, they will handle everything especially my dad. He is my best friend. I know I didn't told him anything about yet as he got a client and if he canceled their visit due to his client, that must be something important.

I freshened up, finished my household chores and now sitting on my dinning table eating lunch, alone. From Monday, I will be at work this time on my new office. My work is to keep record of the orders that are made by the customers. I should have join from the Friday only but Rosy told that Monday is a good day to start something new. So, I am joining from Monday, day after tomorrow.

I finished my lunch and the door bell rings. I think this could be a little time-pass but not the loneliness healer as outside the door must be someone from the building.

I opened the door and gasped at Ryder. "Ryder!" I exclaimed, somewhat not expecting him. I am happy that he is here but I am not going to show that. "Come inside." I said in a low whisper and he followed. We sat on the couch and I ignored his gaze. "I-I am sorry, baby doll." he said somewhat afraid.

"Don't baby me, Ryder and I am not accepting your apology." I said while he tried to hug me but I backed up. "Please, Eva." he said and made that puppy - eyed face which I can't resist. "Fine but this is not going to happen again." I said and a big smile covered his features. "I promise."

"You know, Ryder I was feeling so alone. Neither you nor Shawn, no one was here last night. And I was least expecting Shawn as you know what's going on but I was fully sure that you will show but you didn't. Oh, by the way, Why didn't you come?" I asked him and he thought a lot before saying, "I will tell you where I have been but first, tell me where are your parents 'cause I am really excited to meet them."

"My dad got a client at the very moment and hence, they canceled the visit." I said and a frown took my features but I continued, "Now. tell me why don't you come?" his features changed to sad ones and seems like he was struggling to tell the truth. But I want the truth anyways.

"I-I....Are you able to handle the truth?" he asked instead and I made a doubtful thought. Why is he asking that? Was he with a girl? Is he cheating on me? This can't happen. He loves me. I put the negatives aside and said, "Hmm.....Tell me. I am ready."

He gave a stressful huff before saying, "I-I was with Shawn." What? They were together when I need them. I least expected this. He continued speaking as if reading my thoughts. "I want some advice from him about you as he knows you better." I somewhat calmed at his confession but asked, "And what was that?"

He shifted a little uncomfortably on the couch and said, "Okay.....Um...Just not freak out at that." he said, rubbing the back of his neck and paused for a mere second before continuing, "I don't know how you will feel after listening to this but I want to tell you as I don't want our relationship darkening in the lies." I don't know what is coming next and so I just prayed it's not that worst that I can't handle.

"I am sure you mostly thought about my living but never asked." Was that this obvious? I thought in my mind and said, "Yeah but is this about that?" he nodded his face in a shameful 'yes' and I doubted that it's something wrong or may be illegal.

"I-I am involve with the mafias." he blurted out in a single breath and world seems to stop. What? Is he crazy or something? "I don't want to get involved but after my parents death, who were murdered to be exact, I was so furious to kill those bastards who did this and so I got involved with the mafias. I don't know who were those who killed them but I wanted the revenge. But now, I have you and I only want my life in peace as I don't want you in danger because of me." he said all so fast that it was difficult to process. I was frozen for a moment when Ryder shook me and brought me back to reality.

I was not feeling any emotion when Ryder said with a expression of guilt that, "Eva, hold yourself together as t-the w-worst is a-about to c-come." he stuttered so much while stating this and a tear escaped from my eyes. I nodded him to continue while listening carefully.

He tried to held me in his embrace but I resisted. Then he huffed but said, "I never thought that it will come out like this but it had, anyways and so now, it's better to tell you the whole." he said and tears continued to rolled down my face.

"My bosses are Jack and Jase, ones who did everything to your library just because you said them to get out. Jase don't want to do anything to you as he forgives everyone despite being the mafia but Jack, he never leaves anyone who crosses his path in a wrong way. He will not even think twice before ending your life and t-this time, he want m-me to take y-you to him as I am their manager." Oh My God! My features held a pale expression as if I had seen a ghost.

I cried hard and soon I was sobbing. This is so much to take in at once. He tried to comfort me but I said instead, "You may leave, Ryder."

"Eva." he said as he half expected this. He moved a stressed hand on his face. I did not wait for him to leave and walked inside before locking the door of my room. I laid on my bed and tears continued to rolled down from my eyes. I felt betrayed. I never expected that Ryder can do this to me. All the information came like a shock to me and I am feeling so numb right now.

I heard the door of my apartment opened and then closed. That means Ryder was gone.

I let my emotions out at all and went for a much needed shower. The warmness of the water helped in healing my emotions and I was feeling a little better by now.

The clock ticked five when someone knocked on my door. I thought it was Ryder again but when I opened the door, a smile formed on my face. I am so happy to see him back. Although, I didn't showed my happiness as I was still feeling the latter.

He came inside and we hugged. My senses felt calmed with the warmth he gave and I hugged him back. Shawn asked about my parents and I answered. He bought two tubs of my favorite ice-cream and we both sat on the couch, eating them.

He always did the right things on time. I need the ice-cream to console myself and he bought it as if knowing what is going on. "Shawn." I said as I dearly wanted to confide everything to him but he beat me to it. "What happened, Eva. You are looking so sad."

I told him everything what Ryder said and sobbed in his chest. His expressions were unchanged as if he knew it already. Ryder met him yesterday, this clicked in my mind and I let all my emotions out again. The comforting shoulder he gave me felt really needed and right at the same time.

When Shawn was ready to go but I told him to stay as I need him now as my back. I was not in the mood to ate dinner and so I went to sleep. I laid on my back but sat straight when the door of my room opened. "Shawn? I thought you are eating dinner." I said while he sat beside me.

"Um....yeah...but I was not able to swallow it as you are sleeping with an empty stomach. Please eat something, Eva. Atleast drink a coffee." he said and my heart melted. He cares for me a lot.

"Please." he said again while blinking his eyes repeatedly which I can't fought. "Okay." I said and we both chuckled a little. His presence felt right at the very moment. We both drank a coffee before returning to the bedroom.

We laid on the bed as usual and I asked, "Shawn, should I forgive him?" he knew who I am talking about and he thought a little before giving a huff, "Honestly, I don't know Eva. You need to face this because if he hadn't told you, you are going to listen that from me as I can't let you in the darkness for so long. Maybe you rejected my feelings but I cared, I cares and I will always care for you."

I should have chosen him but now, I love Ryder. He told me that he will be out from this mafia thing soon for my sake and I think I should give him the second chance. Everyone needs the second chance, anyways.

I hugged Shawn before falling in a sound sleep.

Thank you so much for reading.

Stay tuned!!!

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