Ch.1 (She's Here)

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Y/n's pov:
I've never attended Hogwarts, i was supposed to go first year with my brother but things went very wrong. For the past 4 years i've been in Azkaban, as soon as i got to Hogwarts in 1st year i was taken away. It wasn't even a big deal and since i was 11 they thought i've been there for long enough (pretend like it's a real thing), no one knows that i've been released yet or that i'll be returning to Hogwarts. I wonder how people will react, i'm actually excited to see the look on everyone's faces. So, the reason i was taken to Azkaban was because i used the Imperius Curse... i used the curse on Harry. Him and i have never gotten along very well, Harry was always the one in the spotlight and i was always pushed to the side. I don't know what came over me, like i was 11 and using curses on my brother. The thing that infuriated me the most about Harry always being the center of attention was that he's not even that good of a wizard, i've always been stronger than him but no one knows that because he's the "chosen one." My return to Hogwarts is going to be very enjoyable... for me, not sure how everyone else will feel, but i don't really care.

time skip to the first day of school

I apparate to Hogwarts because i don't want to take the train, if i took the train people would know i'm back and i want to wait until everyone is in the Great Hall so my entrance is big. I wait outside for Dumbledore to finish talking, which is taking forever, but once he is finished i push open the large doors and walk in.

I step into the hall and everyone turns and looks at me, and when i tell you they were shocked, it was actually kind of amusing. I continue walking up to the front and i walk past the Griffindor table, Harry's looking at me so i look at him out of the corner of my eye with a nasty grin on my face and keep walking.

I get to the front and sit on the chair waiting to be sorted but no ones moving, they're all still in shock, "is this going to take long, i have things to do" i blurt out and everyone starts whispering to each other. McGonagall then places the hat over top of my head, before the hat even touches my head it shouts out "SLYTHERIN" so i get up and start walking over to the Slytherin table.

As i'm walking i see a bleach blonde haired boy, a brown haired girl with an adorable scrunched up nose, a slim faced dark coloured boy and a boy with brown hair and scars on his face. I made eye contact with the boy with the scars on his face, it lasted a while, i was debating whether i should sit down or not but i kept waking. Before i broke the connection i winked at the boy and walked out of the hall and go to my dorm.

Once i got into my room i unpack all my things, and by that i mean i used a spell so i didn't have to do it. I got bored in my room after a few hours so i grabbed a few bottles of whatever alcohol i could find and went down stairs into the common room, i turned on some loud music and sat on the couch.

I had finished a full bottle of whatever and i was laying on the couch when the door opened, "jesus" i hear a boy say and i sit up and look at the door to see the people i walked past earlier.

They all walk over to the couches and i lay back down on the couch, i grab a bottle from the table and take a big sip "anyone?" i ask holding out the bottle form someone to take it, they all just stare at me. "alright then."

As i'm just about to take another sip someone grabs the bottle, it's the girl, i smile "what's your name?" i ask as she takes a big sip, "Pansy, Pansy Parkinson" "lovely to meet you Pansy, Pansy Parkinson" i say seductively making eye contact with her and her eyes widen, "and the rest of you are?" i say looking at the others, the blonde haired boy pipes up, "i'm Draco Malfoy, this is Blaise Zabini" he says gesturing to his friend "and this is Mattheo Riddle" he points to the boy, who is the only one standing up. Riddle, oh my god.

"Mattheo, why don't you sit?" i say to him and he just ignores me, "ok then, someone has an attitude" i say and he glares, i give him a taunting look and he sits down on the end of the couch i'm sitting on. "Does anyone else want a drink? Cause i'm starting to think Pansy is the only other fun person here" i say and she smiles, Blaise and Draco look at each other and both grab a bottle from the table.

We all continue talking, laughing and drinking, except for Mattheo he's just sitting there silently. "I have an idea" Blaise says, "let's go to the Astronomy Tower" he stands up, "sure" i say and we all get up and walk to to the tower, as we're stumbling our way there trying to be quiet we see someone, so we hide.

"Oh shit it's a teacher" Blaise whispers and we all look at each other, i peek my head back around the corner and the teacher is gone. "Ok guys let's go they're gone" we all tiptoe our way to the Astronomy Tower like we're fucking spy's and Mattheo follows behind looking at us like we're a bunch of fucking idiots.

We make it to the tower and we sit down on the benches, "did you see how stealth we were" Draco says proud, "you guys looked so fucking stupid" Mattheo says, this is the first time i've heard him talk. "Wait.. you talk?" i ask shocked, "yes of course i talk, you're not very smart new girl" he reply's annoyed, "well i did miss a few years of school" i laugh and so does everyone else, but him, of course.

"Guys, guys.. look at the view" Pansy says standing up on the bench and i stand up and look out the tower, the boys also get up and look out. "Wow, it's so pretty" i say and step up onto the ledge of the tower, i look down at how far the drop is "y/n be careful" Blaise says, "yea yea i'm fine" i start walking back and fourth on the ledge with my arms out to the sides of me. "Y/n get off of there" i hear Mattheo snap. Mattheo!? "No" "seriously get down" he says again standing up, "no" i say again as i continue walking.

Everyone is staring at me so i decide to have a little fun, i pretend my foot slips and act like i lost my balance, everyone moves towards me and tries to grab me. I just start laughing and they all take a big deep breath, "y/n don't do that!" "sorry guys, i'm glad you care tho. I'll remember that" i get off the ledge and onto the ground.

"Let's go we have class tomorrow" Draco says and we all slowly and carefully make our way back to the common room and pansy and i walk up to the girls dorms, our rooms are right next to each other. "Goodnight Pansy" i say walking into my room, "Goodnight Y/n" and she walks into hers.
When i get in my room i go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and hair, i walk out of the bathroom, get changed and get into bed.

I had a fun day with all of them, maybe soon we'll be friends. I've never had the chance to make any friends, i've just always done things myself, maybe this time i'll have some back up.

This was the first chapter lol

Can't Let Go: Reader x Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now