Ch. 9

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Y/n's pov:

"Hello? Hello? Are you ok?" I hear a voice that wakes me up, I open my eyes slowly and see a boy standing in front of me. "Are you ok?" "yea, I'm good" I reply, he reached out his hand to help me up, "you're Y/n Potter right?" he asks, "yea, and you are?" I ask as I stand up.

"Oh, I'm Neville Longbottom" "hey, uh, do you know what time it is?" I ask, "It's 6am" he smiles awkwardly then picks up a watering can, "what are you doing?" I ask, "oh just watering the plants, I really like plants" he says, he's adorable, for some reason I want to be his friend and that's weird because I don't really like making new friends that much.

"Do you need any help?" I ask, "no I'm ok thanks, I just have one more then I'm finished" he says bending down to water the plant I slept beside. I wait for him to finish watering the plant and we walk away, "why do you water the plants so early?" I ask, "it's peaceful outside, no ones really awake at that time" he replies.

"Why did you sleep outside? You have a room right?" he asks, "yes I do, I just didn't really want to be in my room" "is it because of Mattheo?" he asks, "what? no, wait how would you know about that?" I ask, "everyone knows about you two, it's a big deal to everyone when his father tried to kill you and Harry, then you date him" he says.

"We are not dating!" I say, "did you guys break up?" he asks, "no we were never dating" "oh sorry" he apologizes, "anyways I better get going, I have to return this stuff to the Herbology room. Nice meeting you Y/n!" he says, "yea, you too" I say and we walk separate ways.

I walk to the dorms and go into my room, I change my clothes and get into bed so I can't sleep for a little while longer. This time I'll sleep comfortably.

After napping for a few hours I grab my clothes and I get up and have a shower, after I shower and get dressed I walk back into my room and Pansy's sitting on my bed, "hey girl" she's says, "hi, what's up" "nothing much, wanna chill in the common room today?" she asks, "yea sure" I reply and we walk downstairs.

"So I saw you and Mattheo leave the school together yesterday, what did you guys do? Are you like dating?" she asks but before I could say anything Draco and Blaise sit down with us, "hello ladies" Blaise says, "hi boys" I say, "so anyways back to my question, what's going on with you guys?" Pansy asks, "ooh are you guys a thing?" Draco asks.

"No definitely not, he's an asshole that doesn't care about anyone but himself" I say, "you guys were literally acting like a couple less than a day ago, what happened?" Pansy asks, "honestly I couldn't even tell you, he just got mad at me because-" I get cut off, "Y/n, can we talk please?" I turn around, oh of course he's here right now.

"No" I say, "oh my god can someone please just tell us what's going on with you guys" Pansy snaps, "ok, tell them Riddle, tell them why we're fighting" "Y/n stop, can we please just talk alone" he says, "no we can talk in-front of them... so go ahead, talk" "can we not do this here" "why? Is that embarrassing for you?" I say.

"Can you stop being immature and talk to me alone for one minute" he raises his voice, "alright fine but give me a second" I tap Pansy and whisper what happened with us, "are you fucking kidding me" she stands up, "what the fuck is wrong with you Riddle!?" she shouts, "can someone please let us know what the bloody hell is going on" Draco stands up.

"Can I tell them?" Pansy asks, "go ahead" I lean back on the couch, "Riddle fucked Y/n and got mad at her 'cause it was her first time, then kicked her out" she says out loud, luckily we're the only ones in the common room. "Dude are you serious?" "that's messed up man" the two boys say, "Y/n can we please just discuss this privately?" "no, I don't feel like talking to you" I say getting up and walking away.

Mattheo's pov:

She gets up and walks away, "you're so fucking stupid mate?" "who does that!?" "shut the fuck up, both of you" I snap, "what did she do to deserve that?" Pansy asks, "just drop it" I say and lean back on the couch.

Y/n's pov:

I'm walking down the hall to get as far away from Mattheo as I can, a few tears fall down my face but I quickly try to wipe them away. "Hey, are you ok?" I hear someone ask, I turn my head to see Cedric, "oh yea of course, I'm fine" "no you're not, what's wrong?" he asks, "just Mattheo" I say, "I figured, what did he do?" I don't know if I should tell him or not, I think it's best if I don't tell him.

"I don't really feel like talking about it right now" "oh ok, wanna help me take these books to the library?" he asks, "sure why not" I grab some of the books from his hand and we take them to the library. When we get to the library we put the books away, as we're putting them away he gets really excited.

"I love this book" he grabs it off the shelf, "it's an amazing book, you should read it!" he says handing me the book, "ok, yea" I say with a smile, "I think you'll like it" he says, "yea, me too. I'm going to get going, thanks for the book" I say, "yea of course, thanks for helping me" he says and I walk away.

I need to start reading this book, it's a romance book, I don't normally enjoy these kind of books but this one I actually want to read. I begin reading the book as I'm walking down the hall, as I get to the common room i continue reading the book. "What do you got there?" Pansy asks and all the boys look at me, "a book" I say not lifting my head up from it, "why?" she asks.

"Come with me" I say and she gets up and follows me, we get upstairs and go into my room, "Cedric told me to read it" I say and she grabs the book out of my hands, "woah this is a romance book" "I know" I reply, "wait, do you like Cedric?" she asks, "what? No, I just saw him in the hallway" "and? what did you guys talk about?" she asks, "not much, I just helped him take books to the library"

"And he gave you a book about love" "stop, it's not like that" I say, "he likes you, you just don't want to admit it" she says, "that's not true" "Y/n you make my head hurt" "I know, but that's why you love me" I say and she rolles her eyes and laughs, "you're really lucky when it comes to guys, how?" "I'm not lucky, they're just easy" I say, "Y/n with the relationships of yours I've seen they don't look easy" she says.

"Shut up" I say and we both laugh, "I just wanted to say that I feel really bad for you, about what Mattheo did" she says, "it's ok, I'll get over it" "I know you will, but it's a shitty thing for him to do" she says, "yea, it does kinda suck" I laugh, "wait do you like anyone right now?" I ask, "I don't know, I mean maybe" "oh my god who?" "they're not in our house" she says.

"Ok? Who is it?" I ask, "um... promise you won't tell anyone" "I promise" "I'm not joking, no one can find out about this" "who am I going to tell? You?" "Hermione" she says, "like Gryffindor? Hermione Granger?" I ask, "yea..." "nice, that's cool" I say, "what? You're not going to say anything bad?" she asks "why would I?" I ask, "I don't know" she says.

"Do you want to stay here tonight?" I ask, "sure" "alright" I say, I grab clothes for both of us to wear and we both get changed and into my bed. "Thanks for being so cool about it" "yea of course, I think it's awesome, you guys would be really cute together" I say and she smiles. "Goodnight Y/n" "goodnight Pansy" I say and we both fall asleep.

Can't Let Go: Reader x Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now