Ch.2 (First Day of Classes)

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Cedric Diggory:
6th year but held back in 5th year potions, 6'2 and 17 years old.
Ok that's all i think :)

Y/n's pov:
I woke up at 6:30 feeling surprisingly not bad, so i got out of bed, grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom to shower. I showered for about 10 minutes, then i got out of the shower, dried my self off and got dressed. After i got dressed i brushed my teeth, did y/makeup routine and did my hair, then i headed down stairs for breakfast.

I walked over to the Slytherin table and sat across from Draco, Blaise and Pansy, "you guys look like shit! no offence or anything but yikes" Blaise flips me off, Draco's head falls and hits the table and Pansy's just sitting there with a blank face staring at the ceiling.

Mattheo walks over and sits next to me, "jesus you guys look terrible!" he turns to me "why do you look so much better than them, you partied the hardest last night" he says confused, "i guess i just know how to hold my liquor" i say laughing they're all still zoning out.

"Well i better get going, don't want to be late on my first day" i say getting up from the table, "i'll come with you" Mattheo says as he also gets up.

We're walking down the hall next to each other in silence for a while, "what classes do you have today?" i ask breaking the silence, "same as you" he says "how do you know what classes i have?" i ask and he doesn't say anything he just continues walking.

We get to potions class and i sit down at a table and Mattheo sits next to me, we're waiting for the class to start and Snape walks in. "I will be choosing your groups for the class, so if you were expecting to be with your friends too bad." He reads out all of the groups and my group is last, oh my god i just can't get rid of him. "Finally Ms. Potter, Mr. Riddle and... Mr. Diggory" Cedric walks over and sits next to me, so i'm sitting in between Cedric and Mattheo.

Snape gives out the instructions "begin" i get up and grab everything we need as the two boys just sit there, "are you guys going to help or am i doing this all myself." They just sit there and don't respond "alright then" i begin making the potion.

Mattheo's pov:

Y/n grabs everything we need for the project, i stay sitting there next to Cedric, ew i don't like him, i don't get why everyone likes him so much. Y/n said something but i didn't hear her so i just sat there quietly, she began making the potion and i just sat there and watched her.

After a while she finishes, she's the first person in the class done and Snape walks over to check it out. "This is very good Ms. Potter! Perfect actually, you and your group may leave." He says and y/n grabs her bag and walks out so i follow her.

Y/n's pov:

I walk out of the class and Mattheo follows me Cedric goes the other way, is he going to do this every day, and also i'm kinda pissed off that my group didn't help me out at all. "Why didn't you help me? you just sat there doing nothing the entire class!" i say to him, "i was observing" "no you were being completely useless" i snap back, "calm down y/n it's not like you needed my help anyways" he reply's beginning to raise his voice, "ok! chill out" i say calmly and he takes a step back.

"Alright since we have a while before next class you can show me around" he looks at me confused and annoyed, "sorry i meant you will show me around" i say putting extra emphasis on the will in that sentence and i start walking down the hall, "let's go we don't have all day" and he slowly jogs to catch up with me.

We walk around the school for a bit, he shows me where the courtyard is and the Quidditch pitch is and soon it's time for the rest of our classes. We walk to our next class and sit down next to each other, we have all of the same classes and we sit together in everyone.

I'm only going to write about what happens in potions class, sometimes, if i have an ideas for something interesting.

Our last class is finally finished and we start walking to the Slytherin common room, as we're walking i see Harry and his friends. He pulls my arm, "why are you back here? you should be in Azkaban" Harry says, "they thought i served enough time, you would think they're smarter than that. But i guess now that i'm back you aren't so safe... so better watch your back and your friends, don't want anything bad happening to them." i say smirking nastily. "Y/n you are making threats that i could get you expelled for!" "do it, get me expelled atleast i won't have to be around your pathetic ass for any longer" i spit. He just stands there in shock.

"Well i'm going to get going, lovely talking to you brother" i say turning to walk away, "of course you leave, you've always been so good at that" he mumbles, "what the fuck did you just say" i snap back grabbing my wand and holding it up to his neck. Mattheo grabs my hand and my waist and pulls me away from Harry, "y/n stop it not here" and he walks down the hall carrying me over his shoulder, "watch yourself Harry, i'll do a lot worse next time" i yell before Mattheo turns a corner and i can no longer see Harry.

"Riddle put me down" i shout "no" he says and keeps walking to the common room, "i swear to god Mattheo put me down" "no not until we get to the common room" he says still holding onto me tightly.

We get there, he walks in the common room and puts me down. "Why did you do that, i was handling the situation" i snap at him, "you were going to do something that could get you in a lot of trouble" he shouts back, "yea well now Harry and his friends are going to think i need you to protect me and that i can't handle myself" "obviously you can't handle yourself making stupid decisions like that, do you realize what you could've done" he stands over me looking down on me, "i know what i could've done and i don't care if i get expelled, i already missed most of school. Jesus this is not your problem so stay out of it!"

He stares at me clenching his jaw and his fist, i look at his fist knowing what he wants to do. "Hit me, i know it's what you want to do, so go ahead!" i look him dead in the eyes, "what?" he looks at me confused, "you heard me, do it! hit me." "Y/n i'm not going to hit you" he says, "why not? are you scared?" i say tilting my head, "no, of course not! i'm not scared of anything" "then do it, prove that you're not a scared little bitch" i spit "y/n stop it" "no i'm not going to stop until you do it. Do it Mattheo, come on! I dare you.." someone grabs me and takes me upstairs.

"Get the fuck off me" i look and see it's Draco and Blaise is following him, we get up the stairs and in the dorm hallway. "Draco i can walk on my own, i promise" "are you sure?" he asks "yes!" he puts me down and we walk to my room, the two boys following me so i can't go anywhere.

We get to my room and i open the door gesturing them to go in first, "no y/n you first" "fine" i walk in and sit on my bed. "Why did you do that y/n? You know who he is and who is father is, are you stupid?" Draco says, "no i'm just not afraid of him or his father!" i stand up off my bed and Draco pushes me back down. There's a knock at the door, "i'll get it" i say going to stand up, "NO!" the two boys say at the same time, "i'll get it!" Blaise says and answers the door.

"Why are you guys so loud!?" Pansy walks in the room, "because this dumbass was yelling at Mattheo, telling him to hit her" Draco says annoyed and i fake half smile. "WHAT!? are you crazy?" "i think we've already established that, now can we move on." "Y/n, that's so awesome that you would stand up to him like that"Draco and Blaise look at each other, Pansy smiles and sits next to me on my bed, "ok guys you can leave, i'll make sure she doesn't go anywhere" the boys nod and then they leave.

"I know they might think that's stupid but it's a total girl boss move and i'm here for it y/n!" we both laugh, "thanks Pans" i reply smiling, "so you sleeping in my room tonight?" "i guess i kinda have to now, the boys will probably be right outside the door all night" she says. "Yea, true."

"Anyways i'm going to get changed, do you need something to sleep in?" i ask getting my clothes from my dresser, "uh sure, if you don't mind" she says and i hand her clothes from my drawer.  "Are you good if i get changed out here or do you want me to go in the bathroom?" i ask, "you can stay out here it's fine" she smiles, "alright" i say and we both get changed, brush our teeth and get into my bed.

"Night pansy" "Goodnight y/n" and we both fall asleep.

Can't Let Go: Reader x Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now